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Everything posted by Flayer

  1. I would like to voice my appreciation for the project to integrate KCT into the native UI. This has always been a huge hurdle for me to overcome when it comes to using this mod, even though I feel this mod is essential for a meaningful career game (along with remotetech and life support). Either way, though, I'm looking forward to starting my career game in 1.0 with KCT regardless of its implementation. :-)
  2. Gah. I'm getting tired of watching other people fumble around with poorly designed rockets in 1.0. I want to play!
  3. I always did this in previous versions of KSP by turning the craft sideways...
  4. I pretty much stopped playing KSP about 2 months ago in anticipation for 1.0... so yeah, I'll be updating on monday to mess around with the new stock game. Hopefully I can start my career game with mods a few days after release =)
  5. Honestly, from what SQUAD has released so far, I have no doubts that 1.0 will be a properly functioning product. Every feature they have implemented in previous versions seems to be working without any real issues. They have now revamped various features, optimized and fixed certain bugs. I honestly just have faith in their ability to program and their QA department that they will be able to deliver properly functioning features for 1.0. Now, there may be some things that I would consider are 'missing' from a 'proper' space game (life support, communication networks), but even without those features the game that will be released as 1.0 seems like a solid game to me. There is still a lot of content to be had in the stock game. And again, I feel confident in their ability to deliver quality software.
  6. Hmm... maybe a countdown to launch or something else related to launching the rocket, like a launch button. Definitely something like that.
  7. I will first mess around in sandbox mode to get a feel for the new parts and what it takes to launch them/make use of them. I'll whip up some new spaceplane and rocket designs as well. Once the mods that I intend to use have been updated for 1.0, I will start a new career game with about 50% funds/science/reputation income. I'll be looking for kerbal snacks, remotetech, kerbal inventory, unrapid assembly, kerbal mechanics and possibly station science to update before I start my career game. I might add in some visual mods as well (distant objects/better atmospheres) and possibly custom asteroids, although I kind of hope that will no longer be necessary.
  8. Maybe unmanned probes can equip a camera and return pictures from other planets for additional science?
  9. Every patch, I just start a new career game and consider what I want to do. For 1.0, I am going to build an asteroid colony made out of at least 3 different asteroid put together with claws. Aside from that, I will build infrastructure to support said colony in space. This includes satellites to establish connections (with remotetech) and life support stuff. Obviously I will have to gather the required science to unlock all available technology. Once I've built my asteroid colony, I will put the game aside for a while. If I do return before a new patch comes out, I will figure out a new goal in that same save. Otherwise, I will start anew.
  10. Why not go all the way and allow players to choose what kind of fuel they want to put in whichever tank they like? XD
  11. On my first rocket launch after buying the game I accidentally burned into a trajectory intercepting the Mun. I'm not sure how I managed that, but it took me quite a few more rockets before I figured out how to land on it and return safely.
  12. I'm perfectly happy with the features of the base game after the latest updates. I do think there should be some significant rounds of bugfixing tho. I see 600 bugs open on the bugtracker. Get crackin' boys. This one particularly annoys me. Also, why aren't at least some of these fixes included in the base game?
  13. I would love to see Dres get an atmosphere of sorts, maybe a really low (20 km) but very dense atmosphere or something odd, you know. Just to keep it interesting. And Eeloo could be maybe a bunch of moon-sized bodies (Like 5 Gilly/Minmus-sized moons). They could all have varying orbits around Kerbol (at similar distance as Eeloo) or, if you wanna go really crazy, some kind of interloping mutual kind of orbit (like a cluster of massive asteroids). As you can probably tell, I am an expert in these sort of things. I should add that I have been to neither of these bodies in about 1,000 hours of gameplay.
  14. Oh my goodness, I only just discovered RemoteTech and this is really looking like an awesome mod, especially with the new more or less finished career mode. Only just put up my first staysputnik satellite (which was quite tough for me without the SAS on 0.90), but I am starting to imagine how 0.90's finished career mode will work along side this mod... I fear the holidays will be over too soon. ) On a side note: not experienced any problems with the 164 build so far.
