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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. I wonder if Grannus expands the list of planets orbiting the Sun. What happens if you define aeeloo as the last planet of the Sun?
  2. Based on the feedback, I will do what I did for Kerbal Flying Saucers and use a different method to offset position when other ships are in physics range. If that doesn’t work then the engine will “flameout” and not operate until there are no ships within physics range. For the jump gate, there are two types out of the box. One is discovered just like a Space Anomaly. When you discover a jump gate, it will be added to your list of known gates. To discover a gate, simply approach to within loading range (200 meters in the stock game). You will have the option of disabling them without disabling other space anomalies. But, if you disable Space Anomalies then the jump gate space anomalies will be removed as well. Jump gates that you discover will not be enabled by default. You will need to enable them from the Game Difficulties menu. The other gate type is one that you can build. It will be available when you unlock the Jump Tech research node. Gates that are built by you are unaffected by the Space Anomalies game setting. When you build a gate, it will be added to your network of known gates. A built jump gate will know when it is fully completed, and won’t function without all of the required pieces. In both cases, when you approach the gate, you open a screen from the gate’s Part Action Window and select a destination gate from your network of known gates. Only gates of a similar type and that are within the gate’s jump range (if it has a maximum jump range) will be displayed. After that, you maneuver your ship through the gate. If the width and height of your ship fits inside the gate’s portal radius then you will be teleported to the destination gate in a manner similar to the stock cheat function to rendezvous with another ship. If the gate requires resources to activate then you will be teleported if your ship can pay the toll. For Blueshift gates the toll is in units of Graviolium. I am considering a third type of gate that has unlimited range but it has a fixed destination. If you discover one of the gates, the other is automatically discovered as well. This type of gate is none other than a wormhole. I don’t think that it will be enabled out of the box, but rather, an extra that can be set up if desired.
  3. Chapter 5 Stonewell Aviation was almost eager to sell off their ailing Polecat Spaceworks Division to Orbital Dynamics when Sara negotiated the deal. It was expensive, but Scott needed their technology and expertise. As a bonus, the company took over Stonewell’s lease of Welcome Back Island and made it their company headquarters. Alyta also agreed to stay on as Vice President during Polecat’s merger with Orbital Dynamics- and possibly longer. They quickly got to work rebuilding the infrastructure and building out the Mk-33. Scott brought in his secret weapon, a materials scientist named Matthais M. vonKerman, a recent immigrant who did his doctorate’s thesis on large composite structures. Until Scott hired him, Matthais couldn’t find a buyer for his process since metal tanks were cheaper. He had no trouble adapting his work to the Mk-33’s fuel tanks. While Matthais worked his magic, Sara negotiated with Kerbodyne to produce a new set of KR-2200L “Velociraptor” aerospike engines. When she told them what they were for, Kerbodyne’s CEO was all too happy to produce the engines. With the deadline for KSP’s next KOTS award approaching and with Phoenix Aerospace already testing their reusable Edna launch vehicle and their K-24-derived “Firebird” space plane, the pressure was on for the team to finish the Mk-33 and perform a demonstration spaceflight. Scott looked at the Mk-33, newly named Skyranger, that was wheeled out of her hangar. Unlike the first time he saw the air frame, the spacecraft looked fully assembled, with its forward section now sporting a cockpit, a completed nose with RCS thrusters, a finished cargo bay, and the aft section filled out with wings, tails, linear aerospikes and jet engines. Scott and his copilot, veteran Astronaut Mabo Kerman- who joined the company mainly to get away from Jeb- climbed the air stairs to Skyranger’s cockpit. After the stairs got out of the way, Scott and Mabo powered up the Mk-33’s fuel cells and started her four jet engines- the same J-404 “Panther” afterburning turbofans that the Space Shuttle used. As it had done many times before, Skyranger, devoid of its cryogenic propellants used for orbital flight, taxied onto Runway