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Everything posted by emfleck

  1. Posted this on the main Kerbal Reddit yesterday, but I think I've narrowed the issue to being in the Universal storage mod and how it handles drag. Anyone have something similar going on? https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/5a3gy2/design_issue_with_small_changes_made_to/
  2. Love this mod. My planes are grounded until 1.2 update. :-p Thanks for keeping me flying (better than I could do on my own).
  3. Nhawks17 Ah, but of course.... I'll give that a go. Thanks. Just assumed since 1.1 was out Steam would be loading the 64 bit by default now...
  4. Not sure why, but this mod isn't playing nice with the other ones I have installed. Keeps CTD before the menu pops up. When I remove EVE and Boulder folders the game loads fine. Output of crash log https://www.dropbox.com/s/jo618hxbqwfl3ui/CTD_output_log.txt?dl=0 Other mods installed (all through CKAN) https://www.dropbox.com/s/woxiep641o6yry2/CKAN_Mods.txt?dl=0
  5. Thank you for maintaining this mod, it is a huge lifesaver for my rusty joints, haha. :-)
  6. Ahhhhhh, well that makes more sense for the numbers I am seeing then... Seems kinda silly they would have Land and Plant Flag as different categories then. Why land if you aren't going to (or unable to) plant a flag down?
  7. Are you saying that once you plant a flag on minmus that you can't get the other exp gains? Confused about whether or not they are cumulative....
  8. 10 kilometers I think was the max. It might be no exp gains. I've yet to fly through another body that has an atmosphere. But from my early rocket flights with sub orbital trajectories and less than escaping the atmosphere, I'd figure those would have been sufficient. Just never paid any attention to exp gains on them .
  9. None of my kerbonauts have the experience gains from flying in an atmosphere, rocket, winged or booted across a field.
  10. They don't (nor do any of my Kerbonauts) have Flight exp from Kerbin. And given the values under the Flight column I'm assuming it just means flying around in a body with an atmosphere.
  11. Made a nifty plane for my scientists to fly around. When I landed and recovered the vehicle they didn't get any EXP gain at all. Tried it again with just a quick flight and landed on the runway at KSC and still no exp gains... Not sure why I'm not getting that 1 point I should be.
  12. Is anyone else having problems with their wedges overheating in space when running the water filter and reactors...?
  13. I am not finding the part for the CO2 recycler in the TAC pack. I remember seeing it a couple updates ago but now with the beta release and updated US TAC pack I am not seeing it... Confused?
  14. After doing the force OpenGL the other day I haven't had any more problems with the addon.
  15. I'm having very similar issues. Have a crash log available for you. The game also sometimes freezes when I have the catalog mod installed, and sometimes when I get into the VAB the game will crash. Error - http://txt.do/oyba Output_log - http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=3dj2jvyq
  16. Put some modules up in orbit and didn't notice that the options for turning the various modules are missing...? Not sure what caused this to happen, they were there earlier. http://postimg.org/image/xmtybpqab/
  17. Did the borderless window fix from: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31310-How-I-got-borderless-windowed-mode-working-on-my-setup Seems to be showing full picture now. Not sure why this extra step was needed just because of changing displays, but, cest la vie. Thanks for the assist!
  18. When I hit 'print screen' and post it into a paint file it shows the whole screen, without the missing edges. It has the full image. Took a quick shot with my cell phone though to see what I see. Took the picture from the bottom right part of the screen. Can see that the entire version text isn't visible. It's like that all the way around the screen for the game. http://postimg.org/image/s2d0lxo2n/
  19. All my other programs (including being on the desktop) don't have this issue. Soon as I have coffee I'll try Claw's quick fixes.
  20. Switched to a wide screen monitor on HDMI. In windowed mode the screen fits the entire viewing area of the monitor, but when I take windowed mode off the edges of the screen extend out a few pixels in all directions. Tried all the resolutions available including the native desktop resolution. When I go back to windowed mode the screen stretch stops. Not sure what is causing this. Haven't had any other programs do this except KSP.
  21. Problem corrected. Outdated version of Parts Catalog was causing the issue. All good on the Western front now.
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