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Everything posted by moeggz

  1. 4 months in is a little early for a full release game to go on sale. I have bought other EA games. None of them went on sale before 1.0. I know some do but I think it is in bad taste.
  2. I don’t mean this personally but what the sale says to me is “yeah so everyone who returned the game waiting for it to be good gets it for cheaper. Those of you stuck with us are not appreciated and have to pay 20% more.” A sale eventually is fine, I know at some point people would buy the game for less than I did. But this early in the roadmap it seems like I just got taken advantage of. I was going to return it because of the bugs but didn’t want to hurt the funding of my most anticipated game.
  3. This is offensive. So now you’ve insulted the few that were willing to put up with this mess for months. I’m very displeased with this decision to punish early adopters with a [anti]discount /before any new features have been added/ I don’t think I have any good will remaining for these devs. I wonder if I can get a refund this late. The sales pitch was “buy now it will get more expensive later.” The truth was it would get cheaper before any discernible difference in gameplay outside of some bug fixes and optimization. edit for clarity missing word
  4. Ok I’ve been looking but haven’t found it. Reentry heat this update would get me to boot up the game again, where is it mentioned?
  5. So a few things. One a lot of subreddits are private right now, not just KSP (off topic but just a quick explanation, this is due to many subreddits and mods protesting drastic and sudden changes to the API) And while yes the Reddit has generally been more negative than the forums in regards to KSP2, no people do not get called “shills” just for enjoying KSP2 (at least commonly.) I love Kerbal Space Program. KSP2 is not in an acceptable state right now. The devs all seem like fine people. I’m not going to act like I have inside knowledge and play the blame game. Exactly what percentage is who’s fault doesn’t really matter right now, the game is a mess. There are some really cool and amazing parts of the game showing it’s a work of love (redesigned planets that still feel Kerbal, music/sound effects, procedural wings, etc) and some really puzzling bugs given the long development time. People attacking and harassing is not ok. But negative feedback is not tearing the community apart. Negative feedback is as important as positive feedback. Without negative feedback, we’d still be reading non informative dev updates because it took negative feedback to convince the devs to change communication strategies to the more open communication style we have now that I think most prefer And if we keep at it with constructive criticism, we might just get a comment soon on when to expect that “just missing for a brief period after launch” fabled reentry heating…
  6. I want it to be clear that I am among those who are critical because I love KSP so much and want it to succeed. As is nearly everyone who takes the time to give feedback. Those who just don’t like KSP probably aren’t active in the community here or elsewhere. I was sold on the concept of expanding KSP with colonies and interstellar with meaningful gameplay loops with resources. As much as I love KSP, I’m the type of gamer who likes a little more direction in my sandbox games. Not actual quests or story, just a more clear progression. And career mode in KSP1 was always lacking to me. The new ideas for KSP2 along with better visuals and less need for mods really sold me. So I would like all at Intercept Games (and moderators y’all are appreciated) to understand that very little negative feedback comes from trolls. Most of it is passionate fans so I appreciate that acknowledgment by Nate. I feel like however the reason for the negativity seems to somehow keep being missed. I paid $50 for an EA game that was years delayed. I was told it was to help the community be involved in the balancing of the different systems. From all of the trailers and communication pre EA launch I was sold a complete game at launch, and then with the EA launch it was marketed as a barebones sandbox but with a solid foundation. The game currently is broken and overpriced. I and a lot of others feel like my excitement for a sequel was abused to get a quick buck out of me. The game is not what was promised, and the speed of progress in early access is not what was promised. (Remember the “short while after launch” we would have to play the game without reentry heating?) I had fun with the bugs on release. I appreciated the first two patches. My irritation went from “I was robbed” to “I’m early but not wrong and happy to help support this game’s development.” So I feel largely good will was being restored. Slowing down the patch release cycle at this time could not have been worse timed. The good will the first two patches made was quickly eroded. It seems the strategy has gone to “under promise over deliver” recently. While many wish this was always the strategy, switching now is going to come with negativity. No one will give a clear answer on when to expect anything, not just science but even things that we were told were just around the corner like reentry heating. Until progress is made on the roadmap and bugs become rare there will be negative feedback. So simply we are negative because what we bought does not match the description we were given for years. EA in a sequel that was supposed to be a regular launch is going to be more critical than the first game. Communicating more or less will not lessen or increase the negative feedback because it is not the reason for the negative feedback. Some in the community are negative because the game is not what we thought we were buying. The way to win us back over is by fixing and expanding the games features down the roadmap. Maybe more time between updates will help development a lot. And if it does the “underpromise overdeliver” will start winning over the communities goodwill. But that won’t be earned until substantial progress is seen after patches are released.
