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Simple concepts are difficult with us lately.
Yep i saw it deflect 3 difraction lines when the transformer engaged. Have no idea what it means.
Well, since the dark matter thread has apparently hit a unexpectly slitty snag, I figure I would help it all out by adding This topic dealing white matter or white mass.....whatever lingo makes you happy. The topic is what forces have gravitationally rounded Mimas and Miranda, the two smallest round celestials in our solar system. https://theastroholic.wordpress.com/2015/08/26/what-makes-the-worlds-seem-round/
If you have the ability to build a ship that can survive in space for the light years needed to travel between two goldilocks planets, if you have the ability to bring world destroying weapons along for the ride, to land afterwards and do anything. You probably don't need the planet to begin with, you can collect more resources in space, and you essentially can use space as your colony. I think humans would be nothing more like an amusement, like chimpanzees in a zoo. "Gee aren't they clever little aliens"
Below I made earlier this year, I have since created parts that allow for a completely encloses space factory. It will take me some time to upload however since I lost somehow the Steam Image gallery. I will look. Note this was before 1.0, knowing that 1.0 was coming the new design was made aerodynamic. The walls of the factory are actually living quarters and have extra large doors for assembling parts in atm and carrying them to the destination. Since the station is shaped like a bullet it can be rotated on is axis and those in wall will experience small acceleration to help anchor them in their work. I will up load that picture soon.
So basically everyone knows that non photosynthetic organisms need a source of oxygen. But this is only partially true, many marine organisms and bacteria can survive by scavenging other oxygen species. For example some marine burrowing worms bypass the citric acid cycle in order to avoid depleting precious oxygen. These worms actually feed on the bacteria and bacteriophagic organisms that produce iron sulfide. In a time of low oxygen diatomic oxygen can be bypassed. However oceanic anoxia may be more profound. The researchers below found deformations in the skelta of diatoms that appearred shortly after a glacial period. The assumption is that during the period much of the ocean would be covered with ice, and dissolved O2 levels would fall. These authors found a rise associated with these deformed plankton of dissolved heavy metals including lead and arsenic. photosynthetic activity in the ocean is associated with redox potentials in surface waters of around 200 to 500 millivolts. This falls rapidly during anoxia due to the effect of procaryotes on dead organisms and dissolved organi molecules. When redox falls polyvalent metals can reduce for thier +3 or higher oxidation states to alternative lower states. The higher states are associated with the formation of insoluble salts, and lower the oxidation states can make many dissolved metals more soluble in sea water. http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150825/ncomms8966/full/ncomms8966.html When we consider the goldilocks zone for planets we should also consider a separate zone nedded for complex life, if the temperature is too cold life up the complexity scale may not evolve past the marine aquatic phase if the conditions in the ancient seas remain anoxic for a variety of reasons in cluding high levels of ice covering and stagnation of currents.
http://blogs.ucdavis.edu/egghead/2015/08/25/neutrinos-leave-mark-on-early-universe/ New study looking for the effects of neutrinos on the polarization of CMBR. I suppose their goal is to see what is happening in the opaque epoch.
Trying to limit the number of threads so I searched for an old threat to drop it into, its got nostalgia. Yeah, but think about the distances we are detecting earth like planets, 100s of ly away. You are going to have to have a signal 1000 fold stronger. These sail trails are not going to be going every dierction, The theta they might be detected would be small and may be rotating, so it might be transiently detected, and it wouldn't be detected long. The other thing if you think someone might be listening in, you might spread the frequency out and make it look like noise or a natural source of RF radiation.
