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Everything posted by philotical

  1. I'm not aware of such an event either.. But here's somewhat of a work around Let your mod run also in main menu in al scenes, you save a var named "current_scene_backup" or so with the name of the current scene.. if your actual scene is space center AND current_scene_backup is "mainmenu" you have at least skipped all other scene changes.. Additionally, you can there set an other bool-var named "spacecenter_done" to true, this could be checked in main menu => if a user switches back to main menu to reenter the game, the code will not run again. I'm sure this will still leave some holes - but you might be better off allready.. Or try to write a "onSceneChange" event with the same methode to determine a changed scene in it.. you could share it as a CommunityUtil
  2. How to install LCARSMarkII: - open the config file of your part - add this ////////// Impulse /////////////// MODULE { name = LCARSMarkII engine_type = 1 CrewQuartiers_MaxCrewSpace = 0 // resource options max_resource_tanks = 0 // int tank number; set to a reasonable value for this model - only in dev version by now max_resource_amount = 0 // float in tons; set to a reasonable value for this model - only in dev version by now } ////////// Impulse /////////////// Note: 1) your EC generator should not produce more than 80'000 EC by default. 2) you need at least 50'000'000 EC max capacity ////////// Generator /////////////// MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 670000 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 50000000 maxAmount = 50000000 }////////// Generator /////////////// - done One such part per vessel is enough. If you add more of these parts, it might produce some lag. the engine type is to allow same thrust for different sized vessels.. FullImpulse should be equal accelleration on any vessel you fly.. - that is essential for the Formation Mode later on If your ship is a small shuttle with less than 40 tonns, use 1 if it's a huge large behemoth, you can go up to 7 settings are between 1 and 7.. To see if it's good enough, open "Ship Info" , click on "Engine" if it sais "100% efficiency" you are good, if it's below, increase the engine number.. If you run out of energy on default propulsion, you have most likely a too low battery.. see "Generator" above for a solution On Full Impulse, your engine draws more power, you need to opne "Engineering", click on "Power Management" and there on "Production". Now you can adjust the slider value to a higher setting. If it's too high, the engine may overheat - but I think there is still a bug that prevents the explosions - for now.. Hope that helps..
  3. I'm glad it's GPL.. If that's dead, I might pick it up sooner or later.. at least if it's still homeless by then.. I allready started to implement the drive-GUI in LCARS, so, I'm actually allready committed..
  4. Did anyone manage to find out, how to replicate those buttons, displayed in the right bottom corner, on top of the kerbal pics? Is the IVA a vessel change? and how to get the guy to EVA.. I'd appreciate any hints.. Edit: solved ProtoCrewMember pcm; if (GUILayout.Button("Send on EVA")) { FlightEVA.SpawnEVA(pcm.seat.kerbalRef); } or InternalSeat iS; if (GUILayout.Button("Send on EVA")) { FlightEVA.SpawnEVA(iS.kerbalRef); }
  5. It seems you didn't quite get my question, - but it's obsolete now anyways.. if you can't be bothered to make your own models, this download will probbably be removed soon anyways.. actually a shame - new annomalies are overdue - however copyrights have to be adhered.. That is the more important question in this case never mind..
  6. That is awesome :-D May be a stupid question but, do they have a PQSCity component? if yes, I'll implement them into NCI as soon as possible...
  7. Thank's for the details.. I'll have a look.. Some updated dev teasers.. Captain Proton and The Asteroid Field of Doom - Guest Stars: Bolshoi Zayatsky as the Bad Guy & Surok, the brave Vulkan Shuttle Intro: Voyager - Bride of Chaotica Music: Original Sound Track TOS You'll find NCI here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93030-LCARS-Natural-Cause-Inc-The-Star-Trek-Universe