B. But unlike the previous taxi tests, Skyranger was about to live up to is name… “Skyranger, you’re cleared for takeoff,” the air traffic controller in Welcome Tower radioed. “Thank you much,” Scott radioed back. Then he turned to Mabo. “Hit it.” Watching from the tower as Skyranger rolled down the runway, Sara did not like that the CEO of the company was taking the risk of piloting Skyranger’s maiden flight- even if it also represented supreme confidence in their products. “The insurance on him alone is sky high,” she said to no one in particular. She knew that Scott was very much a “hands on” kerbal, but his active involvement with things better left to lower-level employees went against the traditional CEOs that she had encountered. It was his prerogative, of course. She just did not like it. Skyranger rotated on her main landing gear and gracefully lifted into the air. Once they flew over Welcome Harbor, Scott banked left to take a trip around the island. As they flew around and tested various systems, Scott reflected on some troubling news from Sara. To speed up their timetable, they had to rent KSC’s Launchpad A for their flight tests. While their mobile launch platform, launch tower, and strongback were nearly finished, the problem was with the pad itself. Specifically, the demand for the pad. Unlike Launchpad B and C, which were dedicated to SLS, pad A was the only “universal” pad available for commercial companies. Worse, with Drax Aerospace leasing VAB 2, that left only VAB 1 for other companies to share. That meant that Orbital Dynamics and Phoenix Aerospace had to compete for time slots. And Phoenix Aerospace had won the next two available slots. “So much for ‘at cost’ leasing of KSC facilities,” Scott said in disgust. “It sounds like they got around the problem by letting companies bid for time slots while keeping the keeping the facility costs as promised,” Mabo commented. “Knowing Gene, he’ll use the extra funds to build more pads and VABs to reduce the bottleneck.” Scott scoffed and sighed, then maneuvered Skyranger so he could get a view outside the port windows. He could see the construction for the Mk-33’s launchpad beginning to take shape. Workers recently finished the taxiway and roads surrounding the pad as well as the pad’s foundation. They still had much more to do, but it was off to a good start. He just wished that it was farther along… After flying out to sea for a few kilometers, Scott turned the Skyranger around and landed back on Runway 090 before taxing the Mk-33 back into its hangar. They had more flight tests to conduct, but Skyranger’s maiden flight definitely showed that their hard work was paying off.
  4. Not easily. I'll have to look and see how KerbalRenamer works.
  5. Warp dragging is a side-effect of using FloatingOrigin.SetOutOfFrameOffset to travel at warp speed; other mods use some form of velocity change, something that I found a bit problematic, and couldn't get to work right. There's no actual warp bubble involved, just the game's physics engine reacting to the SetOutOfFrameOffset. I could add a safety feature that disables the warp engine if you're in physics range of another craft, or do what I do in Kerbal Flying Saucers and update the ship's position directly when ships are in physics range. Then again, warp dragging does make for an interesting quirk of using the warp drive... Anyway, next update, if you go to warp when other ships are nearby, the engine will take their mass into account as well.
  6. Actually, Pathfinder 1.37 is now available: - KSP 1.11 update - Add stock inventory support to several parts. KNOWN ISSUES - Stack mounting the inflatable parts isn't working with the boxed parts using stock EVA construction. You'll need to surface-attach them instead. For the most part, Pathfinder works with the new stock inventory system, but it's not perfect. The mod was built around KIS to begin with and it shows. It's also over 5 years old! I am starting to think about a successor to Pathfinder that's specifically designed for the stock inventory and EVA construction- and leverages the skills I've learned since I made the mod. It depends on my available time... But for now, the latest update is working with stock inventory.
  7. Ah ok. Well, I think I'll need a picture of what you are looking for. The S1 Warp Coil can definitely go anywhere, and you can stack them together. Are you looking for a hollow version of that part, something like the stock Structural Fuselage?
  8. Hm, well, I made the Mk2 Warp Ring surface attachable, so you should be able to add additional warp rings to your spaceplane and slide them close together. Is that more what you're looking for?