.Luminosity would be much less, a small red dwarf has a lifespan many fold that of our sun, the intensity would be much less, but still at one light year a red dwarf would be as visible as mars. In the IR spectrum it would be one of the brightest objects that is not otherwise designated. The problem here is that if its close enough for the sun to hold it then we would see it, and its so far you couldn't see it then there is nothing to stop a passing star from ripping it from its orbit and tossing it into a galactic orbit that we never see again. So then you have to make the object smaller and give it an eccentric orbit, but even. IR object of jupiters size would be detected far out in the system. Eventually the object is squeezed out of the binary range into a big oort cloud object. A big oort cloud object does what any other big object would do, it will clean the space in its orbit even an eccentric orbit. I have to agree this argument is far fetched.
I think that many stars pass within close enough proximity, including red-dwarfs and neutron stars that are no longer visible and these can ending up cause comets to be tossed. The question however, was the dinosaur killing asteroid a mush ball or a metalloid asteroid from the asteroid belt, there are lots of earth crossing asteroids that can do similar damage, but asteroids, as big as they may be, for example 67p would get torn into two pieces if it passed close enough to earth, or any planet, and over a few rotations around the sun it begins to disappear into gas and dust. Even on top of that, planetoids in the belt, a growing list of objects, can also toss the smaller roids from their orbits and once they get close to the giant planets they can be tossed in or out of the solar system. So the problem with their hypothesis is 1. Is oort cloud objects a K/T impactor or is it the asteroid belt. 2. Are extra-systemic flybys the major creator of cometary orbits or are they generated by intra-orbital interactions 3. Are such orbital periods even competitive with other more frequent celestial flybys, there is one due every 10,000s of years at about 1 mly. Occasionally one will get even closer. 4. Just because other systems have 2 celestials capable of light producing fission, does not mean that our sun had to have had such a system, This is a just so hypothesis, the odds of it being correct are very small.
http://phys.org/news/2015-08-iron-bar-capable-decision-making.html Basically they argue that propensity of nature events to change the environment can attract or repel solid objects that resist deformation. After several events the objects are able to decide which event is the most attractive.
For Questions That Don't Merit Their Own Thread
PB666 replied to Skyler4856's topic in Science & Spaceflight
https://gigaom.com/2015/08/24/heres-why-american-students-dont-learn-computer-science/ I will just state that I never learned computer science in High School I had one semester in Fortran, learned Cobol (extinct now I guess) and a Statistics program Taught myself Basic, QuickBasis, VIsual Basic, VBA At one point I could at one point I could write code for Z80 in hexadecimal notation. (one step lower than assembly language). By the time I finished I had a program that forced an appleIIe with a black and white monitor to rewrite itself 2 times to print out color images on an apple writer, lol.) Learned and did a little bit in C (Would do more but cannot find a pressing application that supercedes needs of VB - mostly do monte carlo analysis now) Also taught myself Visicalc, MS Excel. No training what-so-ever to write VBA for Excel, never had any training for word or powerpoint. Fortran we used to input on MUSIC, it would punch things out on cards and we would give the cards to the program processors and they would split out sheets of code and output. I have taught other people who have no computer skills in VB to teach themselves how to program. The problem in the US is that the value of STEM for life careers simply is not emphasized, we worry more about religion and social culture than technology and the end result is that we have 2% more unemployement than we would otherwise have. -
I don't know if this link has been posted but here it is. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150824-what-is-the-universe-made-of
Note that I said we are not yet ready to go to Mars, and I pointed out three better choice alternative. But a better perspective is to spend more money on Space as to prepare or have the capacity to successfully go to Mars at some future point. Our Manned space program is a Joke, a Joke on steroids since we lost the shuttle program, because we can't even repair or upgrade the hallmark of the manned space program, the hubble. Secondarily. A scientific and engineering program to go to Mars, and actually never actually reach mars or put humans on Mars, just preparation for humans to reach mars is a worth-while venture technologically and would provide a bonus to the rest of society. It is not the achievement that feeds advancement, its the struggle to achieve, the mars rocks are a bonus. A Mars program that is achievable is not ludditic perspective, a tourist driven program in neutral on this, but is a waste of resources. I should point out that 40 years after the Lunar mission, the Lunar rocks and samples are still being used for research, publications are still coming forth, so . . . . . .
