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Everything posted by rdwulfe

  1. EGGS.... IN... SPAAAAAAACE! Haha, I always love launching a huge fairing like that.
  2. Preach it, brother! Preach it!!! I'm so with you here. Noodlerockets were not all that fun when you were trying to get something done.
  3. This looks awesome, and I hope it takes hold. I'd much prefer a quick, easy and above all standardized way to install mods, especially if a way to easily and quickly check versions and things can be integrated successfully into every mod. I went through and checked all of my mods versions last night. Took me like 30 minutes, and I only have 12 or so installed.
  4. This is now one of my Must Have mods. It's wonderful. I used tweeks and weirdness with MechJeb before so I could somewhat predict a landing, but this does it simply and elegantly, just how I like.I'd much prefer to have a few small mods that do simple, straight forward things so I can customize how I work than one huge behemoth mod.
  5. Ahh. I begin to see why. The Adjustable Landing Gear mod is inside of the BahaSP directory, since BahamutoD made it. He must put all his stuff in his own directory. Some mod makers do things like that.
  6. Neat, Katateochi. It seems well maintained, and I like how you're pushing it forward. Yes, Fuel Wings is an essential mod, I think, for those interested in planes. It makes so much sense to put jet fuel in wings, since you need so little of it compared to fuel for rockets. OH! I'm also not sure if KerbalX is detecting Adjustable Landing Gear correctly. I think its showing as 'BahaSP'.
  7. Just to let you know, the fact that I use Fuel Wings doesn't seem to show up. I'm supposing KerbalX can only detect parts mods, Katateochi? If so, perhaps some way of showing what additional mods were required in the craft would be useful.... Now looking, I suppose I could put it under 'comments'. I'll do that. It's a good looking website, Kata!
  8. I do not consider myself an advanced KSP player. I'm good, but I'm not amazing. I can get to the Mun and Minmus without MechJeb. I can inefficiently get to Duna, and probably Eve without it too. I tend to use MechJeb for a few reasons. One, to time burns and such, because I am not so precise. I get distracted. Cats jump on desk, etc, etc. So MechJeb is a safety net for me, considering I play with quickloads and reverts turned off to give myself some challenge and force me to deal with problems as they arise. I use TAC Life Support, SCAN Sat, Procedural Fairings, Trajectories, Modular Fuel Tanks, Karbonite, RealChute, Fuel Wings, KAS, Fine PRint, and Toolbar. Possibly a few more small mods as well, I jus-- oh, SelectRoot, for example. Some other small things to make the game work better (AnchoredDecuplerFix, EVAEjectionFix, etc.) I consider these things more or less essential. Sometimes I toy with Interstellar. Sometimes other parts packs that do interesting things. Once you get past 'go to the moon, go to Duna... it helps to have things to make something more interesting. Life support makes time a factor. I cannot leave my Kerbals sitting on Duna for a year. Nor the moon. If they wreck, I have to send a recovery mission, if it's feasible. If not right away, I have to plan how to send life support packets to keep them alive, until I can recover them. Sometimes this involves sending a care package FIRST, before everything else. I have left life support craft in orbit with excess food, or escape ships, or what have you. They're automated cores that I can use to drop on a crash site to save the Kerbals within hours. Costs more? Yes. But I place value (in my mind) on getting my Kerbals home. To me, this makes KSP MORE fun, to have this sense of urgency when it comes to manned missions, and gives a reason to do unmanned ones. Do I want to risk Kerbal lives on a Moho mission? Can I afford the necessary life support? If not, a probe may have to do. It'll be lighter, easier, but has the drawbacks of not getting as much science. A manned mission requires more forethought and planning, of putting craft up into orbit and awaiting their transfer sometimes, uncrewed. I transfer crew aboard right before the departure date, and even have an SSTO designed to specifically do this! Also, life support isn't even a huge deal. The capsules have 2-3 days worth of food on them. Mun trips don't even require extra. (I put it on, though, to be safe.) A round trip to Minmus takes 15 or so days, so I make sure my Munar/Minmar lander has 30 days worth of food. More than enough to send a recovery mission, should there be a failure. Which has happened. I crushed my engine on landing once. Heh. In any case, these things add to the game, and make it more fun, not less... And they don't even add that many parts.