  9. Ok, found the problem with the tanks vanishing when Restock is not installed. Here is the updated release.
  10. Glad you like the mod. The Warp Tech parts are finally done, but I have to finish the jump gates (discoverable and built) and the jump engines, but Blueshift is definitely in a playable state. And one last thing for the night, courtesy of @Zarbon44:
  11. Blueshift 1.1 is now available: Resources - The resource requirements to power warp tech parts will scale upwards when traveling in interstellar space, but retain their minimum power requirements when in interplanetary or planetary space. To accomplish this, WBIWarpEngine adds two new fields: warpPowerGeneratorID: controls WBIModuleGeneratorFX when its moduleID matches this value. interstellarPowerMultiplier: Multiplies resource consumption and productions rates when going interstellar. Defaults to 10. - Added conversion from Ore to Fusion Pellets to the stock Size 2 ISRU (available if you don't have Wild Blue Tools & Far Future Technologies installed, which have their own resource chains). Warp Travel - To gradually accelerate to interstellar speed, engines now have an interstellarAccelerationCurve, which is explained below: Whenever you cross into interstellar space, or are already in interstellar space and throttled down, then this acceleration curve will be applied. The warp speed will be max warp speed * curve's speed modifier, and it is affected by how long ago you made a speed change. The first number represents the number of seconds since crossing the boundary or throttling up, and the second number is the multiplier. We don't apply this curve when going from interstellar to interplanetary space, so you'll slow down pretty quick. You can override the engine's interstellarAccelerationCurve, but this the default curve: interstellarAccelerationCurve { key = 0 0.001 key = 5 0.01 key = 7 0.1 key = 9 0.5 key = 10 1 } TIP: warp engines have a Thrust Limiter just like any other engine, and it will affect your top speed along with your throttle setting. - Changed "Auto-circularize orbit after warp" game option to "Enable circularization helper." This change enables the "Auto-circularize orbit" button in the warp engine's Part Action Window that will auto-circularize orbit the starship's orbit- but it still costs Graviolium to do so. - The "Auto-circularize orbit" button can be mapped to an action key. It will work as long as "Enable circularization helper" is enabled. - Removed the "autoCircularizationDelay" field from Settings.cfg. Far Future Technologies - Warp engines, warp cores, and gravitic generators will use Liquid Deuterium instead of Fusion Pellets when Far Future Technologies is installed. - Stand-alone fusion reactors are hidden when Far Future Technologies is installed. - S2 and S3 FTL tanks are hidden when Far Future Technologies is installed. Use the FFT tanks instead. The dedicated Graviolium tanks and the Mk2, S1 Endcap, and S2 Endcap tanks are still available. I haven't done anything to affect warp engine performance when you go Warp Dragging just yet. This was a pretty big update.
  12. I'll take a look this weekend. That's currently not on my radar. JadeOfMaar made some great plume configs awhile ago, so they should be pretty good for now unless someone would like to make some Waterfall configs and share them.
  13. @Alphathon Thanks for looking into making OSE Workshop compatible with stock inventory! I'm definitely looking forward to using that
  14. Well, Blueshift has no Bubble of Death, but I don't know what KSP will do if part of the station is outside of the frame of reference's loading range (like how you get within 200 meters of a craft and its part modules come alive).
  15. Very cool! Thanks for running these experiments. It was definitely an unintended side effect, but it makes sense. It'll be one of those undocumented features (unless until people read your post). I'll have to think about how to handle the situation where a nearby craft gets stuck in your warp field. Maybe when the warp engine calculates warp speed, it can check for nearby objects. And if found, their mass counts against you. I'd say that the savy player will need to manually match velocities before conducting warp towing, but once you do, sail away! This evening I finally got a workable acceleration curve going for when the ship hits interstellar space- and for when you're already in interstellar space. It doesn't completely eliminate the need for some fine piloting skills, but it should make things easier. Now I just need to figure out how to scale the power production on generators and such. Once that's done, it's a home stretch for the next update.
