Hi everyone, I rarely post on the forum and I just had to stop by and say THANK YOU!! :-) I tried multiple crawlers as well and they walk straight ok but when it comes to turning they stumble! I had 4 carrying a gigantic Nova punch 2.5 Fuel tank and it looked funny as heck! :-) I am using it in my career and all is fine except the thrust vectoring won't work on the mini jets, do I have to unlock thrust vectoring separate from the engines themselves? Thanks again for this awesome mod! EDIT: I saw a video of someone else who seems to be having the same issue, for some reason everything works fine except the thrust vectoring. Also I was using a crawler on the Mun and it seems they are prone to spontaneous rapid disassembly! I was walking along one second at 10 m/s then flipping away at 200 m/s with legs going so fast the screen just vibrates wildly until I use time warp to kill it's... seizure! lol Very fun tho!