  9. Ok, here's my entry. And I posted about it HERE. Seeing this thread today is what made me poke at it until it worked!
  10. Debuting from the new company, Wolf-Hart Aerospace, is our SSTO and flagship design. The Phoenix II is the product of an exhaustive round of design and testing. Philley Kerman, upon hearing words like "Cost Effective" and "Reuseable" thought they would look really neat in a brochure, so he designed a launch system around them. As of yet, his design is not completely tested.. but we are hopeful this will become the backbone of our reusable ship line. Basic Stats: The vessel is designed to carry jet fuel in the wings, to power its four Turbojet Engines. With no payload, the vessel has 2,610 Delta V potential with its twin Aerospike Engines, providing a TWR of approximately .78 - These numbers are for the ship sitting on the tarmac. Once in flight, her true potential is higher, due to having burned off excess liquid fuel. Crew capacity: 6 Cruising altitude: Yes, have some, please! Mass: 45.5 tons Cost: Low low price of only 107k spesos! Ascent Profile: Takeoff can occur around 105 m/s (a blistering 200+ knots)! Fly carefully to approximately 500 meters, then angle up to between 35 and 45 degrees. Once you hit 18 km, decrees angle to around 15-20. During this phase, you will begin to accelerate. Continue to do so until you reach approximately 30 km up. Cut jet engines and fire main engines at max, angling the nose once again to 45 degrees until apogee is 75km. From there, my fellow pilots and kosmonauts, you should be able to take it! Descent Profile: Keep nose around 5-10 degrees in direction of flight once you hit atmosphere. If the craft becomes squirrely, decrease angle further. Depending on orbital maneuvers, you should have enough fuel to continue flight and maneuver for a safe landing on the tarmac at KSC. Fuel may need to be moved out to the wings while in space to allow all 4 engines to fire, however, even on 2 engines there is enough thrust to provide control for landing. NOW! Download it! NOW! [TABLE=width: 700] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD]Disclaimer:Warranty void if vessel loaded with fuel, if wheels touch tarmac, grass, water, air, or vacuum. No actual warranty implied. May cause cancer. May eat small children. May explode suddenly. Flight not guaranteed. Do not taunt Happy Fun Phoenix II. If it glows green, run. Run faster. No, that's not fast enough. May cause sterility. May cause pregnancy. Too bad this text can't be smaller. [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Mods used in construction: Adjustable Landing Gear FuelWings I'll probably post a craft file sans MechJeb later, since this is perfectly flyable without it. Please, feel free to give me your reviews and test this baby out! I'd really like to refine it a bit, but haven't had a TON of time to test it. She took a few unmanned flights up to LKO, and I have yet to test her with a payload. Also, I attempted to design this for NEAR... but ended up ripping NEAR out after frustration that I couldn't get ANYTHING to fly right with it. EDIT: No longer requires MechJEB! I accidentally left the module on there during upload, didn't mean to originally.
  11. So here it is, for those curious! I'll put a real posting for it in the exchange forum. http://kerbalx.com/crafts/326
  12. Ok, so I'm sorry if this is somewhere obvious... but it's not to me. I just hunted for 20 minutes to find it. Not long ago, someone was posting advertising (or it was in someone's sig, don't remember) for a site that allowed you to upload your .craft files, and it'd show what mods they used, etc, etc. I have a fun SSTO design I want to post and share, and was going to use this. Help? Thanks all. I'll also post my craft on the forums in the right spot. EDIT: Posted in the forum here.
  13. The best practice is to go with the wishes of the person who created or curates the mod. ESPECIALLY the creators of said mod, as they can revoke licenses if they see fit. They have creative control of their own works.
  14. I'm not sure, I think the comet in the one I saw looked different, and didn't turn one planet into the comet or another... it made new ones. *shrug* It's been a long time since I saw it last.
  15. In a mod a long time ago, there was a comet. It didn't use smoke effects, had much better visuals. It was amazing. Sadly, I haven't seen it since, though I've been hunting for it. If I find that old mod again, and the license ofit permits, I may pull that code out.
