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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. LOL! Thanks for the testing. That last part gave me chuckles. Anyway, I will double-check to make sure that I have a collider set on the Outback. If not, that might explain why it falls through the ground.
  2. Great ideas, thanks. They sound like cool ideas, though unfortunately some cannot be done due to the way the model is designed. The attachment point on the end of the telescopic pole is one; I use an animation to extend the pole, and the game does not handle moving nodes through animation at all. For examply, try attaching parts to the doors of a cargo bay, and then open the doors. What you could do though is download zoidinfuser's Infernal Robotics model rework, which does have stacking telecopic poles. I do have plans for a solar array that makes use of the Gaslight's base unit and pole. Your suggestion of a base unit with top and bottom nodes and no pole is possible. I have found that adding a radial attachment node on the bottom of a part that also attaches to the ground causes the part to explode, so the base unit wouldn't be ground attached if it could be radially attached.
  3. Yup. Pathfinder essentially follows the stock progression of scanning for resources, with the additional step of the core samples. And thanks for the shout out, just saw that.
  4. Thanks for the questions. To understand the geology lab, it's best if I provide some context that describes how the geoscience tools in the mod work together. Currently, the stock resource detection works like this: 1) Fly the M700 Survey Scanner to the celestial body of interest and enter a polar obit. This will provide a big picture of the celestial body’s resources. 2) Land the Surface Scanning Module on the celestial body and perform an analysis of the biome to improve scanning resolution of the biome’s resources. 3) Fly the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner near the desired biome to pinpoint the highest resource concentrations in the local area. With Pathfinder, it works like this (warning, spoilers ahead. The in-game tool-tips are there to give hints, these spoilers will outright give you the answers) 1) Fly the TERRAIN Geo Scanner to the celestial body of interest and enter a polar obit. This will provide a big picture of the celestial body’s resources. Once you've completed the survey, you can initiate continuous resource monitoring (similar to how NASA conducts Earth Watch experiments) to gain Science over time. That Science will be immediately available (your Science value shown in the game's GUI will immediately be updated), though I might change it to use the stock experiment window in the future to make it more clear. Of course, since you get the TERRAIN earlier in the tech tree than the M700, the TERRAIN might break down and need fixing. It certainly will require servicing at some point to replenish its ResearchKits, which are used up while performing its continuous resource monitoring (I picture ResearchKits representing Polaroid photos that are digitally scanned and then discarded, with the scanned image being transmitted back to KSC). Instead of the TERRAIN, you could fly the M700 Survey Scanner into polar orbit once it becomes available much later in the tech tree. 2) Land a Ponderosa configured as a Pathfinder Geology Lab onto the celestial body and perform an analysis of the biome to improve scanning resolution of its resources. This is the same thing as landing the stock Surface Scanning Module onto the celestial body once that part becomes available. The important difference is that the Lab gives you a bit of Science for all the trouble of landing people and equipment on the planet to perform the analysis. Right now that Science is immediately available, though that might change to use the stock experiment window in the future to make it more clear. And just like the tiny surface scanning module, the Geology lab can show you its current location as well as the local concentration of resources. 3) Land the Gold Digger Portable Mini-Drill on the biome and take a core sample. Each core sample brings with it a chance to improve or worsen the landscape’s resource concentrations. For gameplay reasons, you’ll have a limited number of attempts to alter the landscape’s resource concentrations. If you happen to have a Geology Lab staffed with scientists in the area, the lab will improve your core sample results. For this step, think of Pathfinder as a space western, and you're a gambler. 4) Fly the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner near the desired biome to pinpoint the highest resource concentrations in the local area. In addition to the above functionality, the Geology lab is equipped with a seismometer if you have the Impact mod installed (one of the recommended mods). From the Geology Lab, you can press the button marked "Review Impact Data" to review the experiment. It will only show up if you crashed a vessel into the planet and you captured data. Hopefully that explains the purpose of the Pathfinder Geology Lab. For the Ponderosa Habitat template, right now it's just a decorative set piece for role-play reasons. It doesn't really have any useful functionality. I just checked to make sure, but the Ponderosa Habitat template does indeed have space for four kerbals. Hope that helps.
  5. Good question. RocketParts are a resource that originated from the Extraplanetary Launchpads mod and are now part of the Community Resource Pack as well. They are the standard for building spacecraft at a base or station in flight. Currently Pathfinder does not have the means to make RocketParts. You can disable the RocketPartss requirements by opening the settings window, which is done by holding down Alt and P at the same time. Or you can install Extraplanetary Launchpads and use the Smelter to make RocketParts. Hope that helps.
  6. Working on the next part. This is definitely an early look: Pretty cool NASA video I found while researching the next part:
  7. Nice picture. It sounds like there is a bug that I need to investigate. Meanwhile, next update will offer another scientific merit... And I'm delighted to provide integration with OSE Workshop. Your mod fits the vision of ISRU production of habitats perfectly.
  8. Nice pictures! What mod gives you those nice clouds?
  9. Thank you much, good to know. I have some ideas about how to remove the issue around the version number changing. It's the same technique I use to softly tie into other mods without requiring a hard dependency.
  10. As an alternative, maybe the new part module could transfer resources to the parts in the inventory. Maybe open the inventory, select a part, and then transfer resources from the vessel to the part.
  11. Glad you like it. I definitely enjoy the OSE Workshop, it's a lifesaver. Awesome picture! I'll add your credits and put it into the showcase album. Thanks! OSE Workshop is really cool. In past games, I would forget some crucial part on my ship and curse myself for figuring out after the ship reached its destination. Now I can curse myself and then promptly print one up. The link is there as a theme song, is there a policy in the community rules or add-on posting rules that says no youtube links in the readme? Maybe I'm missing something. If this is an issue then I'd like to contact a moderator and get clarification. Is there a link to do so? I've temporarily updated the readme until this is sorted but I'd like to speak with a moderator to get an official word. I saw that once during testing but couldn't reproduce it and thought it was user error on my part. If you run into the issue again, please let me know what steps you took.
