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Eddie Rod

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Everything posted by Eddie Rod

  1. Thank you so much for making this! You are a savior among the KSP community! - - - Updated - - - I'm super curious. Doesn't error report tell you right at the top if someone is using the 64 bit version of ksp or not? I see all the negative comments you received from modders and I just don't understand how they feel so mad like were forcing them to support us on 64 bit. Basically what I'm asking is can't they just deny help to those using 64 bit by asking for error reports? I've been dying to know about this forever! Someone please answer this.
  2. How high up do you have to be for the elevon/rudders to stop working? Great fix! I've always wanted this to be a stock feature but you know... so little time.
  3. Best modder EVER!! Thanks for being so awesome n the KSP community!
  4. Any plans on correcting the Saturn V F-1 engine mount? The nodes are incorrectly placed and I always have to use cubic octagonal strut to put nodes where I need them. The way it is now the F-1 Engine fairing doesn't line up with the paint job like the real Saturn V does.
  5. So guys I finally got my first crash last night. I was running at 10 Gigs during the crash and I almost feel like it was something else because I was hardcore testing with explosions and launching an awesome Space shuttle I built. I jettisoned MY srbs on the shuttle and they impacted my wings and caused rapid disassembly of the entire ship and then crash! But I really had to push hard for this crash and I'm starting to feel like all the hate for 64 bit is being proven here in this thread as just being mis-informed modders who don't know how to ask for/read the error report. The very first thing you see in a report is if the user is running 64 bit or 32 bit so it's super easy for them to see and deny help to those using 64 bit. When they say 64 bit was causing too much headache for them the real reason was this! It's kind of too good to be true how much more stable 64 bit is in this version of KSP and I'm starting to wonder just how much of the issues really are from the Unity engine itself and not just problems with code on Squad's end. Anyways I wanna see later if I can replicate the crash and if so I will update you guys. Fly safe everyone! WARNING TO TROLLERS: This is a friendly post for people wanting to help the 64 bit cause because KSP needs 64 bit to be a finished game! If you are against it and wish to just mock us then just stay out of this thread! You know who you are and your hate is not welcome here! And if you are a modder who disables on win64 bit than most likely that means you as well unless you have something helpful to add! Thank you and fly safe everyone!
  6. OK explain to me how disabling strict part placement breaks ANY mod? I think you misunderstood what I said to do! That's like saying putting infinite fuel on will break mods!? - - - Updated - - - Hey thanks!
  7. If I use this with Kerbinside I will have problems wont I?
  8. I...Love...YOU!! You could not have said it any better and if modders would really do this we might have a working win64 KSP right now!!
  9. Yes I'm gone but what data? Their is no data for 64 bit on 1.0.2? You just assume out of your rage for it! Have you tried it? Nope and think for one second man this is my last message to you but just think about this one thing! I had some bugs on 64 bit .90 that completely are gone in 1.0 and I'm sure engine is the same? Maybe the bugs are SQUAD and NOT Unity? When you see ow stable on my series than you will see I'm not lying and I'm sure that some of this is not in the engine and is in the code! Well sorry to bother you on a forum. Peace out! And Who doesn't know how to recompile a mod? I try to be polite and you just try to insult and call people dumb! I will make sure to let my fans know how loving you are!
  10. I never did bro he drew all this out! All I asked is was the code still their to disable itself!?! WHY THE HATE! I don't care what they do nor do I care if it ever officially comes back all I care about are mods disabling themselves for the super smart people who know how to get 64 bit running stable and need it for their youtube channels! If the mod would not say at the title it was disabled for 64 bit I never would even posted originally. I give my fans top quality content and I hate when too many mods means having to lower resolution. Also when I need to build a big ship or a base I need lot's of memory so as to not crash! For the average player this is no issue bt when you need to build BIG you need 64 bit no questions asked! I hope you can understand I totally agree it was removed for now until fixed but in no way is that a FORTUNATE thing! In my eyes this is a CRITICAL bug that is still un-addressed!
  11. Try going to the Alt F12 menu and check the box at very bottom of cheats tab that allows strict part placement! KAS containers had an issue like this and that fixed it! And guys come on! Stop being so rude o each other on the forum! Moderators especially! - - - Updated - - - You want to tone it down a notch buddy he was asking a simple question without being rude at all! How do you feel if someone got smart with you for a simple mistake and told you to use another mod! Yes he should read back but hello some people are not hooked on these forums like the majority of you guys and don't know these things! So just like he should read back a few pages and read the first post you should go read up on some manners and if you don't like it use another forum! - - - Updated - - - Every time I come to check the forums I see so much rudeness so I just had to say something!
