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Everything posted by CaelumEtAstra

  1. I don't. Ever. At least not for its intended purpose... See the dome at the bottom? Yeah, that's a stayputnik acting as a doppler radar.
  2. Mun. It's easy to get to and really fun to do Apollo-style missions there.
  3. This one starts back in the summer of 2013... Before I was playing KSP, I was playing Minecraft exclusively. Then I saw some youtube Minecrafters play it back in 0.21, specifically Zisteau and kurtjmac. Later on I started watching Scott Manley's Interstellar Quest series. I became very interested and loved the crazy things you could do and build in it. Then I played the demo and fell in love. A few months later with a $20 Steam card from Christmas redeemed, I bought the game. I've been playing since 0.23, joined the forums in April of 2014, and I don't see any plans to stop playing anytime soon.
  4. I'm pretty sure it's just imgur's crappy servers. Sometimes i'll be on the site and it suddenly stops working. White screen for a few minutes, then BOOM! working just fine again. Annoying as hell, but it could be worse.
  5. Finished setting up my weather observation system with the launch of WAO 3C & 3D. Here's an album showing all of the components...
  6. Most of my upper stages to LKO are de-orbited to reduce orbital debris clutter. Here's the kicker though...I don't aim for a specific location. Not like it matters, most upper stages IRL just break up before hitting the ground, so I just assume the same. If it's on a KTO, I burn radial out so it will burn up as well. To KEO, though, de-orbiting is harder, so I just put it into a graveyard orbit anywhere from 2900km to 3000km. Interplanetary, I just don't bother. To sum up, it must be burnt up, in a graveyard, or out of Kerbins SOI. As for NERVs, No de-orbit because of the nuclear material, what a disaster that would be. Ususally, though, they are designed to be used several times. If the ship is decommissioned, it is usually sent into interplanetary space. As for RTGs, no worries. No de-orbit again, but most of the time they are used as a power source for outer planet probes, i.e, a Jool or Eeloo probe.
  7. How about this...build your own SSTO! The stock ones usually have just enough to get to orbit but not much else, and are more for demonstration purposes. Heck, it doesn't even need to be a spaceplane! I built an SSTO rocket lifter that can get about 11 tons or so to LKO, and about 5 to KTO/KEO.
  8. A perfect road trip song that somehow fits perfectly into a long mission.
  9. Updated to v1.2.1 Changes: 1.2.1 (19/12/2015) *Ablator readjusted to 150 to compensate for my poor foresight *Added a couple lines to fix the pod turning black (thanks Phineas Freak)
  10. Not to rain on your parade or anything, but I found out the CISA we tried to kill is in this Omnibus. It really puts us in a pickle; if we pass it, CISA will exist, but if we don't, NASA doesn't have a budget. This sucks.
  11. AWWWWW YISSSSSS NASA, it's about time you had some breathing room. Also, SpaceX RTF definitely underhyped.
  12. If you think about it, the Pegasus is better for commercial payloads simply because it doesn't have the stigma of an ICBM attached to it. Seriously, would you want your satellite launching in place of a nuclear warhead? Also, Pegasus has a quick turnaround, as it doesn't have a launchpad that needs maintaining. Look at all the launch dates, you'll find they are pretty close together, with a month or two, at least with the earlier flights.
  13. 16 Mbps (2MB/s) down, 1 Mbps (800kB/s) up. Pretty decent connection, it gets the job done seeing as I'm not the kind of person that downloads several gigabyte files at a time.
  14. Perfect for return burns, reentry. The happy end to a successful mission.
  15. Alright, this thread shouldn't die. Good for a VAB session or a test launch.
  16. Scrubbed due to high winds making launch controllers exceed launch window. Never fails...first day you want to launch is crappy, but the next day or two is perfect.
  17. I'll start: Can you give reputation? If so, how? If not, will the reputation stay the same?
  18. Mind = Blown Where's the rep button? I suppose this newfangled "like" button will do.
  19. Nothing yet but I'm planning on returning my crew to Kerbin after my first successful Minmus landing. After that, launch Sojourner II, the second of my Salyut/Skylab hybrid style space stations.
  20. WOOHOO! THE 504 BAD GATEWAYS FINALLY STOPPED! Welcome back everyone! You really never know how much you miss something until it's gone, and I am GLAD it's back!
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