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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Or maybe just add ability to change the colors of pretty much everything
  2. I think he means that the highlight when you mouseover the buildings are not there, you can still enter the buildings, I've been encountering too. Doesn't seem to affect gameplay much so I din't mention it.
  3. whoa. i iz on first page. I iz on first page. wow five lg bars thank you community. u is da best.
  4. Mini rtg, hinges, inline monoprop engine, moar 3.75 m utilities. Oh, and I third the radiators.
  5. I think a competitor is smjjames, joined Jan and has over 2000 post if my memory serves me.
  6. Better? Also, having "minor" problems with adding clouds to atmosphereless bodies....
  7. I wish there were birds besides pigeons in my city. The blue tits are cute!
  8. Hello squigees, the rules dictate that you must include your own entry as well. I assume there is no leaderboard?
  9. 3,5,7,9 AND 16 describe me. I always make big things when they are not replicas of some sort. Ie I know Kerbodyne tanks aren't neccesary to go to Mun, but I do that anyways because they look cool. Also, more boosters is good advice actually.
  10. Soyuz, wayy better than old 300+part one (Only 181 parts for lowerstage+booster!)
  11. You can use dropbox, MediaFire or KerbalX, all of them are free, although KerbalX was specifically designed for craft files.
  12. Hey guys, clouds don't work on atmosphereless bodies right?
  13. It's quite possible to clip a jet engine inside the tail connecter.
  14. Check out the Spacecraft Exchange, particularly the replicas.
  15. Also, I wrote a config that makes Eeloo orbit Sarvin like it was supposed to, but I had to boot Shayle out of the system to maintain sanity in the system. Also, Fonso clouds going on fine-ish, opinion?
  16. -mega facepalm- I question the sanity of your comrades.
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