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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. @DMagic: Not sure if this will help you or not, but while working on the latest Pathfinder release, I stumbled into how to set up waypoints: Really love using SCANSat, it's helping me drive to various anomalies on the Mun.
  2. Looks pretty cool. I like the creative use of the lift fans. I will be happy to include sample craft if people would like to build them.
  3. Got the exterior done with the exception of the animated lights, ladders, and airlocks (those will be done shortly). You can see it here with a stock cargo bay- the art style is really close.
  4. Kuzzter's Kerbals... sort of like Hogan's Heroes? Love that flying aircraft carrier too!
  5. Now that I have MOLE's SRBs done and Pathfinder 1.4.0: Gold Strike released, I'm back to work on DSEV this month. I'm almost done with the Clydesdale's exterior: I'm particularly happy with how the Clyde is turning out. I think I've nearly duplicated PorkJet's texturing technique. Unlike 2001's HAL, the @Kuzzter Instruments Three Thousand (K.I.T.T.) doesn't try to kill the crew in cryostasis. Instead, it just writes stories about them while it coasts between maneuver nodes. On the other hand, it is writing a novel about a mission to Dres, so maybe it is a bit insane...
  6. What do you mean the Prospector is stuck? Do you have resources that are full besides Ore? The lodes that you find are persistent and exhaustable. You have 20 chances to find something in any given biome or asteroid. If you find a lode, Pathfinder will set a waypoint for you. Stay within 100m of the waypoint to dig up its resources. You will need to travel 10km away from a prospect site to try to strike it rich. The Gold Digger and geology labs will tell you how much farther you need to travel before you can prospect again. And don't forget, you can change these conditions using the difficulty screen.
  7. That last panel with Gene getting ready to take off reminded me of the theme song from Pacific Rim. Go get em Gene!
  8. Say what? You need the Hooligan Labs Airships mod in addition to the Firespitter mod. Heisenberg 2.1.6 is now available. - Updated crash tolerances for the Flight Deck System (FDS) parts. - FDS Type 1 and Type 2 extension parts now have symmetry enabled. - The GondoLab's Geology Lab can participate in Pathfinder's Gold Strike mini-game. - The GondoDrill can convert Gold Strike resource lode resources from Ore.
  9. Pathfinder 1.4.0: Gold Strike is now available! Want to get rich? This release of Pathfinder introduces Gold Strike, a mini-game where you travel around the local biome and go prospecting for valuable resources. These resources are found wherever you find Ore, even if the local biome or asteroid doesn't have the resource in any abundance. If you find a lode, drill for Ore, and you can convert that Ore into the valuable resource- as long as you remain in the area, and as long as there are units of the resource remaining. Use the Gold Digger, Buffalo's geology lab, and of course the Pathfinder Geology Lab to go prospecting. Features include: - Go prospecting for ExoticMinerals, RareMetals, Karborundrum, and Aurum. If you find something, start drilling for Ore and run the drill's gold strike converter. The converter is available on the Gold Digger, the new Buffalo Drill, the Hacienda's Claimjumper, and the stock drills. - Limited chances to find a lode in a given biome that can be reset by paying a Science cost in Career/Science Sandbox mode. - If you don't find a lode, then travel a set distance before trying again. - Experienced kerbals with the Science Skill (like Scientists) can improve your prospecting chances if they go EVA and run the Gold Digger. - Geology labs staffed with those with the Science Skill also contribute to your prospecting chances. - Several configurable options found in Pathfinder's new difficulty settings screen. - Easily customize the various valuable resources that can be found- just add new GOLDSTRIKE config nodes. - New Aurum resource. New Parts - Buffalo Drill: This inline drill is about half as good as the stock radial drill. - Buffalo SAS Module: This inline SAS module is as good as the Advanced Inline Stabilizer, and it has a probe core. Bug Fixes - Fixed drilling issues with the Gold Digger. NOTE: You still need someone with the ScienceSkill to improve its efficiency.
