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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. its sort of the same reason why modern computer power supplies have so many damn wires. most of them are carrying the same voltage levels on very few rails and a lot of grounds that all seem to go to the same place. and you start to wonder why they just didn't use one bigger wire per voltage instead of a bunch of little ones. of course its all about load balancing and isolation, either one would make turn your computer into a doorstop if they weren't done up that way. id love for the electrical engineers who design this stuff to come up with better solutions so i dont have to pull my hair out trying to get all my wires into my mini itx case.
  2. and this is why were still a type 0 civilization.
  3. because i can only watch the same sitcoms so many times before i have to turn that idiot box off and go work on a project. sure there are people who would just play minecraft all day every day for some reason. some of those people might want more out of life than that. say you live in a type 2 civilization, are you really going to want to stay home and play video games?
  4. Nuke

    Movie idea.

    any hard scifi would be good. they kinda started down that path with interstellar and the martian. but then the copycats started slacking off and devolving into a bunch of space opera tropes. then they kind of died out all together. 2001 would have been terrible if hal didnt try to kill anyone. two things mr robot (its a tv show but it gets haxxoring right without being dull as hell) apollo 13 ok 3 the right stuff someone has just got to want to do it instead of making another generic genre film. oh and the girl with the dragon tattoo had some good haxxoring too, though i thought the movie was a bit long and drawn out.
  5. im a 90s kid but to be fair i didnt get along with other 90s kids. im like 6 months too old to be considered a millennial. for example while everyone else was listening to grunge, i was mostly listening to 80s thrash and death metal. so i was a bit of a throwback. i knew dos while everyone else used windows, i owned a bunch of old lego sets from the 80s. didnt really like 80s cartoons, or any cartoons for that matter. on the other hand if it wasnt for the extreme metal explosion in '86, id have to write the 80s off as a terrible decade.
  6. raspberry pi has turned out to be a great little emulation platform. mostly 8 and 16 bit consoles and mame. there have even been a few ports of pc games, like descent (1 & 2), quake (all up to q3a), and doom to name a few. theres also minecraft but the pi version leaves something to be desired. they all run pretty well. i just need to design some controllers for my pi tablet. for now im just using a generic bluetooth gamepad. i havent looked into dos emulation but it probibly exists, raspi blows those old dos machines out of the water in terms of performance, but different architecture likely eats up performance. also havent checked out post 16-bit console emulation, but the only console i owned from that era was the sega saturn, and there were maybe 2 games for that which were good. i missed a lot of n64 and ps1 titles from that era because i joined the pc master race around that time. only one i went back to play was star fox 64.
  7. i like to think of it as more of a beamed energy plant. sure it will support a significant population, but most of that would be dedicated to maintenance of the whole system. you can only do so much with automation. this is just a power plant scaled up. its beaming power to vessels traveling between stars, other colonies, interstellar communications, etc. might as well throw in some manufacturing hubs in there as well since you have the real estate. though some assemblies would be better assembled where the gravity is lower, again thats a place to beam power too. and unemployed people are not an issue provided there are enough resources to go around. this line of thought may seem absurd to our capitalistic way of life. but if you can build it then your species is already post scarcity. people can actually persue their interests and find an actual purpose as opposed to having to go where the money to pointlessly level up a bank account so you can buy things rather than create them. this is why i consider fight club dystopian fiction. the fact of the matter is that unemployed people, if not distracted by material things and staying alive (and not mentally ill like much of the unemployed people you see in our society, or in the 3rd world where there just arent any jobs for the uneducated, unskilled labor force), will eventually find something to do. they will try and crack the hard problems that an interstellar empire will face, like what to do about those damn aliens.
  8. i think the general consensus is that its cheaper to build a slightly larger fuel tank than it is to use assistive technologies. like i had an idea to send a tunnel boring machine through a mountain at like a 30 degree angle. at the base you build a massive pressure vessel connected to the tunnel, a rocket is placed on a a rail system with a piston to seal the tube. in front of the rocket the tunnel is evacuated of most of its air. the end is sealed with a cap to keep the tunnel from repressurizing. when the valves open, the rocket will be driven up the tube, this compress what little air is left in the tunnel until its enough to blow the cap (which would be on hinges so it would clear the way for the rocket). you only need to exceed the pressure at the top of the tube which is significantly less than surface pressure. as soon as the cap is blown the engines are throttled up. this is at higher altitude so there are a lot fewer losses to drag. of course were back to the problem of being way too elaborate where a little bit more sheet metal and some more fuel was what you really needed.
