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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Wow, nice. I could see the Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter fly on the back of that Energia. Unless of course you are making a Buran...
  2. Sounds like the docking port is jammed. Do a google search for kerbal space program docking port does not undock. It might be that issue, and there are steps to fix it. Happens to me a lot in my current playthrough.
  3. I haven't played with the mod, what doesn't work?
  4. You got it, I'll take care of that tonight. Thanks for making such a great mod! Edit: done.
  5. Yup, just confirmed that setting the stateless parameter to true does the trick. I can now repeatedly store and retrieve mini wheels without the attachment issues. Question is though, why was setting the stateless parameter in the mini wheel's KASModuleGrab necessary? I just don't know enough about how wheels work to know...
  6. Hey RoverDude, I have been investigating a problem with the rover mini wheel where you pull it from a KAS container, use it, put it back in the container and retrieve it again. After retrieving it a second time, the part does not fit onto the back of the kerbal. I suspect that some kind of state is being stored along with the wheel and that is causing the problem. KASModuleGrab has a field called stateless and it defaults to true. For the PackRat miniwheel, the stateless variable is set to false. I am at work and cannot check right now but would setting that stateless variable to true fix the issue? I am not familiar with wheels in KSP, is there a need to save the state of the miniwheel?
  7. Ahhh now I get it... Colonel Lisa "Amazon" Kerman (ret) of the Kerbal Air Force had a distinguished career until a superior a$$hole made a pass at her that was highly inappropriate. When she refused, her boss made life difficult and she resigned her commission. She had dreams of becomming a kerbonaut that were nearly shattered by her resignation until she became one of the first commercial space pilots, flying for Kerbodyne and testing prototype hardware. One particularly nasty incident left her stranded in space without a way to get home. Sheer grit got Lisa through, and she brought the experimental K-15 orbiter home safely. Lisa's piloting skills are phenominal and just shy of the best of the best... Or so she lets people believe. She is savy enough to not rock the boat of the male centric space program, but if she ever does, Lisa could give Jeb a run for his money. Her natural personality is to be in charge, which frustrates her to be a follower while the boys are in charge. But to get ahead, Lisa knows to play ball. If she worked at it, Lisa could be a professional model, though her looks sometimes get in the way of her career. Lisa has 40 confirmed kills (the actual number is 72, but her peers didn't want to admit that). She is currently living just outside of Kirklen Federal Airfield, a local commercial spaceport. hearing the call to arms, Lisa put her hat in the ring knowing that she could be reactivated anyway... think: Ripley from Aliens meets Maverick from Top Gun quirks: cute is her kryptonite.
  8. When I do IVAs for my Multipurpose Colony Modules, I want to put a book named after this thread on a table or library. This has been a great read.
  9. No worries, I appreciate the feedback. I am close to finishing the Homestead. Multiple efficiency parts is still giving me fits though. I have a solution but it requires an update to MKS/OKS. Just need a method in MKSModule, CalculateEfficiency, to be virtual. If I can't do that then I will do a kludge. I did make a pull request. Edit oooI just noticed the change to MKS/OKS to support multiple efficiency parts. Thank you Sir!
  10. Ok, here you go, the Dragonfly craft file. Mods include the Exp Pack, DMagic Orbital Science, Near Future Electrical, Tweakscale. Infernal Robotics with zoidinfuser's reworked parts. I got rid of the KSOS parts.
  11. Ok, the MBU now has stack nodes on all four sides as well as the existing top and bottom nodes. Plus, the IMW and IMEM now have stack attachment nodes so that it all lines up in the VAB/SPH. You'll still be able to attach things via KAS... This will be available next release.
  12. Not necessarily. You could, for instance, use a fuselage section as an extender to the hub. I think NihilRex is looking for nodes on the current base unit though.
  13. I like Editor Extensions too but hm... I do want a 6-way hub with notches for docking ports. It would be another storage node. I might be able to tweak the MBM and make another orbital variant so that the current base unit and variants share the same attachment nodes. Think of the Harmony Node from ISS. Interesting idea.