  10. The next version of Buffalo, 1.1.0, is now available. New Parts - Buffalo Drill: This inline drill is about half as good as the stock radial drill. - Buffalo SAS Module: This inline SAS module is as good as the Advanced Inline Stabilizer. Bug Fixes & Enhancements - The Crew Cab can participate in Pathfinder's Gold Strike mini-game.
  11. Dirt is used by the OSE Workshop converter. Pathfinder's Prospector never used dirt despite what the wiki says.
  12. Thanks, that helps. I'll take a look. I think the MOH isn't supposed to have a workshop to begin with. That was relegated to the BOW. Dirt??? The prospectors never ran on Dirt, it's always been Ore. MOLE thread got taken out by the forums. SQUAD says missing forums should be restored next week. There is a KSPedia for MOLE that nobody ever reads.
  13. Do you have a screenshot? Did you scan the planet from orbit with a TERRAIN or M700?
  14. It works, love it. Iron Man happens to be my favorite superhero. I have comics going back to 1986.
  15. @Bombaatu Looks great! The BOW should be tough to launch without heavier rocketry. The MOLE thread should be back next week according to SQUAD.
  16. @Noel32 Finished the integration of the Gold Strike module with the Operations Manager: And the Bison and Buffalo geology labs are also integrated: I just need to finish Buffalo's new SAS module/probe core, and create the Buffalo Drill. Those I can do this weekend.
  17. FusionPellets, technically. Abstracted deuterium-tritium pellets from NASA's Discovery II spacecraft. Oops, my bad. That was a fun read. Glad you're having fun with the mods too. And thanks for introducing Angelo, he sounds like an interesting character. Now I just need to make some bigger wheels to fit the Bison, and finish the Buffalo Drill...
  18. I normally don't give out release dates because they go sailing on by.... That said, now that I've got the functionality working for Gold Strike, I'm finishing up the GUI. Once I get that done and a couple of new parts for the Buffalo, then I can publish the next release. For the Buffalo's Gold Strike release, I'm adding a new SAS module/probe core, and the Buffalo Drill. The drill is also part of Project Sandcastle, a project I've been slowly working towards that lets you 3D print base components on site with robots and local resources.
  19. I noticed that as well while doing some tests for Gold Strike. It is supposed to work like the stock mini drill in addition to taking core samples, except that scientists, not engineers, improve its efficiency. The Gold Digger is supposed to be statistically the same as the stock mini drill, and it looks like some parameters changed with KSP 1.2.2. Next update should has the issue sorted out. Updated its description too: Also known as the Dancing Devil, the Gold Digger digs into the crust of planets or into asteroids to obtain core samples. These samples are then analyzed to determine the accuracy of resource scans that and improve or hinder resource extraction rates for all drills in the biome. It can also serve as a mini resource drill in a pinch; when operated by a skilled scientist, you'll be able to improve its efficiency. Comes with a free case of dust wipes.
  20. Figuring out how to get the converter to work properly was... interesting... but I made some good progress: The converter's output rate is tied to the drill, so if you have a poor concentration of Ore, then your output rate of the lode will be low as well.
  21. When KSP get stuck loading, can you go into your logs and paste the section of the logs (It'll be at the bottom) where the game gets stuck?
  22. A little late to the party, but when I did Test Flight (all parts are up), I started with a script containing dialog and a general idea of what images to use. I actually flew the whole mission and took lots of screenshots before writing the story... then I laid out the panels in Photoshop and found whatever word balloons that I could find. In several cases I had to create custom ones. For the most part, the dialog on the pages is what I originally wrote. I tried using a format similar to @Kuzzter's stories because I'd never made a webcomic before and I wanted to see what it entailed. I also wrote some news articles for the minor missions, partly to see what format, webcomic or news report, I liked best. Certainly the news report format was easier for me to write. Anyway, Test Flight was a way for me to explore my mission report options. I spent so much time last year modding that I hardly had a chance to play. This year I want to change that, and do something I haven't done before: go explore Kerbin and all of its anomalies. I even designed the Heisenberg mod so I'll have an airship to explore with. The Akron is nearly ready to fly, she just needs me to finish up the Buffalo Wings mod update.
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