  15. I want to play 0.90, but I've decided to wait until a few of my favorite mods have been updated. I can't seriously play the game without FAR or NEAR, it would feel so incomplete. I know nothing about aerodynamics or any of this fancy rocket building stuff in real life, but I need this mod before I can even begin to consider launching a rocket in KSP. Oh Ferram, what have you done to me!
  16. When i first found out that nosecones did nothing, i still added them to rockets and sideboosters because rockets need nosecones. There is no debate necessary on this. Since then i have installed FAR to compensate for this nonsense.
  17. This is a link to Kethane by taniwha for people who have not yet found it (I was annoyed browsing through a bunch of pages to try and find the link, maybe some other poor ....... in a similar situation will find it more easily this way).
  18. Good job doing that, spending time on the forums of Kerbal instead. You're not that far away, mate XD I'm looking forward to the patch. I kind of want to complete my colonization of Laythe, but I'm not sure if I can be arsed. I want the resource management, it'll feel like a much more complete game... of course, I'm guessing I'll probably have to wait some time until the mods update before I can play with KAS, FAR and the like?
  19. I did this like last weekend, but I still wanted to let you guys know about it! This was my first attempt at landing on Eve. I sent it down as one piece, and (intentionally) broke it apart into 3 with the help of parachutes. All the parts seemed to have landed, when the main rocket tipped over just after touchdown. I have the deadly re-entry mod installed which makes it so you require heat shields for entering the atmosphere for planets, and the shields i had installed did not cover the landing gear ... oops! I sent a rescue mission with proper shielding, and managed to land it within 15 km of the first landing site. I could have gotten it closer, but I was happy enough with this. It took me about 2 hours (like 4 hours in-game) to run both Kerbals across the surface of Eve tho XD. Refueling the return rocket is going to take forever. And I honestly doubt whether I'll be able to make it into a stable orbit. I got scared it would tip over like the other one, so I tried to make it smaller. I only barely managed to get into orbit around Kerbin with it, and Eve has so much more gravity and atmosphere... Gonna give it a go, though.
  20. [With DRE, FAR, TAC, KAS, MKS and Kethane mods installed.] Some of my Kerbals landed on Eve this weekend! Of course, getting them back will be another matter... The mk2 lander can (plus some small rocketry attached to it) and the kethane factory both separated from the main rocket during descent (as intended) and survived intact. The whole landing zone is about 50m spread apart, and everything went so well... apart from the main rocket. It tipped over after it touched down at a gentle 10m/s, nearly destroying the kethane factory as it went. I did lose a lot of exterior equipment during the rather violent descent. Such as the proper landing gear for my main rocket (only the auxillary survived) and several toolboxes with what turned out to be rather vital KAS gear. Now I can't connect the kethane factory with the lander can (not that it would help much). I will have to attempt to send a rescue, but I'm afraid they only have about one year (Kerbal time) worth of life support, so I'm not sure if I can make it in time. And, to be honest, I don't think the rocket that tipped over would have been capable of putting my Kerbals back into orbit, so I will have to design a much more powerful rocket. Oy, I'm not sure if I want to bother, but I can't just let them die without even trying, can I? XD On the brighter side, I succesfully docked an SSTO with the Kerbin Spaceport and returned to the KSC in one piece.
  21. Don't worry, I'm not disconnected from reality, I'm a rocketship! Whooooosh!
  22. I try to timewarp all the time while I'm sitting in the train ... or when I leave the house and I forgot to bring something, I'm like "F9" ... and it does nothing To be honest, I'm kind of worried that I'm thinking like this. One of these days I'm going to end up trying to cross a busy street and in my mind its not dangerous because "I can just reload my quicksave!"
  23. Thanks for the hints. It took me a while, but I am here to report success. I started out a new career savegame with some mods such FAR, DRE and TAC so I had to relearn a bunch of stuff starting from 0 research. But, since my last post I have managed to get a rocket into space and brought back some surface samples from the Mun. I even managed to get an SSTO into stable orbit around Kerbin once I unlocked the 2nd tier jet engines. I have yet to bring it back, but I feel confident I can do it (and otherwise the pod can eject and chute )
  24. I am trying this mod, but it appears I am now incapable of boosting a rocket into orbit ( I think I am just really bad at it lol )
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