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Everything posted by Cetera

  1. Yes, we can help. TextureReplacer hasn't been maintained by Shaw for a long, long time now, and the community has really stopped supporting it. Instead, we have an updated replacement, TextureReplacerReplaced (we're creative-naming geniuses!), by @HaArLiNsH. Install it instead. You can find it in CKAN, as well as here:
  2. That's normal, eberkain. The visor defaults in TRR replace all visors in the game, including in the main menu, but the main menu doesn't have TRR recoloring the visor. So you're getting the mostly opaque white/gray default visor I use in my suit pack for space EVA showing on the kerbals in the main menu. At this point, there isn't any work around for it. I'm not really sure if it is even fixable, but since it only affects the menu screen of the game, I would guess it is extremely low priority to correct if it is even possible. I'm not sure if TRR will fully work in the main menu. Those are all good questions for @HaArLiNsH.
  3. Happy Friday, @DMagic! I just started using One Window, and I love it! Thank you for this mod, it was a great idea. It is extremely nice having text all show up at one place, instead of several, generally where I have a mod window I want to pay attention to. Is there any setting to adjust the transparency/opacity of the box where the text shows?
  4. Thanks, I've updated the pack correcting that error. I appreciate the assistance.
  5. @HaArLiNsH Can you confirm the naming convention for the IVA normal map in the default folder? Mine is named "kerbalMainGreyNRM.dds", but it is not being applied properly. Instead, a normal map with "KSP" lettering occurs on the shoulder where my class logo is, and a KSP mission patch on the chest randomly, with some hose attachment fittings that aren't on the suit.
  6. Well, it allows for a bigger dictionary, which means it can store more file strings to a simpler replacement code. The downside is it takes more processing power to zip, takes more memory to hold the entire dictionary, etc. The difference between the 32k dictionary size of Deflate and the 64k dictionary of Deflate64 isn't going to be that big of a deal for most of what we're dealing with, I don't think. If you really want to get crazy, you can use different compression methods and use dictionary sizes of hundreds of MB, but you gotta have a lot of RAM, and I know not everyone does.
  7. Issue turned out to be my .zip file. I was archiving some stuff and preparing to move a bunch of files from off of my NAS, and I did a big zip job, ultra compression, with Deflate64. I didn't reset back to defaults before I zipped this file today, and that caused the issue. A corrected file is uploading now.
  8. @HebaruSan @Murdabenne Anything I need to do to correct it? I can upload again if it helps, too.
  9. Yes, unfortunately that's the nature of TRR at this point, and I'm not sure if there's much that can be done. I believe the issue stems from a light gray, mostly opaque texture I use that is then colored by TRR to create the apollo-style gold sun visor for the space suits. I think the stock game is loading that same texture where it was probably transparent before, and combined with their yellow overlay, you get the strange effect. If you really don't like it, and don't care about the space visor, you can delete the EVAvisor.png file in the TRR-Cetera\Default folder. Now that I look at it, the package that I have out in distribution has my old texture I was using to figure it out, and the proper gray one as the test. I'll fix that. The key is the transparency, not the color of the texture. If it is a gray texture, you can use TRR to recolor it, but if it is gold at the texture level, you're only going to get varying shades of gold.