  12. Get the latest here! 0.1.6: Neon Light Need a light? The Gaslight Telescopic Lamppost has you covered. Plant it in the ground (if you can run into it and move it, it’s not planted properly), extend the pole, and turn on the lights. It has a small battery built in, but for continual use, be sure to plug it into your base using its built-in KAS ports. It even serves as a short-range omnidirectional antenna- thanks for the suggestion, MeCripp, hope you like the MC-16 communications link. Don’t like the color? Are the lights too bright? You can change them in the field through the light’s right-click menu. This update supports the OSE Workshop as a new template for the Ponderosa, and adds a new MaterialKits storage template as well. OSEWorkshop lets you 3D print individual parts like hammers, the Mk1 command pod, and even another Ponderosa. If you download OSE Workshop (I recommended the mod), you’ll be able to 3D print parts if you have enough MaterialKits. In keeping with the mod's spirit of jurry-rigging what you need, you can now re-engineer the Buckboard and Outback into batteries. This is a revision to the battery template added last update. Additionally, you can now reconfigure drills to drill for different resources. You'll see this concept of jurry-rigging in other parts in the future. Finally, there are some bug fixes, infrastructure changes, and integrated standard KAS ports to help keep your base’s part count down. NOTE: Please retire your existing TERRAIN scanners (unless you're savy enough to open your save file and replace PhotoSupplies with ResearchKits). New Parts - Added the Gaslight Telescopic Lamppost. It comes with a 4-way KAS pipe junction. Saddle - Added a pair of integrated KAS pipes. Outback - If attached to a command pod that can hold crew, the Outback will have the ability to recharge its EVA Propellant. Templates - Added the Blacksmith 3D Print Shop template to the Ponderosa. This will only be available if you have OSE Workshop installed (I recommend the mod). - Added a new storage template to hold MaterialKits. - Renamed PhotoSupplies to ResearchKits, and changed the icon. - Changed the icon for the Ponderosa Habitat. - The Battery template's EC levels have been nerfed; The Outback holds 154EC, while the Buckboard holds 611EC (comparable to a stack of three Z-200 batteries). Additionally, you'll need RocketParts and an Engineer to convert the Outback/Buckboard into batteries (which of course can be turned off using the Settings window). To convert the Buckboard/Outback into a battery, right-click the part to open the action menu, and press the "Convert to battery" button. You can convert the Buckboard/Outback back into a storage container as well. Other - Created a wiki page describing how to add a template to the Ponderosa: https://github.com/Angel-125/Pathfinder/wiki/Anatomy-Of-A-Template Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue where the Buckboard would incorrectly show a ToggleAnimation button during EVA. Recommended Mods OSE Workshop: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108234-1-0-2-OSE-Workshop-MKS-KIS-Addon-%28v0-7-3-2015-06-01%29
  13. Good question. I do not have plans to add an Akademy, but Pathfinder is very flexible, so you could create a template for the Ponderosa that would add an Akademy if you have the right mod installed. I have been meaning to create a wiki page on how to create templates so I'll add that to my todo list. It is actually pretty straightforward if you look at the existing templates as examples. I'll have to include the Photoshop decal template file I use to make the decals too. Very cool. If you have a screenshot and would like it showcased on the front page, I'll be happy to upload it and credit your work.
  14. Thanks. One thing I noticed in my games is wondering what to do on a planet after the initial flags and footprints. I'm trying to answer that question with Pathfinder.
  15. Thanks, I'll definitely take you up on that. I have ideas on that ModuleScienceConverter but I need a good education on how it works.
  16. One more preview. I'm working on the needed infrastructure changes and bug fixes now...
  17. Happens to me at work all the time, especially when trying to get an iOS app to run on a decice, heh.
  18. Ok, I'll move up the priority on the lab, though of course scientists can clean one-shot experiments while on EVA.
  19. Thanks for the response. it sounds like the bins are best used with a truck, and you drive the truck up to the ship that you recycle. Is that about right? The recycling that I've done invoved flying a ship into a modified spacedock so I guess for ground ops it would be similar.
  20. Glad you like it. Prospecting is a work in progress, but it goes like this: Send a TERRAIN satellite to polar orbit to scan the planet. Land a Ponderosa configured as a Pathfinder Geology Lab, and staff it with at least one astronaut (bonus points for staffing it with experienced Scientists). Use the Geology Lab to perform an analysis of the biome. Take a scientist out for a stroll with a Gold Digger drill (rovers work just fine for this). Use the drill to take core samples. If you get a good result, you can improve your resource extraction rates for all your drills in the biome. If you get bad results, you could get worse extraction rates. Hope that helps. And thank you for the suggestion, I do have plans to add an inflatable science lab. It will take awhile though, there's a lot on my todo list, heh.
  21. Is it possible to recycle a ship that lands within an area defined by the stakes? Thus far I haven't figured out how.
  22. I use KAS pipes and have resources stockpiled at my base.
  23. If RubberDucky was the mod's orginator and raven took over from him, then I'd be the third person. Anyway, so far I haven't heard from raven, and DOE was just updated. I will have an update this weekend. One goal I have is to remove the hard dependency on DOE so that CactEye can benefit from it and not break when it updates.
  24. That is a beautiful screenshot! Makes me want to pull up my old .25 save and finish up KSOS. Glad you got the shuttle working in 1.0.4.
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