  8. Walkable IVAs - finally we get more of it - it's the future of KSP imo Looks great.
  9. Well - 3 weeks ago I decided to finish a working version first, to get a playable release online.. In the process, I stabilized, tightened and straightened the system so far, that I'm confident, it'll be a fun thing anyway.. Version two would be quite different in the aspect, that there won't be a fixed story line but independent story arcs or Episodes, each with steps and jobs. So you can define a mission by episodes. those episodes can mostly be played in random order unless they have a "Finished Arc1" as condition. So, in case the story has two locations A and B, right now the story defines where the payer has to fly first. Version two would allow for a user to decides to fly to location A first, and later to location B. While an other player might reverse the order and the mission could follow those decissions. Now, if the mission says go to A, but you fly to B, the mission would be idle until you are at A. That's not flexible enough for my taste.. This little change is the only reason I plan a new version now. - stability is luckily no longer the problem. The last two weeks brought a load of new features I'd like to mention! It is now possible to include all PQS objects into a mission - that means every building in space center can be used as an action point like those on my stations.. You can meet an admiral outside of "Administration Building" or a Scientist at the "Side Lab" etc.. This includes all mun archs and duna and minmus etc.. - also, planetary bodies themselfe can be used with an orbit height as condition. Therefor: "Meet me on the dark side of Ike" is a valid story element. Missions can kill kerbals and destroy your ship now. LACRS has a main deflector that can be used to activate/deactivate stuff on NCI objects It is fully integrated in NCI and it's missions now.. The Pteroplastic Scrambler can now be fed with more than one artefact.. Intended for stuff like gather 5 peaces of an android and assemble him. Related to that, a mission can wait with progressing until you have assembled an artefact.. more to come... About the MP server, you'll hear from me.. Thank's for the offer
  10. interesting - I'll have to download scansat and test this.. Although, the following information should be a no brainer for any bug report: what version of KSP? what version of ScanSat? what version of LCARS?
  11. this was exactly what I needed yesterday - thanks for sharing.. you don't have by any chance the "roll" version handy? I'm still experimenting with what vectors to substitute - but my vector math is as low as it can be..
  12. thank's, will try that.. :-) I'm not sure it will help though, because my kerbals only partially go "on EVA" - mainly I need it for when I "beam" kerbals out, the star trek way. My intermittent solution, is for now, to display a ship list in my "Tricorder"-addon where the user can select. but an automatic solution would be preferable.
  13. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103152-What-s-new-in-0-90?p=1602684&viewfull=1#post1602684
  14. Good to know. :-) you are right, I forgot to update that readme - thanks for the info and sorr for the hassle.. Keyboard: Well, you can, open the "ShipInfo" click on "Engine", there you have "Activate Keyboard Controll" - I think it does even work.. Photon and phasers: the current verion does not have weappons by now - I'll write them soon though..
  15. :-) thanks.. - I really appreciate to hear that.. - and of course I'll help.. I've never tried BD Armory, but if StarVision didn't change something drastic, it should work with Voyager. Let's try the cfg check first and have a look at other possible causes later.. I don't know what information you have read, but the current version of LCARS is not compatible with any of the previousely published tutorials, wikis or guides.. Almost everything changed since I tested last with Voyager.. - that was pre MarkII for LCARSMarkII v0.0.2 you should currently have in your voyager_saucer.cfg file. MODULE { name = LCARSMarkII engine_type = 3 // if your engine specs in "ShipInfo" does not show 100%, set this to 4 or 5, it depends on the weight of the ship CrewQuartiers_MaxCrewSpace = 0 // for voyager 0 is right, for Aurora, it's 32 } Additionally I suggest to set the following modules to these values for best performance: MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 670000 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 50000000 maxAmount = 50000000 } If that does not make it fly, let me know and we can debug further.. Since you say all stations are opening, I assume it's not the cfg though - It might be an incompatibility with BD armory, who knows - never tried that - but I guess the logs will tell us.. So, if you accidentally happen to have a log around, that might show an error, it could actually help :-) good luck..
  16. I don't know about partstates - but part.deactivated was imo deprecated since a while.. the info text said "use part.enabled instead".. hope that helps..
  17. yes 3.5 it is.. I've read it on the forums - like all info for KSP you'll need to search..
