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Everything posted by Nicholander

  1. Sorry to bump, but when do you guys think the first version of this will be released?
  2. Errr.... Sorry. I forgot. Derp. Anyway, K^2, do you have any ideas on how to get our CubeSat project "More formal and organized"?
  3. Awesome! Yeah, I know it's an early texture, and did you use Planet Factory? Or did you use Texture Replacer on Jool?
  4. Okay... I went to all of them and well, I still think I can do it. Also, Is it possible to add ground scatter with planet factory? For example, the fluff on Daphy.(I'm assuming Kopernicus will have all of PF's features)
  5. Uh.... they all lead to "Webpage not available". Did you miss something when pasting them?
  6. Promising indeed! I just hope that it will be released in 3 days or less, so that we I make thread on the add-on development forum is doesn't start with me begging for a pre-release of Kopernicus, and that it is relatively easy to use.
  7. Yeah I know right? Also, could you give me a link to this Kopernicus thing? And do you think there's any more celestial bodies I could add? Maybe some more asteroid moons for Prominatus, like Pol and Bop?
  8. Okay, I should of said "Optimum", not "Equatorial". Also, what do you think we should do for the electrical compoments of the first CubeSat? Like MPUs and such. (Sorry if I changed the topic so quickly)
  9. Yeah, that Saturn is in a Velcro mod for Orbiter, though I don't remember the exact name (S-MV7[M] or something?), but in voyage it was called the Saturn VI. But that also extended the 1st and 3rd stages, so i think making an extra-large Shuttle External Tank inspired 3rd stage would way the same as the extensions, and both the Saturn VI and Saturn VH would have 4 shuttle SRB strap ons.
  10. Okay, that'd be good for Hypat, instead of the boring Titan rip off. Thanks for the idea. Also, how did they fail at creating NovaSiliskos planets? Where they just lazy or was it imposibru for them? Could you also link the threads of those attempts to me?
  11. Huh, what a coincidence! I like do certainly like your idea, and I also shoud have mention that Prominatus is on a 1.2 degree inclination. And Hypat is on a 3 degree inclination, unlike Sentar and a few other planet factory mods. Also, Planet Factoty is no long being updated?!?!? Well at least there's a replacement coming!
  12. Well, it's more it's in the same universe/canon of another thing I created which rvolves around this anthropomorphic red scaled raptor named Nikolai Steerov, who is a Soviet soldier fighting The Democratic Republic Of The Congo. I thought of that in August 2013 and drawed a bunch drawings of it. I'd show one I uploaded to Imgur but it's hard to do that while using a Kindle.
  13. Sorry i forgot to mention it, but, with the largest amount of election fraud in US history, a Republican candidate wins the 2008 election, and continues George W. Bush's policies. Obama first wins in the 2012 election, and so, he wins the 2016 election and get's 4 more years. Also, in this, he is more of a mix between the conservative and liberal political leanings in the U.S, and the Republicans are sometimes called "Hardliners", and the Democrats "Reformists". The U.S is starting to resemble the IRL last years of the USSR.