  16. Actually, that is an unexpected side effect of moving the floating point frame of reference (which makes the ship go to warp). What happens if you grab the debris/ship/kerbal/asteroid, warp around until your velocity changes, and then drop out of warp? Does said debris/ship/kerbal/asteroid stay nearby?
  17. Nope, all the FTL tanks are removed when FFT is installed. The Graviolium tanks are still around. You can stick the 1.25m fusion fuel tanks into a mk2 cargo bay. Similarly, all stand-alone Blueshift fusion reactors are removed as well.
  18. After taking a closer look at FFT's fusion parts, I decided that a straight up replacement of Fusion Pellets with Liquid Deuterium is the way to go, since the original complaint was having to manage two different resource types on the same ship. Thanks for your suggestion though!
  19. Next update, sometime this weekend, will change things so that when the circularization option is enabled, you will get a button on the PAW that will circularize your orbit for you. Without that option enabled you won’t see the PAW button. Additionally, you can map the circularization to an action group. I guess it means I have to update my infographics... I am also working on a gradual acceleration to interstellar speed and deceleration from interstellar speed, so that should help with cases where you miss that last planet in the system. As a temporary workaround, try adjusting the thrust limiter and use a low throttle setting. In terms of resource consumption, I might be able to create a throttle control for the resource converter. Strangely, ModuleGenerator has one but ModuleResourceConverter does not. But ModuleResourceConverter offers more flexibility in what I can change. Once I figure that out I can add a power curve that ramps up in interstellar space, and ramps down to minimum required levels (the current consumption rates) in planetary and interplanetary space. The last thing I am looking at is expanding the FFT patch to use the FFT fusion resources in place of Fusion Pellets- which have been around since 2015 when I made the resource for DSEV. As a rule, I no longer add patches for mods that I don’t use- especially when the people who demand such support move on and I get stuck maintaining the patches. But I am willing to make an exception here since I do use a number of @Nertea’s other mods in my own game. Glad you’re having fun with the mod. I built Blueshift to offer a variety of FTL options. Originally it was going to just be 1-2 parts per FTL mode, but I saw an opportunity to expand the options when I realized that I needed gravitic generators for the jump engines. Hence you now have a variety of warp coils and engine form factors to choose from. Blueshift is more a mashup of Star Trek and Mass Effect than anything- in the lore, warp is an extension of the flying saucer “Crazy Mode” and Graviolium powers the saucer’s gravitic drive as well. I originally tried to reduce the vessel’s mass in game but got stuck when I couldn’t adjust the resource mass without pulling all resources out of the ship. It would take a lot of hacking to make that work...
  20. For your example of Jool SOI, Blueshift does that already. When you enter a planetary SOI, your speed is reduced based on your altitude. The further out you are from the planet/moon, the faster you can go. Within interplanetary space, you have no such speed restriction. In fact, the resource consumption assumes interplanetary space. For interstellar space, trying to determine how fast you go based on distance from the nearest star can get tricky- especially when you have many stars to check like you do with GU. Every game update I'd have to check each star and figure out which is closest and then vary speed, and that would be a performance hit. The way it is now, I just need to check the vessel's parent body (ships always orbit something) and look up its SOI radius. If the celestial body has an SOI, then I look at the altitude to see if the vessel is in interstellar space or not. If the celestial body has no SOI (technically barycenters do, and they were the cause of ships slowing down light-years from nearby stars), then I know that the ship is definitely in interstellar space. Those checks are quick and easy to make. Since I know when a vessel transitions from interplanetary to interstellar and vice versa, I know when to apply the speed multiplier. For the next update, I'll add an acceleration of sorts so that you're not instantly flying along at interstellar speed. That should give players a chance to slow down if they miss their target. For the auto-circularization, I see your perspective. I'm not too worried about the steps needed to enable/disable the ability to circularize, but I can add a PAW button to manually circularize if that option is enabled.
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