  18. For some reason (i.E. the star trek tricorder my kerbals get, I need to know for certain, wich vessel the kerbal came from. My Kerbals leave the vessel on two ways, "normal" EVA and they get beamed out by the transporter.. In both situations, I need to identify the "MotherShip". It seems onVesselChange does not get fired in all instances. Did I miss any obviouse detail or function? I've tested on Vessel change in two classes, a KSPaddon (see below) and the tricorder PartModule. It wasn't fired in both.. ?? Additionally, my ineptitude let's me run in an other wall aswell by testing some workarounds.. maybe someone can help me there: I got an allways-running background singleton setup with: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, true)] public sealed class LCARS_Util_FlightControll : MonoBehaviour { private static LCARS_Util_FlightControll _instance; public static LCARS_Util_FlightControll Instance { get { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new LCARS_Util_FlightControll(); } return _instance; } } // [snip] public Vessel lastVessel; public Vessel getlastVessel() { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LCARS_Util_FlightControll: lastVessel : this.lastVessel.name=" + this.lastVessel.name); return this.lastVessel; } // [snip] now when the tricorder runs: MotherShip = LCARS_Util_FlightControll.Instance.getlastVessel(); Mothership should hold lastVessel but the function throws an exception (NRE) - is KSPAddon not like other classes? I've done that singleton thing for other classes as well, there the same works, but none is a KSPAddon. FYI: lastVessel is assigned correctly in the KSPAddon class according to the logs.. - but the tricorder get's a NULL value delivered.. I am either inept or I'm missing something obvious here or both - either way, I'm puzzled.. Thank's for any hints..
  19. Well, it's been a while but the works went on.. here is the new 0.0.2 version of LCARS - built for KSP 0.90.0 win32 http://db.orangedox.com/QefTiKRje8W0ZquvVN/LCARSMarkII-v0.0.2.zip Source: https://github.com/philotical/LCARSMarkII/tree/master/LCARSMarkII_for_0.90 Contains: - LCARSMarkII - Aurora Ship - Community Utils plugin by Lo-Fi, used for the animated forcefields. Clip: It does contain some NCI stuff that is out of order without NCI.. - for example the Tricorder-IFD or the NCI-Subsystem. but don't worry, it works as it is, you just get some log etntries.. About log: this version will still spam your log with all kind of debug data - eventually this will go away, but for now I need it.. - sorry.. Feedback and bug reports as allways appreciated..
  20. Part.SetHighlight(bool active) is gone.. there is now: public void SetHighlight(bool active, bool recursive) I also found these, but have not figured out how to use them. Part.HighlightType highlightType //can hold these: Part.HighlightType.AlwaysOn Part.HighlightType.Disabled Part.HighlightType.OnMouseOver //also UnityEngine.Color Part.highlightColor
  21. Lazor had that for it's cams I think - good to have it full screen..
  22. I've had similiar problems and skipped base64 for KSP.. I use binary now.. // found here http://www.fluxbytes.com/csharp/convert-string-to-binary-and-binary-to-string-in-c/ private string StringToBinary(string data) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("### LCARS_Message_Type StringToBinary data=" + data); //return data; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char c in data.ToCharArray()) { sb.Append(Convert.ToString(c, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')); } return sb.ToString(); } private string BinaryToString(string data) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("### LCARS_Message_Type BinaryToString data=" + data); //return data; List<Byte> byteList = new List<Byte>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 8) { byteList.Add(Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(i, 8), 2)); } return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteList.ToArray()); } so far it works well.. hth
  23. I did it this way.. either that FlightEVA.fetch.spawnEVA(kerbal, p, p.airlock); or that foreach (Part part in sourceShip.Parts) { kerbal = null; foreach (ProtoCrewMember availableKerbal in part.protoModuleCrew) { if (kerbalToMove.name == availableKerbal.name) { //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("ImpulseDrive Transporter ShipToShip_RemoveCrew 1 "); kerbal = availableKerbal; part.RemoveCrewmember(kerbalToMove); kerbalToMove.seat = null; return; } } } depending on it's usage my kerbals surwived the process, so I can't say how to kill them effectively.. - sorry..
  24. I see. Blender has (probbably like other apps too) a real world scale feature.. So far, I had good experiance with this.. Go to the "Scene" tab, click on "Metric" button. then select your object and the scale in the info-panel (hit N in 3d view) will display the size in real world meters. After you adjusted the size of the object to display correct meter value, hit ctrl+A to get the "Object Apply" menu and apply "Scale" - after that, it should be ok in unity.. hope that helps.., but maybe you allready know that.. are you planning to making it walkable? EVA I mean not only IVA..
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