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Everything posted by rabidninjawombat

  1. Really? And it performs the same function as the stock science lab? Darnit... i already added the stock science lab to my station
  2. So ive been playing around with the MMU's on minmus, the thrust on them seems a bit low, the standard EVA packs the kerbals wear seem to move him faster than the MMU's. Granted this is probably accounted for by the weight of the MMU. Just seems a bit low. Im gonna try changing the thrust in the cfg file from .2 to .5 and see how it goes =)
  3. New inflatables! I like Are they attachable to Habitat? Or do they come preattached?
  4. You'll get more data by returning stuff to Kerbin. For most reports you suffer a penalty for transmitting the Data instead of returning it. You are right in your assumption, that in Stock KSP, manned missions are always more valuable for science sake =) There are various mods that chance how pods work and increase their usefulness ( I.E. Better than Starting Manned Mod, and remote tech2)
  5. I like Modular Kolonzation System, It doesnt really change core game play, but it does add alot of depth, and gives you a reason to build bases on planet. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588 Also for Space station building i like Fustek Station parts. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35043-0-23-5-FusTek-Station-Parts-(X0-04-4-DEV-BUILD-5-June-2014) Dig in.
  6. There lots of mods that would be great in the Stock game, At the top of my list though would probably be Infernal Robotics, Theres just so much you can do when you can fold, move and rotate your payload, That and stock fairings of course, so you can fit your folded payload under it
  7. Just continued building my Science Station orbiting Minmus! Its about halfway done, and once completed , im planning on planting a colony on the surface , (Using MKS)
  8. I agree with Larkvi, A 90 degree plain hinge would be a nice part (in addition to the open and closed ones) I built a box satellite after seeing the Gif of your creation there and noticed the same thing. Keep up the awesome work Sirkut, IR is probably the one mod i cant play without, and probably the one that most belongs in the stock game.
  9. Ive got copies of the original mods in an old game data folder(well the 3 that i know off, THSS, HOSS, and CRSS (which was just 4 parts) , id be happy to throw them up on my dropbox, if you want them for refrence. Unless it break some sort of rules or something. Just gimma a holler. And i totally agree on the new models for Extra planetary launchpads, I wish i had some modeling talent, i really would love to see a new furnace for Ex. Planetary.
  10. Just started playing around with these. Awesome Mod Nazari! Just wanted to say thanks! The VTS manuving pack is my favorite. I added in a rotating dispenser of them into my growing minmus station. (using a rotor from infernal robotics)
  11. Looking very nice!! I used the original mod this was inspired by and am really glad to see the idea resurrected, They go extremely well with Fustek's station parts =D Just out of curiosity was there any plans on bringing back the Octostruts, made by the same person? I can post screenshots if you unsure of what im talking about..
  12. That thing is Huge!!! Grabbing it now to play with it Awesome job!
  13. Oh man those are some nice textures! I've had what seems to be an earlier version of those for a while now (couple months i think), without hex can textures. this update is real nice snatching them right away!
  14. Oafman, there actually is a setting to change the number of orbits your willing to wait, under the rendevous autopilot you just change the number of orbits, the autopilot only kicks you into a phasing orbit if its beyond that number.
  15. Mechjeb is a great little tool and has its uses For the longest time i had trouble doing orbital rendezvous, but after watching mechjeb doing it for me several times i finally got the gist of how it works, and i learned how to do it on my own, (and usually more efficiently than mechjeb ) In short it helped teach me orbital mechanics. Its also great for those people who enjoy the engineering aspect of the game, and no so much the flight aspect. Its also great when you've done a task million of time and can do it in your sleep (i.e. circularizing a orbit around Kerbin) and just wanna get up and get a cup of coffee while the computer does it for you
  16. Yup thanks Blizzy, just noticed there was a new updated to your toolbar, and it indeed fixed the issue! As usual, you are awesome, (As well as EvilReeper for making this awesome science mod!)
  17. I can confirm the same issue, didnt start happening till i updated to the latest toolbar version. 1.7.2. When i left click for a science alert, the menu seems to appear of the screen, i can only see the bottom leading edge of it, and cant move it it seems. Tried relocating the toolbar to different parts of the screen with no effect.
  18. Thanks for the link! Been wanting to get the AIES antennas working, i like their look alot, manually edited the part files on a couple, but this saves me alot of effort!
  19. Thanks, ive been told they work My biggest problem is actually finding a download of them, my googlefu hasn't turned up one unfortunately... Someone was nice enough to send me a link to the mark2 DEMV, which i grabbed, but i was looking for the rest as well if someone has a download link. And thank again for all your work maintaining this stuff Dragon =)
  20. Amazing Part Roverdude! You are one busy bee thanks for the alt texutures that are included as well, they match a bit more IMHO
  21. Sorry if its already been asked, any word on the DEMV rovers? Those things were awesome
  22. Hey Thanks for the config! been wanting a way to cleanup the life support part list. Where in the Game Data folder do you drop this config? I tried in the TACLS folder, and it doesnt seem to have any effect. Thanks in advance.
  23. Hrm, Confirmed on the shadows, at least in the VAB, used to have them under Direct X, will go land on the Mun, to see if shadows show up when landing.
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