  9. a ringworld perhaps? with a swarm collecting the energy it misses. the main habitable surface would be the ring.
  10. i had this problem too. probibly because the tweak scale mod didnt adjust the bounding boxes for the hatch properly (could be a heirarchy glitch with the model). i was able to get into my inventory (it was an interstellar mission so i didnt want to have to send a rescue ship with a backup reactor). i did manage a hack where i stuck a seat right at the hatch and was able to transfer the smaller items to my kerbal's inventory. getting the big stuff requires a lot of fine manuvering and the ability to hold position, and you usually have a second or two to quickly drop the thing outside the module for further manipulation. i could only do this at one of the access points on the model. maybe sticking a ladder to the side would work (of course i didnt think to bring any). after repairing my ship i had enough space to relocate everything and just blew up the module with a bomb, then put my ship back together with some spare docking ports.
  11. this version of luna multiplayer looks like its just uncompiled source code. the release link from their github doesn't seem to go anywhere.
  12. first of all we need to get to where we can survive anywhere. i mean we dont need earthlike atmosphere and gravity. both can be manufactured with sufficient energy and industrial capability. its probibly better to set up shop on low gravity planets as that gives you access to the entire solar system. the technology to do this is not really that far ahead of us. we could use fission reactors, or fusion when that becomes available. we could use fusion engines, or even old boom boom, fission fragment, or maybe next gen plasma engines. the hard part is probibly going to be the life support and keeping humans fertile durring the long voyage (a backup plan might be to store embryos in a very rad hard part of the ship). if earth and every colony manage to launch one or two colony ships to a destination < 10ly, then yea, galactic conquest is possible. we better get to it before another empire decides to do same. globular clusters now thats iffy, unless we come up with some really good anti-radiation measures in the future, or use genetic engineering to rad-hard humans directly.
  13. yea i think it was a completely different animation. i went back and watched the video and its not the same one from before. the one you linked is that video, it only looked similar to the frame that was shown in the video box. and you can tell thats bogus because all the planets are pretty much orbiting on the same plane and they dont look properly elliptical.
  14. man that was a good series. i couldnt stop watching it, then i had to watch 2001 again.
  15. im not wonderful in any way shape or form.
  16. are we going to all build our own vehicles or use a bunch of pre-made craft files? also a required mods list with version and downad links would be nice, or perhaps a zip with all the requisites in it so we just have to add ksp. this would eliminate confusion and possibly make things more stable for the event. and we might get a better turnout as a result.
  17. it was just something i picked op on hearsay. i was just doing some transformations in my head and before it gave me a headache i figured it looked fishy. you know, dubious science.
  18. wasn't this video refuted some time ago? the orientation of the galactic disk as seen in the night sky is all wrong for this to be accurate.
  19. how few gs does a planet have to have before you can place a golfball in orbit with a typical drive. assume the drive takes place atop a mountain so that periapsis is roughly at position of the ball atop the tee.
  20. was going to post a doom reference, but others beat me to it.
  21. ive had this one stuck in my head all week. this is one of those songs i liked so much i played it on a loop for several hours, then completely forgot about it. then months later, in a painkiller induced coma after having a tooth pulled, i remembered it. now its back on an infinite loop. terrible vocals (for black metal, too immortal-like), but love the guitar work. also like the trend in entropy-themed black metal ive been seeing.
  22. this looks like it would be fun. do you have more information?
  23. doesn't surprise me at all. huge sets like this are hard to store and its usually cheaper just to take it apart and recycle the materials (usually into another set). all the more reason to do it. for science! we really dont know how much gravity is necessary to maintain bone density and muscle mass. we do know that coriolis effects can be problematic and that motion sickness is a major concern. but we wont know anything until we actually do it. when i was younger i did see a guy do the humpty hump on the gravitron, it was rather impressive feat considering the gs that thing pulls.
  24. i wonder what it would take to launch the original set into space and use it as an actual (rather nausiating) centrifuge.
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