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Everything posted by kmMango

  1. Do we have any idea what would happen to an observer in a CTC, or at least some educated guesses?
  2. No, no, no. If you're going to get revenge in a game as big as KSP, you've gotta be more creative. What fun is just blowing them up? My strategy would be simple: 1. Find your opponent's ship. 2. Obtain asteroid. 3. Claw asteroid with a sufficiently beefy spacecraft. 4. Shift asteroid's orbit onto an intercept trajectory. 5. Wait 6. Laugh maniacally as the product of your opponent's labors, the ship they spent so much time creating, is vaporized in an instant by a lump of rock traveling at orbital velocities, leaving nothing but a cloud of debris expanding in all directions. The best part is, you can always claim it was an accident and the asteroid just spawned in that orbit. Alternatively, just fly up to their ship and attach a Kraken Drive to it, then watch as they get ejected from the solar system at light speed.
  3. Glad you decided to stick around. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
  4. Back in 2014, I took about a four month break from the game, then came back. Felt new again. I think I might do that again, depending on how 1.1 turns out.
  5. Should weapons be stock? No, we've already got plenty of other ways to kill Kerbals. Including building missiles. There used to be a Macey Dean inspired "Naval Battle Club" thread. The ships were all stock, and they made some pretty incredible things. From what I saw of it, a lot of the participants just wanted to test their engineering. The explosions were somewhat of a side effect. After a while, I think most people who play KSP start trying things the game wasn't built for, just to see how far they can push it. For some, that means building propeller aircraft, or giant amphibious jet rovers, or creating a warp drive out of landing legs, batteries and girders. For others, it means mods. And for some, it means building a 100 ton armored behemoth that can fly to Jool and launch Separatron-propelled I-beams at other ships. I'll admit that I have had the urge to blow things up. I installed BD Armory and felt a bit guilty, until I started dodging missiles. Mods can be fun.
  6. Generally when I mess with parts, I'm trying to make them as unbalanced as I can. For Science.
  7. This is the most Kerbal way to do it. I love it!
  8. I would love to help, but I currently don't have the time. Is there anything I can do in the background to help?
  9. I would try to build a tank, but I have a feeling that fiddling with this will anger the Kraken. Also, part count.
  10. You still on, dude? A lot of people would hate to see you leave, myself included.

    Also, the BBcode issue has a fix. Just edit your old post, then click save without changing anything. It should fix it automatically.:)

  11. Perhaps downrate the Vector to ~720 kN ASL, but with the same TWR and ISP, and uprate the Skipper to current Vector thrust? Also, uprate the Rhino by 20% and make the Kickback 2.5m, and double its thrust.
  12. You're a wizard Jim. This is amazing! I bet zekes would love this, if he were still around.
  13. Jenkins, what sort of voodoo does it take to make your motherships look this good?!
  14. I vote we do everything in our power to ensure the survival of North Sentinel Island and its inhabitants. They have survived isolated with no technology for millennia. They're the perfect candidates.
  15. NO. Your idea is bad and you should feel bad!
  16. Short of cataclysmic planetary destruction, we would survive. We're too many and too widespread to be wiped out by anything else. Even if those left to die try to sabotage survival efforts, some people will still reach the bunkers. It only takes a few thousand to repopulate. What form our new civilization would take is anybody's guess. It is highly unlikely any existing governments would survive.
  17. I think I know what you're referring to. Most hilarious first contact ever.
  18. Toast is good, but English Muffins are better! So crunchy and flaky, and with a bit of jam, mmmmm, delicious!
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