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Everything posted by Kartoffelkuchen

  1. Great, that F9 1.0 is the first one! I've already started, and I have stage 1 finished now. It is now made of 48 sides instead of 24 sides, and it's general shape looks better too. I am now going to post all my dev images in this album, which will also be linked in the OP, so make sure to check regularly!
  2. Ah, a 48! Well, have you got any special one, or the whole family? A star 48B is already included in the pack, a Star 48V to come. I will start with the basic 48 for now, ok?
  3. Full Falcon 9 family is planned, the step from 1.1 to 1.2/ Full Thrust should not be that big, since it only seems to be extended tank lenghts and "uprated" engines, whatever exactly that means. Also, on spacex.com, it already shows F9 Full Thrust, the only really hard thing about that one is M1D and M1Dvac, since those really don't have any to M1C related components. My question now: I planned to redo F9 1.0 for more detailed models, but actually, do you want to have 1.2 first (or 1.1?)
  4. It should be released after Falcon 9 release. Falcon 9 release is scheduled for about 2-5 weeks from now. Delta IV after Falcon 9, though I can't say anything more than Soon.
  5. @DartVader, First of all: Nice post! I forgot to say that it requires BDAnimation Module for engine to work, so install it and it should be ok. And of course Fepbourns Old School Fairings Plugin. Also, raidernick has already finished the configs for D3, available on the RO Github page! THANK YOU! :]
  6. @Augustus: Sure. @Cheesecake: Ok, interesting. Can anybody confirm this?
  7. Thanks for all the bug reports. I've read through all of them now, and they are all not that important, or don't even cause any problems in KSP, it seems. Let's start: @Cheesecake: Ok, that one seemed to be the reason why the game was not loading, my bad. Yes, the ModuleEngineIgnitor is just an old mod, as StoryMusgrave already mentioned, and will be removed with the next patch. I beliebe it's actually there since I started this mod. Yeah, that fx group. I don't know why it comes up every time, but it doesn't do anything, so ... And the kast one is again the ModuleEngineIgnitor thing. Everything else seems totally ok. Whops, my bad again, forgot to include that one. :# @StoryMusgrave: I don't know why that .mu file is even in that folder, ignore that. Ah yeah I remember, that was my first (failed btw) test with a custom sound. It's already long in there too, I'll remove it. Thanks, forgot a 0.0, 0 there as you said. Texture loading issues, I'll just ignore those. Many older parts have been compiled with a nornal texture, and most of thoose didn't need it, so I removed those. Don't mind, nothing important at all. Will be fixed anyway once older stuff will be remade again. Yep, will do that. @liquidhype: Oh, I thought I'd have replaced that sound with a better one. Seems like I've included the wrong one... Well, your fligjt profile doesn't seem to be good enough then. I have no problems putting 5 or 6 tons to LKO (80×80km, 0º). I usually fly straigjt up until passing 100m/s, then start a smooth gravity turn. When airlit boosters decouple, I usually gave the rocket at around 40-50º yaw. I increase my apoapsis to about 60km, as first stage burns out. Waiting a few seconds, ignition of second stage, then I start to point it more straight again to prevent fslling back and building up speed. As eta:ap gets higher, I point the stage at the horizon, wait until ap is about 80km, warp to ap, and then complete the orbit. I usually have about 50-120m/s delta v left, enough for an payload avoidence or reentry burn. @Major: Strange, I have no problems. Try out the new version. (That was a pain tipping this all on the mobile! :# )
  8. Yeah okay now it can be official: Version 6 released! Changelog: Added Delta III Added Minotaur V Added Texture Replacer support (Reflections) Added Merlin 1C And some bugfixes, as always. Download from OP (which I am changing around a bit again) NOTE: Two issues with this release: The included Rescale config produces a loading issue with the GEM-40 Air lit. I have no idea why, maybe someone can have a look at that? I struggled with that one for almost two hours, without a solution. :| And the other one, I am changing folder structure a bit, in order to allow texture changing. So be warned, if you install this version, remove the old one!
  9. Yes Delta 3. @MajorLeague...: In how far? Didn't they decouple or didn't they decouple properly?
  10. Haha I'll test today and I will report any bugs here!
  11. OK, I will do those. Not in this update, but hopefully in the next one, ok? So, after quiete a bit of work, I got this (Sketchfab model to come, it processes right now) : I am really happy with it, you too guys? Just need to get it through Unity now, and a bit of config stuff.
  12. Which mod pack are you using for the atmosphere Irenicus?
  13. Thanks, that's at least something I can use! @DarthVader: Shouldn't that be launched on a BFR or something like that?
  14. Yeah, but the images I saw showed the vehicle mostly from the outside, and I was especially interested in the inside of the Payload fairing with the Star 48BV and Star 37FM structure, and found no real image. If you have anything, please post it! I believe you are really waiting for D3, your name says all. Well, I only made Minotaur V because someone suggested it and I felt like doing it. Minotaur C looks nice too, but there are already so many different versions of that rocket...(stretched boosters, widened PLF etc), probably too much for next weeks update. :/ I'll see what I can do though!
  15. @mashboi818: I'll add the Minotaur V with the next update. It's nothing special, not really detailed models and textures, simply due to lack of good reference images. I hope you'll like it anyway. @tristonwilson12: I just saw your reply, but well, it won't hurt to have 2 LV's.
  16. Yes, they'll try to land it, as far as I know. Though it's not clear if it will be RTLS or ASDS yet. II'm very thrilled for their RTF.
  17. OK, came up with a rough schedule now. Delta III should be released Sunday (NOT this Sunday, next week Sunday!), and Falcon 9 something like 2 weeks after D3. Then comes Delta IV and Atlas II and III, including a new Centaur for Atlas V. Then more SpaceX stuff (Falcon 9 1.1/1.2, Heavy, Dragon maybe?). This is a long-term schedule, note that please. For D3 release, I'll still need to redo LR-101s, and a bit of RS-27A work. Sadly, holidays will be over now for me.
  18. Hey guys, been productive again and completely remade the DCSS: (Yes, Sketchfab has some problems with the model, which are not existent in Blender) The model is UV unwrapped now, and I will try to throw some good textures on it now! The DCSS is much more modular in comparison to my last one, LOX tank, Truss section, grid, RCS and LH2 Tank are now seperated, which should also make balancing a bit easier, especially correct masses. It also includes a fully functional flight computer model now, witch wiring etc, which will be its own part and have kOS and RemoteTech support. If there's anything else a flight computer needs to have plugin-wise, let me know and I'll add it to the list!
  19. OK, I will check L2 for me. But if you compare the latest picture you posted and your RL, I'd still make it a bit more greyish again.
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