I was hoping he was going to put the microwave under the end and open the door facing the rod.....turn it on for a few seconds. lol. So is this now space outsourcing, J Q Citizen now builds the next generation of thruster with used household appliances in their garage. [Face palm]
Introducing new business model for all those concerned about a Terra-corporeal fate. Before you die we place you on a launch that places you in orbit beyond the sun's future red giant radius. On the way up your unpressurized cabin will experience the rush of cool air, of course followed by Mach Shock, then in about 20 seconds will suck all the air out of your lungs however before you feel the effects of the ozone you will go into a perpetual sleep. Once you get into space you lyophilize (instead of the mundane ICU or hospice fate) and your will enjoy an existence free of the possible fate of rotting on this world. The product will be named Freeze-dried Sky. Jokes aside the conservative resistance to space program and science in general is basically a ludite perspective, it generally goes no-where. In the course of human history, the most techno-savey cultures have tended to dominate. And the West is about to get its butt kicked. ESA, as far as I can tell does not even have a manned space program. lol. - - - Updated - - - I think we need some balance here. First, every country needs to spend more on the Space program and I wish the US would Triple down on all their Science so . . . . . . Second we do need a manned capability and we should safely be trying to extend our reach [cough] from the ISS. While I see no great value of revisiting the moon, its a good place to start the colonization research. BUT! Third, Mars is not a good choice, it really isn't, it would be cheaper to bring water to a station at L1 or to land on an asteroid or even a martian moon than to land on Mars itself. The getting on Mars is a problem and the getting off is impossible at the moment. If you haven't noticed NASA last two chute tests for martian parachute has failed. The dV required to reach orbit around a martian moon is alot less than mars, to land and get off is much-much less. Forth, Mars is not a tourist destination, it really isn't, you would have a very big problem when your average art-history major after 200 days of complete boredom and lack of social interaction 'tests' the viability of the Martian atmosphere. Scientist get into doing Sciency stuff, which would keep them occupied for a period long enough. You want engineers and scientist on the ground, not civilians. At least in reproductive age, man and wife teams, not a good idea. Elderly couple who have a long history of working together (no I am not volunteering) is a better choice. Selling tickets for a suicide mission four young people is basically a bad idea. Of course its a joke.
You are wrong, while it does not prove that there is a wobbly static field in space-time it does tell us something fundemental about space time, because if we can verify that it is not due to repulsion of galaxies, then space time itself has a structure, if that were the case the FTL travel, Warp fields, And Time travel backwards would be impossible, things like wormholes would also be impossible. And since we have not observed any of these relativistically speaking then I would argue that space does have structure and this is what is causing the observed acceleration. The next step is to assert that each quantum unit of space has a fixed coordinate at a given time, this is more speculative. Think about it, two galaxies whose origin in the inflaton is 20' span that had been receding from each other for 10 billion years at one rate, then they begin receding at a second rate. Either gravity has changed, and this is not sufficient to explain the inflation or some other behavior is operating. The galaxies are two far apart to be explained by any other field except purturbations in space-time iitself. Its in escapable that something much more fundemental than our current understanding is at work, since it is niether explained by relativity or QM it needs niether abide by them. The tensor may not be felt after all. How good is your model of acceleration, and after having read several recent papers on gravity each group is getting a different result for G, sometimes better equipment is giving more anomolous results. Tell these folks why we don't have an accurate assessment of G past 6-7 digits. If you can explain that and also the behavior of quantum gravity, then I would be more willing to concretize my beliefs like you have. Other issues on Poincare will be dealt with later.
