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Everything posted by EdFred

  1. I change my conics patch limit from 3 to 6. Helps a lot more with gravity assists. But I've found that while Ike is at about 195º from prograde to Duna's orbit, and while the craft is at about 315-330º from prograde in Ike's orbit is where the first burn needs to take place. Then burn at Duna PE and I get back to Kerbin for a lot less than the ~600dV Alexmun's planner says.
  2. I've been doing it this way : Aerobrake into a Duna 50km-60km orbit. Land at Duna, ascend, rendezvous, then head to Ike. Ike Orbit at around 25km. Land, ascend, rendezvous. When leaving Ike, burn to 40km Duna periapsis, placing it at the correct spot for an ejection burn to return to Kerbin. It often seems I never get a good Ike encounter on the way in.
  3. Using the same exact craft, (I can post up the file if anyone wants) I hit all the available science in the Duna system in a single launch. It consists of a lander and an orbiter. Which (for me) means landing on Duna and Ike, and obtaining an orbit around each of them. Do you think it is more efficient to visit Ike on the way into the Duna system, or to visit Ike on the way out of the Duna system? Assume that you are aero-braking at Duna rather than injection burning.
  4. Having any sort of construction background (in anything) helps. For your Tri-Coupler FL-T800 and LTV30/45, all you need to do is turn on 3x symmetry, and add a strut(x3) horizontally around the bottom. For your previous issue, place the struts on the sides of your boosters, not on the center line.
  5. Done right you can fly along at 28-30km on turbojets, and push your apoapsis well up over 200km if you so desire and switch over to nukes.
  6. Perhaps, but when you look at the join date of a lot of the people asking the questions, it's a pretty good indication they aren't new. One of the first things I did when I got KSP was to read the key bindings page.
  7. Oh, it's not just games. Every independent company I've seen bought out by a larger company, immediately goes down the tubes. Why be streamlined when you can have 37 layers of management to approve whether or not office staff is to use blue or black ink for a company standard pen? And that doesn't even get into production areas.
  8. Um, I just did advanced search in thread title for "rescue" I got three pages of threads for this subforum alone.
  9. Yeah, but when you do "own" a Kerbal that goes on EVA, or have multiple ships within the physics range, how do you switch? With the [ and ] keys. So why is it such a leap to say "Hey, the [ and ] work for switching through close ships and EVAs" I wonder if maybe it can work for this?" No, that would be too logical.
  10. KSP has taught me to be annoyed at people that don't RTFM!!!!!!!!!! Hey morons, there's key bindings page that answers your questions. There are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid people that ask them. Can we go one week without a "How do I rescue..." thread? - - - Updated - - - Speak for yourself.
  11. If only there were another 52,489 other threads on this, maybe we could finally have an answer. Here's your answer. Read the %&*#&$ @&*@#&ing page on key bindings.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23456789. The key binding has only been around since 0.14
  12. I have had the same exact rocket tilt on separate launches - it happens.
  13. I think all the other life on Kerbin evolved as snacks - which is why we don't see any.
  14. And of course when the Kerbals run out of snacks there's plenty of otemeal to be found in the VAB.
  15. There's a reason motorcycles get better mileage than semi trucks. Same thing with rockets, or people. Can a 30 stone (420lb man) run further than a 10 stone (140lb man)?
  16. I like it! But, um...what if you land on a slope?
  17. Yep. Landed on every solid body in the Kerbol system. I don't think Tylo is that difficult, if you have a grasp of how to build a proper lander. The first 8,000dV is easy.
  18. Tweaked my Duna/Ike Lander. No need to land under power at Duna.
  19. I would, but I only know VB and some java/php, and haven't messed with compilers.
  20. Yeah, but then I still have to go to a vessel to get the info - which is what I am trying to avoid.
  21. The search function didn't seem to reveal anything, and I didn't see one on curse. I know I can go into KER once I have a ship built, and use the rendezvous information, but it would be nice to have that at the Space Center screen so I don't have to go to a ship to get that information. I've tried setting an alarm in KAC for transfer windows, but those aren't always right for some reason. So, like the title says... Is there a mod or plug-in that will show the phase angle to all planets from the space center?
  22. And of course it will only be 2200m/s only at that point in space if the eccentricity is anything but 0 assuming you burn at the PE. You can have 2200m/s at the PE and near 0 at the AP. In other words, there is no answer to your question.
  23. www.classicshell.net First thing that gets installed on any Win8 computer I come in contact with.
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