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Eddie Rod

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Everything posted by Eddie Rod

  1. This was my first attempt at using Kerbcam: Working on my second cinematic as I type this up!! I love this mod!!
  2. Are you sure about that!? Wink Wink!! lol That's what I just made and was wondering how to make the effect look better. I already have a MIRV that is capable of leveling the entire KSC! Will be on my channel very soon.
  3. He's away until the 23rd on vacation. When he gets back hopefully we'll see an update.
  4. My message was only directed to him so please! I did a few favors for him a while ago before he started this mod and just had the Bahamuto Dynamics! I won't go all out and say we're best friends or anything but we have talked in the past and he's a nice person! I'm pretty sure when he gets back he will help an old friend out! lol an I beam with the 20mm! I want my stuff to look nice not just go pew pew!!
  5. No the GAU 8 uses 30mm while the GAU 19 that I requested uses a .50 BMG! Also if you look at the way this gun is in the link I posted it's much more easier to incorporate into your designs! I already have the one from the link but I just thought it would be cool in BD armory is all. Trust me when I say this weapon is perfect for making your own gun emplacements!! Has anyone commenting on this seen Kerbals At War?
  6. Hey just a small request but can you make a gatling gun in your pack just like this one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42189-0-22-GatlingGun-mod Pretty please! It was used in the Kerbals At War 2 video and I used it back in .23 but It got abandoned and is so useful for making my own gunner pods for Kerbals! You will get huge shout out from me on YouTube when I record my next series!! I need those weapons! lol Thanks!
  7. I really don't think he will come back until at least he sees my apology so can you please put my messages through! This is what started the whole thing was because I thought he was the one deleting my messages!!! When really it was a 3rd party who I was unaware of!!! Eck hem....
  8. It would even be more of a shame if he quit for a single person like me, even after I apologized to him. Nobody even knows what happened with me and him because all my messages were removed before anyone could. I was insulted from the cat and drama from 64 bit and that is why I commented originally if anyone needs to know why this happened. I was upset because I love the modding community and I showcased his mods even but felt offended after that. But anyways, I would like to formally say right now to him and everyone that I'm sorry again, no reason to quit for me because I am not so heavy a user that it would affect me. You would be hurting the others more and they did nothing! So again for my fellow KSP friends I apologize to you and ask you will you come back? Like I said before after seeing as much complaining on the forums as me I had no Idea my message would cause this much harm! :-(
  9. Hi. I've been trying to get my 32 bit KSP working with mods but have not been able too for the life of me! ATM Aggressive with not too many mods but I'm using texture replacer and visual enhancements with this: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220335-astronomers-visual-pack-interstellar-v2 But for some reason the textures on Kerbin are white and red! LOL it looked like Kerbin was a giant pool ball! Anyways just curious if anyone has experienced this because all I can use is 64 bit which is ok but I cannot record knowing I could crash at any time.
  10. Not everyone was complaining though!! [Removed by the moderation team] Most people were quietly enjoying the new upgrade and were smart enough to know not to report 64 bit bugs but remember, NOT EVERYONE HAS COMMON SENSE! The modders had no right to do this to the people using 64 bit with their mods! It all boils down to jealousy. Lemme guess 64 bit didn't work for you did it??? Because if it did you would be happy as hell and wouldn't be here complaining about it!
  11. The most childish upsetting thing ever for modders to do was disable their mods on 64 bit!! I'm so sick of all the people that are jealous of people who are using 64bit with no issues!! I have a youtube channel for proof and I was using mods perfectly fine in 64 bit WITHOUT ISSUES!! Now sure I understand modders not supporting it but to disable it completely is pitiful! I went to try RSS and RO and Almost all major mods now disable themselves so even though my experience was fine I have to suffer because of people who just don't want to fork up the cash for a real gaming rig!! This is a sad day for KSP. and I hope you modders can realize that this 64 bit things IS GOING TO HAPPEN! Just a matter of time until the issues are fixed so just let the people who are enjoying it now keep enjoying it and don't disable it just out of jealousy, because we all know that's what it is!!
  12. Watch this: then try this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65747-0-24-2-Hangar-Extender-v2-0 Thank me later! :-) Enjoy!
  13. Question: If I want to download Infernal Robotics with B9, will the required Tweakscale mess with anything? If I'm just using it for the Infernal Robotics parts will it cause issues?
  14. I just wanna say thank you to Chris for always being so polite and helping everyone so much! I like your work and I love how you actually like the KSP community! :-) Thanks for being awesome! :-)
  15. Oh I guess I didn't put it big enough in my description! It's the most recent video I've uploaded but here you go anyways:
  16. I would fix that leaderboard! So far Another guy is in first with 1:58 seconds and then comes me at 2 min 11 seconds then comes Scott!!
  17. Ribbon Suggestion: Space SSTO SeaPlane to Laythe and Eve! I was the first to land a seaplane SSTO on Laythe on YouTube and have proof below!
  18. Lol I was so stuck on 64 bit for a while until yes it would crash for no reason during the weirdest places, ( like switching back to KSC) But the reason why was so I could use a lot of mods but I tried 32 bit now and it actually is working way better than 64 bit if it makes sense? I mean I'm using KW, FAR, NovaPunch, Hangar Extender, Editor Extensions, MechJeb, and of course B9 with ATM and Mechjeb. I'm using aggressive for ATM and it looks ok but I thought B9 would not play nice with so many mods in 32 bit... I was wrong I guess. Has anyone else been using a lot of mods with B9? Can I go for some more like Visual enhancements Kethane and KAS?
  19. Phew... I thought it was just me having that issue! So it will be fixed in 5.1 then?
  20. You're using Active texture management right? I would try using the Aggressive one if you're shooting for a big mod pack. It may look ever so slightly blurry but the game will work. Also I would turn down some of your graphics settings to. I don't know if certain settings get overridden by ATM and FAR but lowering the graphics seemed to boost my FPS when I was flying my giant ship I built. Also if you don't use any parts just delete them so they're not wasting precious Memory! That goes for all mods you have installed. No. most likely it's something else because if it was a problem with warpdrive plugin compatibility then it would say on page one that it's an incompatible mod and I'm pretty sure KSP Interstellar is ok with B9 ( I haven't tried it though myself)
  21. Is it hard to throw me some kind of config file to have a smaller version? Would Tweak Scale work? Can someone help me on this because I would like to have it? I think it's just a half scale if I'm not mistaken. EDIT: Nvmd I guess. Maybe if you guys can throw them in 5.1 that would be cool but I see now on first page Tweakscale is No Go! GRR If anyone else thinks this was a dumb idea let me know because I really think this is needed in the mod. I would use them more than the HX ones, for spaceplanes! Final Edit: After doing some investigating I see that this would not work without a lot of work because the shape of the s2 will not allow 4 way symmetry! If you try to put ANYTHING on the s2 corners in 4 way they will not line up neatly like the new HX does! Sorry guys but no small auxiliary modules unless S2 gets a reshape! I give up on the idea.
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