  12. Greatly reduced? running 20 mods at 3.8 gigs is not greatly in my idea! 64 bit will come later time for sure but everyone acts like it's gone forever and like if it's a good thing. Sorry but I have bases that cannot get built in a 32 bit app. But I just needed a simple answer is all not to get into this again. 64 bit is gone for now yes but that does not mean it's buggy for those who know how to use it still. - - - Updated - - - Don't you guys wanna see amazing modpacks like Minecraft has like FTB and Tekkit? I had to allocate 9 gigs of ram to my minecraft because I have 135 mods installed and it's so fun!! Don't you guys wanna not be limited by part count and resort to lowering to eight res? I don't get it? Scratches head walks away - - - Updated - - - Let's just forget the conversation here becuase this is an EXTREMELY touchy subject forget I asked! :-(
  13. Sorry and don't spread this but KSP 1.0.2 works AMAZING with 64 bit! Just because SQUAD did not test at all with 1.0 does not mean 64 bit was buggy with 1.0! The community workaround works better than ever and mostly all bugs are gone! Kerbals are no longer in slo-mo at bottom right, no more white flashing from orbit and white halo in the ocean from orbiting Kerbin! Been using it with a lot of mods for days and it has not crashed yet. The only bugs I can find is the right click left click thing on alt tab but thats nothing. Also switching screens you see like some fire graphic for a sec but still nothing major. Please guys SQUAD will get to fixing 64 bit eventually but for now we gotta work with what we have! Srry 4 long post! - - - Updated - - - Oh but still would this disable itself on my setup? - - - Updated - - - Oh and I know you like planes check out my baby! She's been getting a TON of attention on YouTube! - - - Updated - - - Record holder of biggest plane in STOCK KSP is I
  14. So excited but so sad at the same time because my birthday is/was Dec. 17th! :-) A lot of mods were updated that day and it felt like a huge birthday present! Anyways cant wait for everything to be worked out I've made a ton of vids with your mod!
  15. I tried reading back to find it but couldn't so just going to say it. The remedy for the issues with attaching things to nodes is easily fixed by going to alt F12 menu and go to cheats and tick the very last one that says something about strict part placement. Now I dunno if that's the issues because I'm waiting for the official update but I'm using KAS and the container issue sounded the same and this is how it was fixed! :-) Cheers!
  16. I cannot replicate the bug where fresh career mode buildings start fully upgraded. Is their something that I must do to invoke this particular Kraken? Also am I the only one testing this right now?
  17. Day 2 and still not one crash! Running at least 20 mods so far and trying to build a MASSIVE space station! I love it! I swear 1.0 has fixed 64 bit for some reason! Remember how the kerbals pictures in the bottom right used to move slow like? No more in 1.0 and also the white halo in the ocean when looking at Kerbin from orbit...GONE! I think the 64 bit issues was SQUADs bugs that were just showing up more in 64 bit! - - - Updated - - - Someone quick give me a bug that used to be 64 bit only so I can see if it's fixed or not.
  18. Love this mod!! So much better than the stock ones because I can actually attach struts and stuff to them! Also they look way better and break in one piece.... need I say more? :-)
  19. Oh god works like a dream in 1.0.2!! Only bug I have is the fire effects when switching screens but that's nothing! I think it runs better than .90 and .25 combined!! Going to do some heavy testing right now! :-) Thanks man!!
  20. Hey does this still disable itself for 64bit on 1.0.2? I wanna give it a try but not if it's going to be like that!
  21. Going to test this on 1.0.2 right now because 64 bit never gave me any major issues. Crashes after an hour or so are ok to take a break anyway! lol
  22. Is KSP 1.0 even using the new Unity? I really don't understand how a developer can release a game without fixing something so critical! Even if they cannot fix it I cannot warrant a 1.0 release until it was fixed for a game like this. what happens to all those people who just bought KSP for the first time and try to build that awesome base? Uh oh after all those hours he finds out that it don't matter that he has 16 gig ram he's NOT BUILDING HIS BASE! lol 6fps will make people go nuts and call for their money back!
  23. This is exactly why you don't skip BETA! 1.0 to me is a pre-released version .91 and 1.01 will be .92! 1.0 is a label not deserved by this update even though I love everything I see so far and my jaw will not leave the floor! Great work so far SQUAD but hate to say I told you so.
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