  14. Nicholander here, and pretty much, this is just me putting up my IDEA for a mod, Kerbol+, which would add new planets and moons with a stock feel, and they would be the planets described by former dev NovaSilisko, yes, including gas planet 2 and all it's moons. (Except Eeloo, which has a replacement) Wait, I"VE ACTUALLY STARTED WORK ON THESE IN A MOD! Anyway, these are the planets in it: GP2/Prominatus: The second gas giant, exactly as NovaSilisko described it. It's orbit is a little less then 2x the orbit of Jool, like Saturn, and it would be 9000 Km wide. It will of course have rings, and well, I really don't know what color it should be. I think it should be either white or blue, like Neptune. (I think it's name "Prominatus" is a bit too long, do any of you guys have a name that more fits in the KSP style of planet names?) Also, it's rings would have asteroids, like the ARM patch. (Would use custom asteroids mod) It's 4 moons are: They are in order of there orbital altitude, like Daphy has the lowest orbit and Potatus has the highest orbit. Daphy: Exactly the same as NovaSilisko himself described it in his post. It's orbit will be so 75% of the time it's submerged in Prominatus' rings. Fonso: 300 Km diameter, two atmospheres dense, and a very mountainous surface. Perhaps it could have tons of canyons, adding to the already hard to land on moon. It's exactly as NovaSilisko described it. Mania (Eeloo substitute): A very odd and weird moon, as it seems to be both as habitable as Europa and as inhabitable as Moho. It's tidally locked, and on the side facing Prominatus it has cracks in it's very ice looking surface, like Europa. And on the side facing away from Prominatus, it looks like there's absolutely no possibility of life. There are (Fake) volcanoes/geysers dotted over the surface, like Io. It has craters absolutely everywhere, and there is also a 10 Km tall geyser near the south polar end of the non-Prominatus side of the moon. Potatus: Pretty much the same as Inaccessible in Planet Factory, but a high inclination and it's a Prominatusian moon. It would also be more colored, to well, like a potato. GP3/Hypat: Actually not a gas giant, and instead is 2000 Km wide, 30 atm pressure at sea level, and also 6gs at the surface. Good luck trying to take off under that, good freaking luck. It also looks like a very large Titan from space, and it's orangeish from space, but as you descend to Hypat's surface, it will slowly become a darker red. It's terrain would be tons of canyons, and the occasional large valley. Now it's moons: Flark: It has faint rings, like NovaSilisko said. It's also a purpleish-blue color, and is 200 Km across, and it's terrain would be a mix between small mountains and a normal cratered surface. Brutat: A small asteroid moon on a high inclination and a noticeabley encentrictic orbit. A potato-ish shaped an 70 Km across, and grey colored. Fut: A 10 Km diamter potato shaped asteroid moon. Half of it is grey and the other half is purplish-blue, like Flark, it's orbit is higher then Brutat and a little more encentrictic. Fut is thought to be a former large part Flark's ring system, that somehow got into this weird orbit. And finally, Siliskus, a comet. Because KSP is missing them. It's a grey-brown color, 5 Km across, noticabley potato-like, and it's on an insanley encentric orbit. It's perioapoasis is a bit lower then Moho's orbit, and it's apoapoasis is a bit higher then the orbit of Hypat. I wish it could also have the comet effect like in Alternis Kerbol, and it should have a little easter egg tributing NovaSilisko... And these are some EPIC drawings of these planets made by Felsmak! (Check out his thread!) Credit: Felsmak Credit: Felsmak Credit: Felsmak Credit: Felsmak Credit: Felsmak So what do you guys think of this? Feel free to make suggestions too!
  15. Well, but I think readers should know that before they read, because they would be sure as heck confused when they see "Anthropomorphic yellow scaled raptor".
  16. LOL, good idea vger! Though ScallopPotato should finish the Mars one, of course.
  17. So essentially, we should do an equatorial flyby, as a polar Lunar flyby would make the Earth flyby a lot more delicate. But, if we choose to do Rakaydos' suggested mission list, then we should do the polar flyby for the 3rd mission.
  18. Hmmm.... Either Jupiter, Mars, or Europa. I'd have to go for Jupiter. Gas Gaints and there moons make me feel "SPACE IS BEAUTIFUL AND AWESOME!!!!!!" 1. Jupiter: reasons said before. 2. Europa: It looks.... Beautiful. Oh, yeah, and the possibility of LIFE!!! 3. Mars: Red is my favorite color, we send like all our probes, landers, and rovers there, oh, and once again, the possibility of LIFE!!! (And in the KSP CubeSat we're working on, one of the most like ultimate mission proposals is to land a CubeSat on the Martian moon Phobos)
  19. Banned because you changed your sig and avatar. Also, butnuts.
  20. Never. Never in 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 infiteillion years. (SPONTANEOUS LONG NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) K^2
  21. Floor 881: You get butnuts stuck in your eyes, the room then turns into butnuts, you're some how now wearing a thong, and then the butnuts teleport you to floor 882.
  22. I would poop. OH GOD HELP ME THERE'S BUTNUTS IN MY EYES HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I'm sorry, but I'm a brony. I take them around every, and accidentally put them in your soup. But that's an awesome crossover, do you agree? Waiter, there's BUTNUTS in my soup!
  24. Banned for reasons that can not be disclosed.
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