  10. @Galileo I'm certain you've addressed this in the past (I'm pretty sure I've seen it here before) but I'm not finding it now, and the search feature is letting me down. I'm getting what appear to be double layers of city lights. When directly overhead of them, it is unnoticeable, but when I'm in orbit and they are closer to a horizon, it is noticeable. I can't quite tell if it is the city lights reflecting off of clouds or not. Is that a feature in the mod? If not, where should I look to start troubleshooting? Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fzh5f2i7bu8z6wh/Output Log - Cetera - 2017-11-28.txt?dl=0 Gamedata folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/migcyz740ovs3hj/Cetera GameData 2017-11-28.png?dl=0 Also, only a single config for everything in the SVE folder, and no configs in the EVE folder, just the plugins. Install was via CKAN. Like a n00b, I've got a screenshot for you of the gamedata folder, but not the actual issue in-game. I'll recreate it for you tomorrow if necessary. I'll blame the forgetfulness on the hour, too! ;-)
  11. You are most welcome. I'm glad you appreciate my efforts. Your thanks and enjoyment of it is honestly worth more than most realize. Always take time to thank the modders you like. It takes a LOT of work, and if gratitude is the only currency you can repay them in, be sure to give it to them. It costs you nothing but a moment of your time, and it really does go a long way.
  12. There are a couple of reasons on the wherefores and whys. In my mind, Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Valentina are special. I wanted them to have unique suits that no other kerbal would wear, and that's how I designed my pack, for the way I play. I also wanted to mirror the orange command suits of my original pack, which I really liked. So I set them up as unique, and allocated them to the original crew via the config. (Valentina is purple instead of orange because my wife's favorite color is purple, and it is a bit of an homage to her.) I know that some folks play KSP a bit differently than I do, and do an astronaut corp and progression, and want "veteran" suits. By default, the only veteran kerbals in KSP are the original four. However, for those that want veteran suits designating advanced kerbals that they edit to reflect their status, I wanted to accomodate with something in the pack. Hence the veteran suits of each class having an orange jetpack like the command crew, but with the class specific logo on them. The EVA suits then have the orange strip piping, and use the badass helmets. Personally, I like the badass helmets the most out of everything in the pack, and I wanted to make sure they were seen and used in the game. Doubling as badass and veteran helmets allows that to happen. They'll still be rare enough, I think. The way TRR works is allocating folders by class. Combing the folders the way you did is exactly how I originally made the pack, until I made the badass helmets. I did not want to make an orange veteran suit for each class, as they would be so rarely (never) utilized it just wasn't worth it. With that being the case, I felt consistency in the suits across classes was more important for cohesiveness, and I split off the orange (and purple) command suits into their own folders and allocated them by name to the unique original kerbals. And it all started to try to have an easy identifier to be able to differentiate kerbals when on EVA, so you could tell who the heck it was in screenshots, videos, etc. Does all that make sense?
  13. Version 1.01 is updated on spacedock, to correct the too-thin outline on the flag emblem for the Kolonist suits.
  14. I saw you liked my Thank You post on the CKAN thread.  Was it you who did the work?  How does CKAN import/incorporate stuff from Spacedock when you click the little box to add it to CKAN?

