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Everything posted by moeggz

  1. This is it men, the moment you all have been waiting for, and it will be BETA THAN EVER!!
  2. THIS IS ASWESOME! ALl other releases i was at work But I WILL BE HERE FOR THIS ONE!!!!
  3. We are the chosen ones present for the release of the beta. THE HYPE TRAIN IS GOING SUPERLUMINAL!
  4. I waaas thinking wednesday, but that tweet is worded oh so vaguely I believe, I BELIEVE IN THE HYPE!
  5. The Experience would apply to ships in space also. I was just saying that to refuel and relaunch on Kerbin, you have to get to KSC. If you landed on the other side of Kerbin for instance, you have to either recover the vehicle as is done now or find a way to get it to KSC if you want to reuse it and keep it's exp. Pairing pilots with specific ships is an awesome idea! As far as the complications go the exp. would be tied to the controlling part of a craft, and wherever it's been is on its history. So a probe core would get credit for where it goes, but the jettisoned first stage does not as it is not controllable.
  6. Yes. But then if you want to use the launchpad or runway that you landed on you must either use the ship you landed (unfueled) or recover the ship and liquidate it. You can't just park a ship and use it latter as is or refueled, which is what I'm suggesting.
  7. One of the new features that I'm really excited about is Kerbal Experience. Having the ability to know where a specific Kerbal has been is a cool way to boost immersion and attachment to our Kerbals. My idea to expand this into Kerbal Ship Experience includes two ideas: New Hangar Building While the ability to recover a spacecraft for full price is great for spaceplanes, it seems rather immersion-breaking to, after recovering a vehicle on the runway, sell it for 100% funds and then build a replica. Instead of the ship being liquidated into funds after a successful mission I propose the inclusion of a Hangar Building. After landing at and only at KSC, the player will be presented with three options when he mouses over the altimeter: 1.) Exit to Space Center, 2.) Recover the vehicle for funds. Those two already exist, the third new option I propose would be 3.) Park. The game then goes to the normal overview of KSC. But the ship you just parked is placed in the hangar. If you wish to Launch a new ship you do so from the VAB or launchpad as before, but if you wish to launch an old ship you click on the Hangar and a list of ships appears. You pick the one you want and it is loaded on the launchpad or runway fully fueled. This eliminates the absurd selling of all a reusable spacecraft's parts to just rebuild it. [*]Kerbal SHIP Experience If you right click on a ship in the hangar, it tells you the same things about the ship that are recorded for Kerbals. This is just because I think it would be fun, to not only know your Kerbal's history but also your ship's. So that's my idea. Just a suggestion, SQUAD I love your guys's work as is, I just personally think this would be cool. Anyway's I'd like to hear the communities thoughts on this. If you have a suggestion for the suggestion please let me know!
  8. My friends, they're awesome. But they're also lame Best I've gotten is an only slightly forced patient ear to my ramblings about KSP. I haven't even convinced them to try the demo, which is why I'm here on the forums; I can converse with people who share my passion for KSP
  9. Hope to see you come back soon!
  10. One flag per biome of Mun and Minmus is required. One for the other planets and exomoons, surely I'll get to all of them in one save one of these days. Screen shots for each stage transition the first time a new ship is used. Then only for cool stuff. Debreis on land stays as a memorial. And, apparently from recent experience, I have a habit of booting up KSP, realizing I need to update a mod and then closing KSP to update the mod. I then boot it up again while looking at other mods. Of course, I find one I want to try and then the process repeats.
  11. Lots of good choices from the fans here. Personally I'm with you guys and am not a huge fan of the term "funds". I had thought that I was tied between Kredits, Kerbucks, or Roots, but Kesos is great and is now my favorite and headcannon term, cuddos to you curveball anders. I'd be happy with any of those, heck even Starbucks would've been cool to my inner Battlestar Galactica fanboy. I'm just not digging funds sadly
  12. Can it be all of them? I have so many KSP lets play subscriptions I just can't choose one...
  13. As a, uh, 'Murican, I have to say yes American space companies are representative of America's space capabilities and exploration. If NASA does use SpaceX manned launchers then I think America becomes capable of manned space launches again, even though it is a private company doing the launches they are contracted to the American government and that makes it an "American" achievement. Basically what Red Iron Crown said. Now, are they indicative of the entire nation's viewpoint and goals? No. Is one guy on the internet's prejudice an accurate representation of a nation of over 300 million people? Uh.. sadly not as inaccurate as I would like to say it is. Hetalia's America is so accurate he makes me fall out of my chair laughing. I think the problem is that most of us can only afford to visit the Great White North, Mexico, and some Caribbean island nations. Basically, as citizens we think socializing with people of a different part of North America is enough exposure to varying types of thought. Really I think more of us just need to travel to other countries to get a more grounded world view. Yes 'Muricans tend to think the Moon landing means that they "won" space. And yes, their nationalism tends to think in terms of 'national' achievements instead of just achievements. Personally, I view the moon landing as a human achievement and long for the day when there isn't a "space race" but merely a cooperative effort by people of various backgrounds to explore space for science and the eventual expansion of the human civilization beyond earth. Might have strayed off topic a bit. Back to posing as a regular American.... SO YA DUDE AMERICA IS SO MUCH GREATER AT SPACE!! WHAT IS THIS ESA? IS THAT A COPYCAT OF NASA?? NASA COULD TAKE BOTH ESA AND ROSCOSMOS IN A FIGHT! CAPITALISM FREEDOM AND GMO FOODS MAKES US BETTER! Just kidding... hope you all know that lol
  14. I've returned to tell a sad tale. Jeb is dead. he was coming in for a routine landing from a munar mission and was landing in the ocean. Normally I just land the pod, but with recoverable parts I was going for the whole munar lander. I had the parachutes up, engines full throttle and was at around 12 m/s when it hit the water. The pod can survive that. I thought the ship could too but it did not and the explosion killed Jeb. So now I join the majority of us "Ironman" players with a Jeb-less save. I've replaced him with Ribvey, the first kerbalnaut I rescued because Jeb was his savior, and mentor in my headcannon. There is a nice memorial for him on the mun. Now we see how long Bill and Bob last.... It's definitely a new experience for me. While I was sad to see Jeb go, not resetting IS, as I hoped, making the game mean more to me and making me play with more planning and thought. I mean I now have the makeshift LES of two seperatrons on my pods that has saved countless kerbals, even Jeb a few times. That is way, personally for me again not saying this is how the game should be played its just the way I'm playing, more deep and entertaining, IMHO. I think I'm past withdrawal now and on into a life free of quickloading addiction.
  15. Funnily enough, I felt like a "serious" KSP player when my knowledge or real world space exploration started to grow. Like, yeah, when you start successfully doing interplanetary manned missions you are a "serious" player. But when you start learning about all currently operating space missions, agencies, and companies just for fun then you are truly a "serious" player. Because now it is no longer just a game, now it is a tutor to your interest in space exploration, much more than just a game.
  16. Man I tried, I really tried to read that. Not only are the 'theories' why space travel is impossible groundless they are also simply wrong. And written terribly. Made me chuckle tho, good find!
  17. Nicely said. The debs did this to be nice, the community responded to get a part of the game, and we as players benefit. I think Squad is being more then generous with what already occurred. And, as already said, all parties knew the specifics before going in. If they didn't like it they didn't have to submit a draft.
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