  7. Spicat: That’s fair. It wasn’t my intention to misquote either, which is why I posted the whole interaction to Reddit. Don’t know how to do that on the forums. And I could see how 1/2 could be read as “one or two” when I meant 6 months. Better to be clear. But on Reddit everyone interpreted it as 6 months as I intended. And it is seeming to be that, at least that part, was not incorrect. It was a pretty ambiguous message I agree. But I feel like now it’s basically guaranteed that science is at least 6 months way from launch (and as long as he read 1/2 year as 6 months and not 1 or 2 years) that part was accurate, not “very inaccurate.” edited to keep who I was talking to clear.
  8. So the first paragraph is me doing the math on science being multiple updates away with the slower release cycle. If it wasn’t clear, I am referring to science as “the first major update.” So I paraphrased that as “science is at least 6 months away” I think most people will agree that was a simple paraphrase. I didn’t mention the second paragraph, but that doesn’t matter as he said I was “very incorrect across the board” meaning not only is my statement that new features are years away is incorrect, but also the first paragraph. I don’t see how anyone can interpret his response as not an answer to “science is six months away” You’re missing a key word in your second sentence. I don’t know what you’re saying here, if you clarify it I will try to answer whatever you’re asking.
  9. So it’s a good thing you got Darrin to stop posting in discord cuz looks like the statement “science is at least six months away” is not, as he said, “very incorrect across the board. Unless he meant it’s actually years away, or not coming at all.
  10. While yes, of course I agree with this thought I feel it is poorly worded and miss timed. After announcing a slowdown to development and continuing to refuse to clarify now is probably not the time to be saying “we don’t have to read your criticism if it’s mean.” Absolutely, don’t waste time with trolls. Focus on constructive, specific feed back. But there is a much more positive way to phrase this that doesn’t come of so antagonistic to the very ones who were willing to spend $50 on this (so far) buggy incomplete adventure.
  11. Having played since KSP 1 alpha… I just have to say, I miss HarvesteR. Should’ve known something was up when he was kept in the dark until the public announcement. Like at least ask him how programming the first one went and get some insight. Also just out of respect let him know.
  12. Love all the work! I’m sure it’s on the burner but just advocating for the docking bug to be as high as a priority as it reasonable can be. Building a station is tough when every third docking welds together and can only be undone at warp with a velocity kick that sends my space tugs out of Kerbin SOI. But the first patch and the communication recently has been fantastic, thanks for keeping us in the loop.
  13. Works! Thanks so much. I actually think Paige is a great tutorial system. And I wanted to see how she worked, but after putting in some time to make a space station and realizing she’s (hopefully) bugged to repeat herself every time you start the game I was so happy to find this post to both keep my save and finally put her to rest. Much appreciated!
  14. If you're not winning find a way to change the rules. This is a great thread! KSP enriched my life in more ways than just my understanding of orbital mechanics.
  15. Aesthetics where possible, but not at the cost of a single meter of delta-v
  16. Mods, yes I know that inquiring of the release date is forbidden . I'm not asking when, just asking the community if we feel there should be a set release date for 1.0. I'd say yes. While I'm a huge fan of the hype train, I feel like a set date would give reports time to cover the game, and mention when it's being fully released. I'm afraid if SQUAD goes the normal route with this one they could miss out on a lot of free press.
  17. This. I, and a large portion of this community, take this bad distribution of news as a slap to the face. I love Squad, I love KSP. Being disrespected like this pisses me off.
  18. Kerbalmen and LadieKerbs, it was a wonderfull hype ride on the train today. WE SHALL SEE YOU on the other side
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