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    Senior Rocket Scientist
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    Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX

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  1. So, I thought it was about time I returned, and explain my absence. 

    I apologize for dropping off the map.  My first wife passed on in mid 2016, causing many changes to my life.  I tried to keep up with modding, but by 2018, RL changes were preventing me from spending any time on modding.  I tried to get back into it a couple of times since then, but work always got in the way.  My last job during the pandemic had me working 16+ hour days with many all nighters.  I'm getting too old for that, and after that job ended, I had some time to decompress and think about what I wanted to do going forward.  

    I'd always thought of myself as a good teacher, tho I had no professional experience as one.  I taught a lot over the years on a voluntary basis, and enjoyed it immensely.  So, a little over a month ago, I was presented with such an opportunity.  A software instructor at a private high school, decided to try his hand in professional software development.  A good friend of mine, who teaches at this school, and was aware of my interest in teaching, thought of me and recommended I apply for the position.  Lo and behold, with his recommendation, I landed the job.  I've been teaching for about a month and loving it.

    I teach Unity 3D game design, game analysis, game development, graphic design, and software programming.  Talk about a dream job... :D

    So, as part of that curriculum, I also teach game modding to those students that have a desire to learn.  Since KSP is my main game for modding, it now makes perfect sense to "get back into the game".  

    Thanks to those fine people in the community that assumed support for my mods, and those that I was supporting.  I owe them a great debt of gratitude.  I will be resuming responsibility for those mods where the current maintainers are willing to relinquish such responsibility.  I do not presume to own them, they are the KSP community's mods.  I will be reaching out to those modders and discussing options going forward.

    Thanks so much for the support you have shown me over the years, and I hope to earn your support back going forward.



    1. adsii1970


      You never lost it, bro. Welcome back. I'm sorry for the difficult road you had to travel to get back here, though. 

    2. Stone Blue
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