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Everything posted by Kartoffelkuchen

  1. Uhm well, I haven't got any up-to-date version of Jozvins shuttle right now. Why do you all know more than I?
  2. Why can't you seperate it too much? It would be easier to make optimal gliding performance, and would make explosions to look better.
  3. I just tested it again, there's no error! Module Manager loads fine and applies 61 patches (I deleted the cache before), all parts are resized and the nodes correctly applied.
  4. Please look at one of the .pdf's included in the download, it sais there how to use them. Are you using the older config? Please try the newest one included, it is actually (more or less ) properly tested and works.
  5. That's an awesome image I have to say! BTW liquidhype, I can't give you rep...I'll have to spread it a bit around before giving it to you again, sorry! Will you'll also make the earlier Ariane's? That'd be so awesome!
  6. Do you have Old School Fairings installed? That is required, it replaces ModuleDecouple with its own module, which handles part shielding. EDIT: Has anybody experienced a bug where the Falcon 1 upper stage stucks in the interstage in the newest release? I've just tested that, and one time it stuck and the other time it decoupled just fine, so I'm a bit puzzled rigjt now.
  7. Version 5.2 released! Changelog: Added Centaur Forward Adapter Added Forward Load Reactor (Atlas V) Added C13, C15, C22, C25, C29 Launch Vehicle Adapter (Atlas V) Added A937 and B1194 Payload Adapter (Atlas V) New sounds for CCB Lowered specularity of Atlas 400 Fairings Improved normal maps on Atlas 400 Fairings Remade Delta K bottom Added helium pressurization spheres to Falcon 1 Fuel Tanks Improved 2nd stage textures of Falcon 1 WARNING: MAKE SURE YOU REMOVE ANY OLDER VERSION BEFORE INSTALLING! Download the new version from Kerbalstuff
  8. Wat is that Mike? It looked like a Tu-144, but it has the engines in pairs under the wings, like Concorde. Looks great!
  9. Would really like to follow triston, just say roughly when and how you are called on twitch! EDIT: How are you called on twitch?
  10. Really? triston, you should reduce the number of faces to 24, really, you'll get ugly rims when attaching the 32 faces part to a stock part. I'm using 24 faces for SELV too. Well, as far as smoothing is concerned, alright then, I am happy to know how to make a heat animation in Unity!
  11. Looks good triston, though why don't you make your own thread and post your stuff there? And you should use edgesplit modifier with the smooth shading.
  12. @liquidhype: Thank you very much! Well, that engine is already included in the pack (as 1st stage engine for the Falcon 1), I only need to make some small adjustments to the turbopump exhaust for Falcon 9. I've finished now all those Payload Interfaces, all in all 8 parts. Will be released with the next update.
  13. No, I'm not planning to do that. It has an upgraded Merlin 1C first stage engine (known as Merlin 1C+), a stretched 1st stage fuel tank (from 15m to 22m), and that Kestrel 2 engine. There's very little (or to be more specific: no) info on those two engines. Though a Merlin 1A would be an interesting option, but I really can't say if I will make that or not. Merlin 1D will be enough fun to handle, plus the Vacuum engine. Though if you have any more precise info on F1 and especially Merlin 1C+ and Kestrel 2, you can send it to me, maybe I will make that, why not?
  14. Can you post a link to the stream then? And what exactly do you mean with "tonight"? Can you say a rough time? I would really like to watch your stream, and I haven't got school tomorrow, so I'd have enough time this night. Anyway, looks really great!
  15. Thank you! Yeah, especially that Merlin was a really hard piece of work...
  16. The answer is yes. Right now I only have models for Falcon 9, I still have a bit to do there, Merlin 1CV is still missing, or unfinished, and the 2nd stage also needs some overall improvement. Then texturing. After that I'll start with Falcon 9 1.1 stuff, Merlin 1D's, new structure, and possible even the landing legs. Though I am not sure about those, balancing the rocket for a possible propulsed landing is really hard, I tried that with my SELV Falcon 9. You have to make a very high engine thrust and very low tank weight in order to make a landing possible. And due to the high thrust-low weight thing, the rockets have a crazy-high TWR. See LazTeks Falcon 9. Falcon 9 1.2 will be made too, once there is proper information and a succesfull flight and the other stuff is done. Falcon Heavy will come with that, it's just a Nosecone and Decouplers. It will still take quiete a while until I finished that, though be patient, it will definitely come! I will try to work more often on it the next time, once the new version of Launchers Pack is released, which should be soon. I've been working on some small adjustments, and Payload Interfaces for the Atlas V.
  17. Guys, could we keep this on topic please? I know the thing with your ear triston, it's really ...., but at least it seems you're fine now.
  18. Great! I read the book too, it was really great! I'll see how you will manage stuff here, maybe I can help a bit, though I feel like I'm involved in too many projects already, but who cares, I've got enough time.
  19. No. This will only be released when we feel like we have enough for a first release. At least my opinion.
  20. Dude, how can you work so fast on so many projects at the same time? You know, you are working on about 4 different launch sites or so, and are already basically finished with it, and I am only working on two and I haven't even finished the modelling phase completely yet! This is a bit annoying...
  21. I will check this, thanks for pointing it out blnk2007. Oh guys, and please, donate some money to this poor guy who lost his house in a fire. If I could donate, I would do it, but I sadly can't. PROJECT PHOENIX - Transforming Flame into Hope If you can't donate, please help by spreading the word here in the Community, every dollar counts!
  22. Are you using the included patch? You have to use the config I linked on page 1.
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