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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Ooh nice! Thank you very much for this mod RD- Works well with Tantares for one way one man landers.
  2. Is your craft running out of LF? Also, large amounts of jets can lose air even with copious amounts of intakes.
  3. Looks like I have a about a week of free time to KSP, so, well, I'll be here until a week or two.
  4. Vell, at least the current aero is better than no aero (or just brick aero, for the old versions).
  6. This is still ongoing, Greg? I want to enter but my Apollo will not fly for some time.
  7. So, the positions of the planets which are changed (i.e, Laythe to Solar orbit) are unsaved every time I quit and reopen KSP?
  8. Pretty sure it is, Kerbin and the original names of planets are kept in RSS I believe due to ingame limitations.
  9. Parachutes deploy more slowly than they did pre 1.0. At lest according to amounts of ships torn apart by chute opening. And observation.
  10. Can confirm, already attempted it for Elcano challenge.
  11. Holy lagballs Shift, I didn't know you were this good at building. And just little things I've been working on in my spare time (imported form 0.90)
  12. Holy.....hell......you have a forum account??!!

    moar kerbal head landing gear plz

    but this time on a plane

  13. Hiya MRS, The craft links I posted, most of the craft work in 1.0 but need some refinements, and I have some new crafts I can post when my exams end.
  14. Well, I have a small amount of time each day to forum, but that's about it.
  15. That's a lot of lurking. Welcome aboard!
  16. Pixel Papercraft (aka Minecraft Papercrafts) and Devianart. Otherwise the other Yukons you see are not me.
  17. That most likely won't be good, we want them to lean about space, not use it as a micheal bay sim.
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