    1. HebaruSan


      Hi! Yep, I took care of that. When you click that box, SpaceDock auto-generates a pull request with a .netkan file on the NetKAN repository; in your mod's case, this one:


      Then somebody from the CKAN team takes a look at it (there are queues/feeds/notifications) and can accept it as-is, reject it completely, or make tweaks. We usually try to check for dependencies, weird installation requirements, etc., and there are some validation checks that run as well to catch common problems.

      In this case, I actually deleted SpaceDock's new file because we already had one for your mod from 1.2.2, which I updated instead based on what was in the new zip file and your forum thread. I felt a bit bad about messing up a different request earlier (I merged #6052 without its dependencies, so the mod author had to submit #6053 to add them), so I tried to learn from that and cover all the bases on yours.

      Thanks for your kind words on the thread, and you're welcome!

  15. For support with the TRR mod, you will need to post in the TRR thread. I just provide the pretty colors on the suits. I think the reflections are still a bit of a tricky issue right now. I noticed a bug in them earlier where the reflection stays static, based on your location when you first EVA. A scene change back to the space center and back fixes it. @HaArLiNsH is aware of the issue, and working on it. That might be what you're seeing.
  16. Thank you! I hope you enjoy them, and I look forward to seeing where you take them!
  17. I just want to drop by, say "Hi," and thanks for either: whomever did a great job putting my new suit pack on CKAN, including adding TRR as a required mod, and listing Community Trait Icons, Portrait Stats, and MKS as recommended mods whatever automated system handled #1 from Spacedock.info I only published the mod this morning, checked on it just now after work, and it has 76 downloads already. Fired up CKAN on a new install, and there it was, ready to go. Selected it, and it required TRR (although it listed two instances, not sure about that) and also recommended the other three mods. Very nice work guys, and I appreciate it. Thank you! Oh, and "Hi." Happy Thanksgiving!
  18. Please post screenshots and video links in this thread to show off what your kerbals can get up to in the wild when clad in such spiffy space suits! Also, I need a volunteer for someone to help me get this on CKAN, please, as it is still very much Greek to me. It appears it is up and working on CKAN, with the proper requirements and recommendations. Thanks very much, to any who helped make that happen!
  19. OK, version 1.0 of Cetera's Suits for TRR is up on Spacedock. I need someone to help get it on CKAN. Forum thread is here: Enjoy.
  20. Cetera's Suits for TextureReplacerReplaced Cetera's Suit Pack contains class-specific custom suits for all KSP stock classes and for all classes included in MKS. EVA class suits for kerbal classes level zero through five Alternate helmets used for any kerbals with the BadAss trait Alternate veteran suits for any kerbals with the Veteran trait* Transparent EVA visors (used by default on the ground in an atmosphere when in an EVA suit) Apollo-style EVA gold sun visors, mostly opaque, but with just enough transparency to let you get a feel for your kerbal's emotional state at any given moment while on EVA. (default visor used in space) The ability to flip back and forth between the clear and sun visors via right-click menu (select change EVA suit) thanks to TRR Class-specific IVA suits with class icons on shoulder patches Dedicated "Command" suits for the original four kerbals, Jebediah, Bill, Bob, and Valentina** * Veteran suits use the BadAss helmets, with an orange jetpack, and orange piping stripes on the EVA suits. **By default, the command suits are exclusive to the Big Four. If desired, you can copy the folders in the "Extras" folder to the "Suits" folder. This will allow the Command suits to be used as veteran suits for the three stock classes. Doing so will replace the BadAss helmet variant for veterans for these three stock classes only. Screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/TZdy4 NOTE: ***If adding this suit pack to an existing game, you must use the "Reset TRR" button in the TextureReplacerReplaced menu (lower right under the class selections) while in the Space Center view for settings to take effect. New games started after the installation of this pack do not need this step.*** ****************************************************** Cetera's Suit Pack REQUIRES the following mods: TextureReplacerReplaced: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161898-13texturereplacerreplaced-v04/& ModuleManager: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-130-module-manager-281-june-29th-2017-with-n-cats-physics/& Cetera's Suits is compatible/enhanced with the following mods: Community Trait Icons: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162509-13-community-trait-icons-icon-library-for-kerbal-crew-types-v012-2017-06-25/& Portrait Stats: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/108704-13x-dmagics-modlets-new-modlet-one-window-v20-8-16-2017/& Modular Kolonization System: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154587-13-modular-kolonization-system-mks/ Download ****************************************************** Thank you to GregroxMun, Proot, Green Skull, Scart91, JFull, Bentley, and Shaymes for their inspiration, suit packs, and for making my KSP adventures a little more delightful and colorful over the last several years. Thanks also to GregroxMun, HaArLiNsH, and Aelfhe1m for the discussions and willingness to assist me. Thank you Shaw for the original TextureReplacer mod, RangeMachine for updating it after Shaw disappeared. Most importantly, a very special thank you to HaArLiNsH for creating TextureReplacerReplaced, carrying on the work to allow us to customize our favorite game, and for all the extras he has put into it to make TRR so flexible and customizable! ****************************************************** ****************************************************** License: CC BY-NC-SA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Version Updates Screenshots (there are more screenshots at the Imgur album link above):
  21. My suit pack is undergoing the last finishing touches and testing. It should be available by no later than this weekend. I'll have a separate release thread for it that I'll link here. I will need volunteers to make a CKAN profile or whatever for it, so it can be updated that way. If I update my existing SpaceDock profile mod (https://spacedock.info/mod/282/Cetera's Suit Mod) will it break things for current users on previous versions in CKAN, or mess things up for the future since TRR instead of TextureReplacer is required? Here's an album of suit pics for those who are interested: https://imgur.com/a/TZdy4
  22. One of the things I was trying to do with my pack was prevent conflicts if anyone installs any other suit pack in the future. I put copies of the normal maps in each suit folder, for example. Is there a config code that can apply to all of my suits, but not alter the universal TRR default? That's why I listed each one of my suits with all the same config info. Also, would I just put the visor color settings in that same section you have the suit/helmet/visor/jetpack listed in now?
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