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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Wow, looks really cool! Thanks for sharing that, most of the time I just hear about how things don't work so it's nice to see when things do. On my end, I've finished the static set design for the Hacienda IVA. Not much to show from the last picture, but now I start making the props, which I hope will go relatively quickly. IVAs are a lot of work and right now you don't get much of a return on your investment, but with 1.1's "ant farm" view (my term), I think you'll start seeing more mods with custom IVAs.
  2. Me too, I want to use it for my MOLE mod and I'm hoping it won't be too hard to make it work with 1.1 Side note: the Release button comes from KIS. There might be a way to disable that functionality, I'll have to do some research.
  3. My understanding of stock resource converters is that they look at the last time they were used and then "catch up" when the vessel is loaded again. So if you had the vessel loaded a day ago in game time, then when you load the vessel you get a day's worth of resource conversions. That means you'd have to visit each craft to ensure deliveries and to run the processors.
  4. Sorry, I haven't done much with this mod except keep it compiled for the latest KSP. I'm holding off for 1.1 since that is going to be a major update that will likely break the mod. I think Tariser Space Telescopes is a similar concept and more up to date.
  5. An intriguing idea, but one that would require a lot of work on my part. I think there is a background processing mod already that would do most of what you want. Pathfinder would then need a transport system of some sort that runs automatically. That would be more reasonable. Since it runs automatically, that background processes mod could set up system you're looking for.
  6. The smaller base size is a good one and a good reason for me to create a disconnected logistics system, something RoverDude had to do for MKS back when KSP 1.0 was released. It's a good idea and one I'm finding that is increasingly needed for Pathfinder. It will likely be a simple distribution system that you opt into, nothing sophisticated but enough to get the job done. Just set it up and forget about it. I'm also working on a part that you can land on the surface without needing to pull it from your KIS inventory, hopefully reducing explosions when you drop a part on the ground via KIS. A third option down the road is a configurable module for the Buffalo. And a fourth option will be a redesigned Switchback that you simply drop onto the ground without the need to attach it to the Saddle. So you'll have several avenues to establish your core base with.
  7. Ok here is what I get when I plug units and densities into a spreadsheet: Metal->RocketParts, ScrapMetal Resource Density Units Mass kg Metal 0.039 0.2 0.0078 7.8 RocketParts 0.0025 1.5 0.00375 3.75 Leftover ScrapMetal 0.004 1.0125 0.00405 4.05 0 ScrapMetal->Metal Resource Density Units Mass kg ScrapMetal 0.004 9.75 0.039 39 Leftover Metal 0.039 1 0.039 39 0 MetalOre->Metal MetalOre 0.0275 0.7 0.01925 19.25 Leftover Metal 0.039 0.4935 0.019247 19.2465 0.0035 RocketParts->MaterialKits RocketParts 0.0025 1 0.0025 2.5 Leftover MaterialKits 0.001 2.5 0.0025 2.5 0 MaterialKits->RocketParts MaterialKits 0.001 3 0.003 3 Leftover RocketParts 0.0025 1.2 0.003 3 0
  8. Yeah, the MetalOre->Metal conversion has been off for a bit, as has the recycling of ScrapMetal into Metal. I'll fix those for the next release, thanks.
  9. For the DLL files, not sure. You might be able to use MonoDevelop, but honestly I use Visual Studio so I don't have experience with it.
  10. Neat plane! And fun story too. I half-expected that the recon mission would find a crashed flying saucer or something...
  11. Not much, actually. All you'd need to do is fork the repro (mine is updated to KSP 1.0.5), and keep the plugin compiled to the latest version of KSP. If there are bugs, you'd need to fix them, and of course add whatever enhancements that you feel the mod needs.
  12. Nope! That's the beauty of dirt. The resource definitions put dirt all over the solar system.
  13. Oh, I invested in Buffalo, Pathfinder, MOLE, & DSEV. The plasma screen market is doing well too... And Dirt! diversification is a good thing. Never know when your market might collapse due to a planet vanishing without a trace...
  14. This is why I invested in Dirt (because I can extract RareMetals and ExoticMinerals from them)
  15. Given how KIS is working, I'd say drop the Wheeljack down, put a small decoupler on top, then put the chassis on top of that. When you get done building, fire the small decoupler and then remove the Wheeljack and spent decoupler.
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