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Everything posted by Doggydog

  1. Glad to hear it. I love the look of these parts more than OKS's.
  2. Yep, Hydro-lox is really efficient, Now we need some Lithium Hydrogen Florine Engines. 542 ISP, Probably the highest chemical rocket ISP recorded
  3. Its 3d Printing http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2x1ufw/were_partnering_up_with_eucl3d_to_bring_your_ksp/
  4. If im not mistaken, Somehow The part config breaks staging. Ive had it happen before with Tantares. It works, but staging goes of screen and will not work untill the messed up part is destroyed. No idea what causes it
  5. Quick Bug Report All of the 3.75 meter parts have descriptions saying they are 5 meters Everything else seems nice
  6. Sense it got Missed Teegee This is everything you asked for So Here is a Fully Stock Aerodynamically Unstable probe launcher with no Fins going straight to orbit on 1st try. Its Not Imposible to do. http://imgur.com/a/N3lwo And Forgot to add Mass/Drag indicators http://puu.sh/eG8yt/ee0ef84bea.jpg
  7. So Here is a FUlly Stock Aerodynamicly Unstable prope launcher with no Fins going straight to orbit on 1st try. Its Not Imposible to do. http://imgur.com/a/N3lwo And Forgot to add Mass/Drag indicators http://puu.sh/eG8yt/ee0ef84bea.jpg
  8. I dont think so, But the ALV can get to orbit in 6.4 Rescale with only Far.
  9. The Drag issue is being caused by the unused nodes on the cargo bays. Here is the cargo bays with the node removed.
  10. Comfirming the weirdness reichtangle had. Mine was with a Fobos, But here are the Screen shots
  11. For Those asking for the Old Polaris Pod, https://www.dropbox.com/s/vxdthg5vavhfuw8/Tantares.zip That only has the old Polaris in it
  12. At least from what ive tried, all of the KSO ports are the same as 1.25m docking ports. So they already work with the KSO parts.
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