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Everything posted by Nicholander

  1. YYEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to test the parts NOW!
  2. Oh, k. Also, I think you could pretty easily add deadly reentry compatibility by making it have the same heat shield config as the 1-2 Pod heat shield. (There both 2.5 M diameter)
  3. This is what happens when Jeb takes a break from fighting off the Kraken.
  4. Okay, I can wait. Also, how's the manned version going?
  5. Carrot... They've been creative in response to the budget cuts lately? Anyway, perfect job! Will this be done and have it's own thread tomorrow?
  6. KAS? Great! I've wanted a KAS cargo spacecraft that didn't have the KAS containers sticking out unrealistically.
  7. K, thanks. Also, are you planning for it to (Eventually) have an RSS/Realism Overhaul version, which has no reaction wheels and uses real fuels propellant? (And it's size is corrected)
  8. So we will have to wait until you fix the docking ports for the mod to be released? Well, derp.
  9. Felsmak has now made Siliskus, and it's absolutely FANTASTIC!
  10. Thanks! FANTASTIC work, I can't wait until Kopernicus is done so I can start making this!
  11. christok, now I assume you (And K^2 cause he said that he can make some little snippets) are going to continue (From K^2's perspective)/ start making the sim, so when do you think a stable version will be done? (Done = can do the basics we need and doesn't crash all the time)
  12. Do any of you other guys have a link to a tutorial for on how to do solar panels for OrbitusII? Anyway, great work! Also, judging from the size of the spheres above the engines (Fuel or combustion chamber?) in Sauron's drawings, you made them a bit too small. You should fix that, and also maybe start working on the manned variant! (The IVA can wait for a bit)
  13. Okay... Sorry. Though the title is misleading, as it says "Plugin Songs!" Upsilon, please change that. (Also, the EVE is in all caps (Environmental Visual Enhancements), so change it to Eve)
  14. So you're doing songs for the plugins? Do RSS next! RSS! RSS! (After Dres)
  15. Felsmak has made Hypat and it's moons! BRILLIANT!!!
  16. Brilliant work! Siliskus is going to be great, and are you going to make the 2 versions like I described?
  17. Sauron, it'd be nice if you could draw the LV that the rival power's reusable orbiter uses, as I don't think you would need the whole Saturn V analogue to lift it to LEO.
  18. SkyRex94, here is the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88962-Drawings-of-planets-Anyone-have-any-requests?p=1344906#post1344906 I'll still have Hypat as a large super-Titan, because though realism is considered (Like Flark has faint rings, which is the only type of rings that could be possible for a moon), I still think it should fit the KSP style. For example, as pointed out in this thread (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89678-Why-doesn-t-Tylo-have-an-atmosphere), Tylo should have an atmosphere. But this is KSP, so non-realistic things can be done now and a then, so I think Hypat would fit well as a KSP style planet. EDIT: Porkjet, since Hypat is pretty much a super-Titan, I don't think we need any more planets/moons that are like Titan. Though, early on when I was brainstorming this, I thought that the "Eeloo substitute" (What came to be Mania) should be the color of Jool, and you can barley see the surface from space, so it'd be a mini-Jool with a surface, though I still think the "Iopa" (Io and Europa), is still more interesting.
  19. Oh, sorry. My derp. Anyway, did any of you PM K^2 about more info about his sim? Did you ask him if he could upload the work he's done so far on the sim?
  20. Modeling? You mean that you're going to make a small little KSP mod of our CubeSat, or are you talking about something else?
  21. Felsmak finished drawing Prominatus and it's moons, and these are EXACTLY how there going to look!
  22. That's... That's... OOOHHHHH MMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY KKOOOOOOOOODDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That. Is. PERFECT. Just. PERFECT. Thank you so much! I Absolutely LOVE the way you did Mania! Keep up the excellent work, and I already know that Hypat, it's moons, and Siliskus are going to be AMAZING!
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