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Everything posted by rabidninjawombat

  1. Agreed, I'm interested in the same info. Been futzing around in the folders, and looking into modding contracts, but would like whatever info anyone has to share, especially on adding companies and contracts. EDITED to avoid double Post. Thanks MrHappyface!
  2. Thanks! GUI not needed! Was just making sure it wasnt supposed to be there and i was missing it. Thanks for all the hard work.
  3. Oh man! New science parts! I love you. EDIT: Just loaded up the mod, and i see a new Sciene Jr' wedge.... woohoo!
  4. Question: I installed this (thanks for making this by the way, used FAR, but like many here, found it just a BIT too much) And I dont see any type of interface, (similar to FAR) Not sure if its just install and forgot.. or If i installed something incorrectly. Thanks!
  5. Any chance to integrate with the new inbuilt toolbar? or do we still need Blizzys toolbar?
  6. Looking real good, i like the progress on this so far! =) Just an idea, as an extension to the large octagonal parts... any way to get the octagaonal piece without tank in the center? Its about the perfect size for a rover delivery pod, if ya know what i mean.
  7. https://github.com/NathanKell/DeadlyReentry/blob/master/DeadlyReentry/Readme_DREC.txt There ya go Piggysan, its in that github, just had to find the link
  8. Way cool! I like it alot! Any chance to a make a KAS box as well with the same texture as the Sci-Boxes? that way you can mix and match (say have 2 of each?)
  9. Just wanted to say this is by far my favorite info type mod. The HUD is very awesome, and i love the fact that you dont need a part to have the info at hand (cant tell you how many times i forgot to add the Engineer chip) before i found this mod
  10. I love it! Great job. Totally grabbing this to use (to replace my hand written checklist, lol) Id second the suggestion to add toolbar integration and the ability customize the list.
  11. Your probably right on that Pecan... not to mention the contract system adds another challenge to the mix anyway.. it does seem as if .24 is close (i hope!)
  12. Those are looking great! And i actually do really like that carbon fiber look =)
  13. You can use the Kerbal Attachment System mod to do this, Only other way is to dock the two crafts via docking ports, but im guessing your lander may not have one.
  14. Agree with pretty much whats been said.. current music is great.... Adding more would be awesome. On that note there is a mod that you can edit the in game sound track http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65726-0-23-5-Soundtrack-Editor (ive added a bunch of spacey type music myself)
  15. Javster, on my stock game install ive had crashes extremely rarely, the stock game itself is very stable. Mods and the number of them, can change that easy. As far as the OP's question goes. I own both, and KSP would be my suggestion. Though they are both enjoyable , but totally different games, so really it depends on what you wanna do. Run a prison, or shoot up rockets
  16. Cant believe i forgot to mention FAR lol.. that is a must. Will include that, Engineer to would be a good addition, as its adds to the realism. Any self respecting astronaut is gonna have those figures available. Ive gone back and forth on RSS, but id probably pass, as it may just go a bit too far for my taste lol.
  17. So I wanna do a challenging, hardcore, playthrough in career mode. Was looking for suggestions on what mods to include in the installations. Obviously, no reloads, or reverts would be used. (quick saving only to be used in the event of a game crash) What I have so far: -TAC life support -For life support (obviously) -RemoteTech2 -Deadly Reentry. -Better than starting manned (Anyone know if there is anyway to make this work with KSP Interstellar? Id like to have Both, but id go with BTSM for the challenge if i cant make it work) - MKS (For end game colonization, if i make it that far lol) - Ferram Aerospace. These are on the Maybe List: Dang it! (part failure mode) -Havent tried this, so not sure yet how well it works. kOS - Id like to include this one, but unsure how high the learning curve on it is. (Not an experienced coder myself.) Any recommendations? Or any mods i missed? EDIT: Just realized i shoulda put this in the Add-on affairs forums... sorry (mods can feel free to move it if them want)
  18. I stuck Jeb on my minmus science station, so he would quit trying to sneak onto every launch Ill pick him up soon so he can crew my upcoming Duna expedition.
  19. Minmus is where i do my mining, to start. I've started a Mining operation there, with a ore drilling setup on the way to building rockets there via Extraplantary launchpads, With its low gravity its an ideal starting point for future expansion into the solar system.
  20. Id agree with Dragon01 on this one, If you do move with this, id start with the payloads, there are some real intresting looking items!
  21. I love the kerbal koffins And the epic burning sendoff, *thumbs up*
  22. Very Awesome.. The kerbalized version of Kennedy's Moon speech is a super nice touch! Look forward to seeing more! Good luck on Jool 5!
  23. Thanks! I'm gonna do at least part of this on my next save (disable revert) for realism.... Ill keep saves, just to recovered from bugs and crashes and the like.
  24. LOL i know how it goes with mod addiction.. once you start its hard to stop ive got 86 folders in my game data folder at the moment I really need to start trimming a few unused ones
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