  16. Offtopic: I really want to know where the sciency bit with the tape-reader in it comes from!
  17. Here we go, a shot of my lander, touching down just after the start of Kerbin occluding Kerbol.
  18. Noticed this before too! A heavy load squishes them down, might need to add a 2nd set of gear if it's too bad... But yes, it's a nice little touch and I'm glad they did it! You really see it when you're touching down, too.
  19. Wanted to report a niggling little bug. When entering Minmus orbit today, I attempted to use my 2HOT thermometer at high altitude. The radio button to use it dissapeared, similar to what happened in this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53920-Wh-can-t-I-use-the-2HOT-Thermometer I found that in searching for a solution for my problem, and noticed it was closed without being resolved, or apparently noticed what the person was saying. *shrug* In any case, I had this problem again, several versions later. I had to quit back to the space center, and thankfully, resuming my flight worked as a 'work around'.. but its annoying. EDIT: I do not think this is a mod issue, but I suppose it could be. I have: MechJEB, MKS/OKS, Karbonite, Karbonite Plus, Active Texture Management, Toolbar, Alternate Resource Panel, and... I think that's all installed.
  20. Even Orbiter has some glitchyness if you get REALLY close to a 0.0 Eccentricity, it'll twitch the AP and PE a little bit, if I remember right. Or it might've been an older version, but still. This is all due to floating point, and how "innacurate" it is in Unity.. which is to say, still a bit more accurate than you'd want to do by hand. It's a symptom of the updates of the orbit, based on ship orientation and such. *shrug*
  21. Levelord, you've named why I play, and pretty much how I play. In my current campaign, I'm playing on hard, with many restrictions turned on, and TAC-LS installed. This is my first time playing with a life support mod. I'm on a "standard" Mun mission, with Fine Print telling me to collect science from a specific crater... Every Kerbal wants to come home. Every mission designer has this goal in mind... there is a budget, constraints, and goals for each mission. I love contracts and how they give me a bit of a framework to work within outside of my own imagination (which is nice, but I like to be forced to do things I wouldn't always think of. Kolinya orbit? Oh god, ok... danig! Heh.) Everything was going smoothly. We were heading down towards the East Farside Crater, with Willing Kerman in his pod. A transmission crackles to life in mission control. Willing, in a steely voice, reports that he is descending a touch too quickly. The engines installed are not quite strong enough to slow him down in time. Tell his wife he loves her... They reply, she knows... He burns hard, the cabin vibrating slightly as the surface of the Mun looms ever closer, way too quickly. The little lander manages to slow just enough, but the engine is destroyed on contact with the Munar surface. The craft settles, life support and the rest of the vessel intact, but with no way to return home. Now Mission Control is scrambling to design a craft to return him. Thankfully, the craft is fitted with 30 days of food. It's designed to go to either the Mun or Minmus. This fact may save his life. However, with budget concerns, Mission Control isn't sure wether they should send rescue-only vessel, or a replacement. Can he salvage the science and the mission to make it a win? Willing is... Willing, but is he able? (Seriously Willing Kerman. Hah!)
  22. SERIOUSLY! My biggest pet peeve. It's amazing how I always seem to time it this way. Yes, yes, lights, I know... but space on my ships is precious! More lights == more space on the surface studded with crap. I'm glad that Kerbals have lights on their suits, that's all I can say.
  23. What's the fascination with trying to not-so-subtly push the Squad guys to do other things? Or to say that they did so badly, when they've produced such an amazingly successful game that's fun to play? (If it's not fun for you, why are you here, exactly?) I really don't understand the motivation behind all of these posts that delve so deeply into wild speculation so far from reality? One: KSP is not done. No where near it. They're moving into the 2nd phase of producing the game, not the last. Two: They are not producing a game under a traditional production method. This is not your father's game company. They are not grounded in traditional methods, either. Do they make mistakes? Probably. However, the fact that they're not sitting there trying to recreate yet another FPS, or something that's been done 1 billion times before, but changing one minor thing, just so they can say it's a new game. Seriously, just enjoy the game! Enjoy that they listen to their fanbase, without being completely biased by it. Enjoy that the few very vocal complainers are not the ones who are driving the bus! Let Squad do their thing. They'll tell us where they're going, and how they are going to get there. Wulfe
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