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Everything posted by Kartoffelkuchen

  1. Yeah, basically. But I still have to improve DCSS 5m Upper Stage model, it doen't really look like I want. Also, I want to include the Delta II in the next version, so this may take some time.
  2. Hi, here are renders of the Delta II model: Hope you like it! YANFRET is currently working on better textures for the Delta IV.
  3. Wow, looks very promising Denny! And yes, we need those. Atlas rockets are quiete important. Iam working together with Dragon01 and Yanfret on the Delta family, so we would have the two most important rocket families for the game.
  4. Version 1.2 is in development, just wait, I have to do some other things too, but it's not abanded.
  5. Please don't ask every 4 days, a mod or a rocket can't be made in a week. I won't talk about a release yet, because I don't know, and I can't say how fast I will get everything working. Also, there are still a couple of parts which needs to be done, for example the 5m DCSS, Nosecones, 5m Fairings and some other things. Right now, the Delta IV Medium is completed, after several fixes on DCSS and Interstage. I'm now working on GEM-60 SRM's, and I will release the full Delta IV Package once II'm done with all needed parts and testing. As soon as there's anything interesting I will write it here.
  6. Nooooohoo, please don't say that John ;( It would have bewn so cool to have this ingame..
  7. http://i.imgur.com/YJOvngN.jpg Things are coming up nicely, the textures need a small tweak here and there, but otherwise, it is ready for testing. Features own FX and Sounds, extendable nozzle on DCSS and more! Note: This is still WIP, things may change!
  8. It will be avaible for Vanilla and RSS;) Currently I have Dragon01, and he does a great job as tester, but I will keep it in mind.
  9. Oh, you really want a download now right? Texturing is done except the Fairings, then I will refine everything to get a nice, balanced Delta for Stock KSP and then I will configurate everything to work nicely with Real Solar System. And then lots of testing. That's the plan.
  10. These are great looking parts Socke! They really fit with Stock Parts, even more with NASA mission parts if you ask me! Keep it up:)
  11. No, not really, I moved now from modelling to texturing, that's basically all. CBC is mostly done, but I won't show any pictures until I am sure everything will work and look like as I want ito
  12. There will be all Delta family rockets, and each rocket has, as far as it had it in real world, the different variations. So, for Delta IV that means I'll make Delta IV Medium, Delta IV Medium (4, 2), Delta IV Medium + (5, 2 &5, 4) and Delta IV Heavy. Luckily I just have to make GEM-60 SRM's, A 5m DCSS (Second Stage) and a Nosecone, once I have Delta IV Medium done. ^^
  13. You will find a Delta IV (once it is finished) here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78741-Launchers-Pack-V2-0-1-%28Working-on-Delta-family%29/page6
  14. Hello, it's me again! I just want to give you some information what exactly I am doing at the moment and during the past days & weeks. So, I've been working on Delta IV, the modelling is finished now, at least for the Delta IV Medium parts, I will have to make some other parts to make the full Delta IV family, but once I have done Delta IV Medium, I just have to do DCSS 5m, A nosecone for Common Booster Core, and GEM-60 SRM's. So, here's my Delta IV model: Splitted: And as full rocket: A giant thanks goes to Dragon01, who helped me a lot on developing this rocket, and supported me with many, many information! Thanks! And by the way: Thanks for over 270 Downloads!
  15. Wow, that's really good! Reminds me of Orion, somehow.. I think 'just' RCS Thrusters are enough ('just' because even the stock pods don't have any RCS), If you want to add Retro engines to land like Dragon V2 I would make the exhaust holes bigger... Anyway, looks very promising!
  16. Are you sure you setted up the colliders correct?
  17. @Nowater: There's no compatibility with Ferram Aerospace, maybe it works with some parts but we didn't test it. @playoue: Of course, not all parts have the same quality level, but it's a Community Project, and we have some very skilled and some not so skilled modders, but I think the end-result counts. We don't want to make a 'perfect' Mod, we wanted to make a nice Mod together. A short explanation: Original, this mod was planned as a station part mod. We also wanted to have some launchers, but some left the project, which is ok, and now we ended up with a small amount of station parts and two Launchers and some other parts. Our aim for future updates is to make more station parts, as it was planned. For the first time we have to deal with what we have, which is not bad, but which didn't meet all expections. About the videos: We did it our way, which we thought of it would be the best. Finally: We will add images later on this day, maybe you want to try it then Dragon01 And yes, I can understand why you don't want to download it, I agree you in there. I hope that things getting a bit clearer now, Kartoffelkuchen
  18. Ja, auch wahr. Ich hätte dann Freitag wieder Zeit, Morgen wird das leider nichts... Zu Kersey: Kersey war heut mindestens 2mal Online, er "versteckt" sich nur;)
  19. Was hätte das denn noch für einen Sinn!? Gut, aber ich hab nur noch bis kurz vor neun Zeit.. :/
  20. Ach @Thomas: Hast du eigentlich BD's Armory schon gewhitelisted? Also für den DMP Server? Hätte da grade...ziemlich große Lust drauf:D
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