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Everything posted by CaelumEtAstra

  1. The earliest screen shot I have is from my main save, which was created less than a year ago. However, I've been playing for about 2 years, so it's obviously not the first. That one was unfortunately lost to oblivion via PC upgrades and a hard drive corruption. This one is still quite beautiful.
  2. I wouldn't say hate so much as intensely dislike, but Tylo definitely takes the cake for me. If you're not paying attention, it will gladly kick anything you have orbiting the Jool system into solar orbit. This is exactly what happened to Hera, my first probe to orbit Jool. I kept trying to adjust my orbit so there wouldn't be any Tylo encounters, but to no avail. Curse that unusually high gravity moon!
  3. Not yet, but I almost hit some interstage panels (the ones from Procedural Fairings) from the LV I launched on. I managed to get clear of them by moving to a higher orbit. So far, my save is pretty clean in terms of debris. Most of my upper stages can deorbit from LKO or are shot out to a heliocentric orbit, but ones on a KTO trajectory cannot due to a self imposed boiloff limit.
  4. @cubinator Where did your post go? All I see is black.
  5. This may or may not help. Note the "untitled space craft" at the end.
  6. This one from Russia's nuclear power projects And this one I made from spacebat art My official space program flag is the one as shown in my signature, with the host country flag after the ribbon.
  7. When your chutes are burnt off by aerodynamic heating on the way to orbit.
  8. Lights. Or rather, as Bob Fitch (aka @Felbourn) says, MOAR LIGHTS! Put a couple facing downward, preferably the round, bright ones as they form a nice circle that gets smaller as you get closer to the ground. Other than that, If you're not opposed to mods, I could recommend using MechJeb or Kerbal Engineer as they have surface altitude readouts.
  9. Mercury-Redstone 1. The one time the LES didn't do it's job... But having the launch controllers blame the Germans is out of character, so it's clearly obvious they're playing it up for drama. They probably did panic a bit IRL, though.
  10. All of my wallpapers are screenshots from my main save. My current one is Sojourner IV, a Salyut/Skylab inspired space station. My monitor is 1280x1024, but I doubled the resolution with the screenshot supersize function.
  11. D'oh! That was supposed to be Barium Chloride. I've edited the OP, it should be right now.
  12. Since fireworks are a big part of any American Independence Day, and these forums are very science inclined I'd figure there's no better time to explain what goes on when those bright colors and loud noises are released into the sky. Most fireworks use different salts to make all of the colors you see. When these salts are burned, each of them produce a unique color. For example Barium Chloride (BaCl2) produces green, Sodium Nitrate (NaNO3) produces yellow, and Strontium Carbonate (SrCO3) produces an intense red. Fun fact, Disney is the biggest consumer of fireworks in the US. Please feel free to share any other things you might know about fireworks, like how they're made or how they work! (Info obtained from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fireworks)
  13. Here is my Salyut/Spacelab inspired space station known as Sojourner IV. An Artemis Block II crew ferry and ACTV resupply vehicle docked to the fore and aft ports.
  14. My longest burn was a circulaization burn for keosynchronous SIGINT sat that had a TWR of 0.14, and The burn time was about 4 minutes, but that wasn't an ion, that was chemical. Luckily I had MechJeb installed. Let's just say I am slightly more in favor of realism.
  15. If that were me, I would be saying "Guys, could you grab that bag with the RMS? Or move the station a few degrees?" Ah well, there's always the resupply missions. You know, bringing up a new one.
  16. Today I launched Sojourner IV, the fourth station in a series of Salyut/Skylab inspired space stations. The launch of the station itself went smoothly, with the Athena IV launch vehicle placing it into a stable circular 150x150km orbit. Primary "keep alive" systems were activated and were shown to be in good health. Next came the launch of the Artemis crew vehicle named Trailblazer on the Uranus IIC carrying the crew of Commander Charlie Kerman, Command Module Pilot Sidpont Kerman, and Mission Specialist Nevley Kerman to the station. The launch was flawless and docking was successful, the station was activated and operations commenced. Lastly, the ACTV (Automated Cargo Transfer Vehicle) resupply was launched. The SCS Alan Shepard (my cargo ships are named after late astronauts) was launched without trouble and placed in it's nominal phasing orbit. While on final approach with the station, one of the 4 RCS quads failed, forcing slower docking than usual. In spite of this, docking was successful and the hatch was open a few orbits later. Here is the station from launch, docking of Trailblazer, and the docking of SCS Alan Shepard.
  17. At least 20 speed.
  18. No specific artists, but I LOVE classic rock. If I had to choose, though, it would be between Van Halen, AC/DC, and Rush.
  19. Have some ideas for cool aircraft and spacecraft names or are in need of inspiration? Post here! Personally, I'm running out of things to call my fighter jets and cargo planes. Suggestions are appreciated. (Note to moderators--If this thread is in the wrong place, feel free to move it to the appropriate forum.)
  20. Acronyms. Acronyms everywhere. A few examples: ELAPSE (Extremely Low APproach Solar Explorer) KEOMAST (KEOstationary Meteorological Analysis STation) BEERS (Belt Exploration & Electron Radiation Surveyor) Most sequence schemes are a letter followed by a number or vice versa, like TDRS A1/A2/A3 or WAO 3A/3B/3C/3D. Artemis spacecraft use a Soyuz style system. For example, AB2-005 would be: A = Artemis (doesn't change) B2 = Block 2 005 = fifth mission in the sequence The Athena IV uses a serial number system inspired by the Ariane but more like STS where the flights are manifested but not necessarily flown in that order. For example, VA4-015 would be: VA4 = Vol Athena IV (Vol is French for flight) 015 = order manifested (Pardon the formatting, I'm on mobile and I can't do a single space enter. @KasperVld perhaps there should be an option to enable it from the mobile editor? That is if it's possible?) So much better on desktop.
  21. Though it doesn't make me laugh, I still snicker at it every now and then.
  22. Kerbin is beautiful on it's own, especially at KEO. Even at 2,868 kilometers high, Kerbin seems small, but the clouds (EVE), blue oceans, green fields, and yellow deserts...there are no words i could use to describe it. Maybe a picture would help...
  23. I don't know, I've never had one of my kerbals die yet. I know I'd probably very devastated if I did lose one.
  24. Not at all, surprisingly. In fact, it's quite the opposite; internet browsing interferes with me playing KSP. I'll start mulling around stream chats, watching videos, looking up stuff on Wikipedia, poking around on the forums until WHAM! It's midnight and I haven't even started KSP. I think just need to remember to START PLAYING KSP WHEN I WANT TO instead of "one more video won't hurt!"
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