This sounds like a challenge, but as i mentioned if such a field existed it might be difficult to measure with it or against it meaningful way, this will probably be one of the Universes deeply held secrets. I don't believe EMD is exploiting such a field although it would be humorous if it was because such a feably designed device is some how digging into to root of space time and slapping it about a bit. Also scarey however if true somene could find away to stretch space-time and place planets in more distant orbits. Or move earth to a higher orbit to deal with climate change. There is always the potential of a lower layer. Poincair group isometries are special relativity, which means at plancks scale they may not be strictly obeyed. But even without this, i could see this as a layer that was active during inflation and is pretty much in a passive state now ........ que sera, sera. You forget, we don't know what caused the Universe to accelerate its expansion. The current evidence suugest it is not repulsion in galaxies, and the pressure of gases between galaxies is two low to explain this which leaves, inevitably, space-time itself, that which was inflated. So yeah the may be limiting anchoring of something a wobbly tidal like feild that expands, stops, accelerates. The density of matter in space falls too low and it somehow increases the separation between itself and others. It could be quantum gravity itself that keeps it from accelerating and when Q G falls too low it begins inflating again.
Who would have known from RL that space is a touch hard. I mean aren't the latest NASA mars parachute test worked well, And of course we are mining the moon and asteroids, and aerobraking vessels in Jupiters atmosphere. lol. What you consider frustrating others accept as a worthy challange for a game.
There is an underlying assumption here that we know what all the fields are. There maybe a field by which you could measure velocity against, a static wave that expands, stretches and appends itself from the initial inflatron. You can measure angular momentum with light, since angular momentum creates inertia you really can't measure it against graviational waves. I should point out that empty space may create a outlet for the introducion quantum singulaties as some of the multiverse theories posit. I don't think its odd that space is made up of a fabricy kind of field. Sort of reminds me of the wizrd of Oz, looking behind the facade then old reality no longer makes sense and all we see are blips in the fabric. But I don't think humans are there yet, because if we can tamper with the most basal properties of space time (space and time) we have to assume that uncertainty works at this level also, and if we can register its existence, then we havealso the same ability to manipulate in uncertain ways. If the predictions are correct space-time is expanding, warped yes, but those warped areas are expanding away from other similarly warped areas at an increasingly faster rate, which means even black holes cannot cease the acceleration of Space time. So at some level our known energy manipulates space-time, but at another level our known sources of energy are insuuficient to explain all its motion, which implies a more deeply rooted space-time behavior is present. Manipulating space-time at this level may have unforeseen conquences. if we can cause quantum scale spikes at GeV to TeV range and still somehow miss this then I wonder how much energy such a field contain, but then you think about the energy pouring into the inflatron, if only a small fraction of this resulted in inertially relevant energy, how much dark energy must have poured into space time to create the inflatron itself, and its apparently still out there working. If you see the field then I would estimate that everything else in it looks rather trivial. The fact that space-time began accelerating again warns Us that its properties are not clear. That ther are deeper and more powerful forces working It would be humorous however if the EM drive and it dialectric radiowave resonator was capable of surfing it. Unlikely.
Staying clear of the politics, Nukes are a fear weapon, but they potentially do as much harm to the user as the victim at some point. Couple other things about nukes - mostly a three dimensional action used against a 2-dimension there is diminishing utility of a larger weapon. - the last country that used them got stuck with the cleanup bill - We have no-nuclear weapons in our arsenal that we have used on a limited basis that against smaller densities of individuals did surprisingly similar damage, and basically got no attention in the world media. The ones we have used so far pale in comparison to weapons out there developed and being developed. - people are afraid of radioactivity for the most part senselessly, and when weapons are dropped, and the disenfranchised mass lose their fear, the world will never be the same. There is the potential at least to scald large populations of soldiers with microwave technology (not to mention civilian populations) not to mention space bound lasers. There are cluster bombs, and there are new-age smart bombs . The problem is basically that in the Cold War the world was forced to decide what its polarity was. There is no cold war. And the threats we are making are useless against chaos in the age of information. And the biggest weapon on the planet is the population bomb, and unless someone has missed it, its gone off.