  14. That would be a nice trick, but I haven't made solar panels yet and don't know how KSP would react to multiple animations on different meshes. I do need to learn, I want heat radiators... It does look nice though, Nert did a really good job with his solar panels.
  15. I will post the craft file when I get home from work. Mods include Near Future Electrical, Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System, Infernal Robotics with zoidinfuser's model reworks, DMagic Orbital Science, Tewakscale.
  16. Yup, the orbital MBU is a new part variant of the MBU. Kind of redundant with the MSM already part of the mod but I didn't want to add another part just for the Homestead. The solar panels come from Nertea's Near Future Solar- I wish it had a radiator variant as well...
  17. Quick preview of the new Homestead module. The textures are a work in progress. I got reasonably close to the render I did a couple of years ago (it's a few pages back). The code is also a WIP- there's a few bugs to iron out before I can create a new release.
  18. Having fun with the exploration pack, I made the Dragonfly. It's a tilt-fan aircraft with VTOL and hover capabilities. Originally designed as a robotic probe, I added the one-kerbal cockpit to it at the last minute. Dragonfly entering Duna's atmosphere: Skimming the ground: And doing science: Lots of fun, this exploration pack.
  19. I flew several missions over the last few days. Lots of fun! First up is KSOS-31: Consolidations. Freedom delivers the Pioneer Module to Munlab, but things don't go as planned. Link to album Next is KSOS-32: Ore And Life. Freedom delivers something for Munlab and something for Munbase Alpha. Link to album KSOS-33 is hot on the heals of 32. And it's for Science! Freedom delivers the Metal Storage Module and does some science. So does another spacecraft... Link to album Finally, here is KSOS-34: Duna or Bust! Freedom delivers the PDU to Munlab, and KSC has an exciting day at the Rusty Planet Link to album
  20. I flew several missions over the last few days. Lots of fun! First up is KSOS-31: Consolidations. Freedom delivers the Pioneer Module to Munlab, but things don't go as planned. Link to album Next is KSOS-32: Ore And Life. Freedom delivers something for Munlab and something for Munbase Alpha. Link to album KSOS-33 is hot on the heals of 32. And it's for Science! Freedom delivers the Metal Storage Module and does some science. So does another spacecraft... Link to album Finally, here is KSOS-34: Duna or Bust! Freedom delivers the PDU to Munlab, and KSC has an exciting day at the Rusty Planet Link to album That's it for a bit, I have more work to do on Multipurpose Colony Modules before I can fly more missions. Happy New Year.
  21. There is a bug I've fixed where the MCM doesn't remember what template it should be using. That'll get fixed next patch. I'm not sure about tweakscale... I don't use that mod in Multipurpose Colony Modules. I use Firespitter though, which has been updated to .90 in the release. Is your tweakscale up to date? What specifically did you see?
  22. Good feedback, thanks. I should have the IMEM issues straightened out soon. Life's been very hectic so I won't have anything until after New Years, but I'm making progress on the Homestead as well as the efficiency parts.
  23. KSOS works just fine for me with updates to its dependencies. Moar Missions! KSOS-29: Third Time's The Charm Freedom delivers Pier Two to The Rock, while Munbase Alpha tests a new prototype. Link to album KSOS-30: The Building Continues It's Kelbin's last flight as Shuttle Commander. He's in for a surprise... Link to album
  24. Moar Missions! KSOS-29: Third Time's The Charm Freedom delivers Pier Two to The Rock, while Munbase Alpha tests a new prototype. Link to album KSOS-30: The Building Continues It's Kelbin's last flight as Shuttle Commander. He's in for a surprise... Link to album
  25. KSOS-27 has flown! Freedom delivers another Outpost Commercial Space Module into orbit, while Munbase Alpha builds the remaining infrastructure it needs- and tries out a couple of Munbus landers.. Link to album
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