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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. I think it may be from a mod, given what you are describing.
  2. Actually I did, may have gone a bit overboard with the supposed-to-be-rather-unnoticeable Duna textures that was supposed to be only seen while descending
  3. Stick a girder thatis long enough to the center tank by clipping your camera into said tank, 2x the symmetry, then attach whatever you want on the sides.
  4. Perfect idea. I support. Squad/modders, please find some way to implement this.
  5. Mainsail powered fireworks. Sleeping.
  6. Driving a car retrofitted with solid fuel boosters. Sitting at a plane control panel.
  7. 1) Launch into orbit, brush teeth there, then deorbit back to his home.
  8. Gave it a try a while ago, and I was super impressed, however I haven't put it in my current game yet.
  9. Coverted the Orbiter to use LFO unlike the MP it used preciously, allowed me to cram a hell more dV than there was previously. The boosters work fine.Also, KSP tried to kill my Saturn V. Fixed that with 17 engines.
  10. dis is KSP, we WILL find a way! Experimenting on pistons myself- trying to get one to work over a minute.
  11. There is no such part. You sure it's not from a mod?
  12. @ethanadams, HAVOC was a floating habitat above the surface, not a manned landing
  13. Good to hear we've been nice and friendly, unlike a certain gaming forum (*koff*roblox*koff*)
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