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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. I've gone officially insane with my new projekt. I used Tweakscale.
  2. Yep, I was on the internet and found out about it.
  3. Okay since my computer still works and I redownloaded KSP anyways (computer purge) I slapped this together to celebrate. Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/xt19oy8x3yyqd6n/Kepler.craft?dl=0
  4. No, still not sure what happened, but at least I have backups.
  5. lost a lot of crafts today (and yesterday). Thankfully I had the sense to back up most of the unreleased crafts, but still a lot of good ones that took a long time to build are gone.
  6. Well, I have a worse problem- it seems nearly all my computer files were purged, along with my KSP files. Thankfully I have my saves backed up on dropbox so I me able to reconstruct what I lost.
  7. Just a little something I whipped up. DL link if you guys want it.
  8. The trick to Moho is extremely overbuilt ships, my Moho vessel had over 13k dV on launch. Managed to return with about 100 m/s dV left. No gravity assists involved.
  9. Actually it's fairly easy to use, only problem is walking up slopes- cant even make it up 15 degree slope.
  10. You're a nice guy to have around on the forums, and your jetliners are pretty nice.
  11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89949-Pacific-Rim-Jaeger-Jebsy-Danger?highlight=jaeger
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