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Everything posted by Mipe

  1. I'm curious: why did such a rocket fly fine in 1.0, but always flips over in 1.0.1? - - - Updated - - - It's just a pod+parachute, the six small fuel tanks and a T30. Do you really need a picture?
  2. That seemed to have delayed the flipping somewhat, however it still flips over soon after mach effect appears.
  3. See title. I always get a flip at around 10-12k altitude, no matter what - with SAS or without, without tilting at all. Alternatively, use 3 fuel tanks instead - it flips at 2k-3k elevation. This was not the case in 1.0. What has changed in 1.0.1 that has rendered the basic stack rockets utterly, completely useless? - - - Updated - - - It seems to flip over soon after mach effect appears.
  4. ... yes, I actually tried it. I stowed radial parachutes into service bay. Here are my observations: - packed parachutes in service bay do not generate drag, as expected - as long as the bay is closed, parachutes cannot be deployed, as expected - upon opening the bay, parachutes can be (pre)deployed normally - if parachutes are only primed while bay is open and the bay is closed afterwards, they deploy "visually", but generate no drag - once the bay is reopened, parachutes "kick in" - the bay can be safely closed again, as parachutes, once properly deployed, function normally regardless of the bay state So, yeah, here's me wishing that service bay opening/closing was a stageable action...
  5. Being a game developer that also transitioned from Unity 4 to 5, I have to say it does not take that much effort. Most of the conversion is automatic - Unity's upgrader script handles it. What remains isn't all that difficult to fix manually. All Squad needs to do is - just try. Fork the project and upgrade the forked project to 5, see how much fixing is necessary.
  6. After all those complaints and horror stories involving heat in 1.0, I've remembered this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermoelectric_generator Why not make a part to convert heat into electric charge and capitalize on the heat?
  7. Mipe


    She's having cramps. Cramps in space. Naturally she's not amused.
  8. Aren't those "air brakes" heavier than parachutes, thus raising fuel requirements?
  9. Procedural parts minimize the part count AND memory usage (after deleting the obsolete stock parts). When pushing the frontiers of KSP modding (running 30+ mods including graphics and system overhauls), procedural parts can make a difference. That said, I always keep returning to vanilla stock to shave off all that nostalgia. Well, with proper part filtering and upcoming Unity 5 build, none of this matters. You can have both.
  10. Does that still leave you with "meh"?
  11. I stranded my Valentina on Mun. Twice. Both times she planted a flag with following captions: 1) "First! Suck moondust, Jeb. ~Val" 2) "Out of fuel. Again. #FML" If I get her stranded again, the next flag will read as: 3) "Maiden in need of saving."
  12. We've found that the required deltaV for LKO is ~3400 m/s. Source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116993-Helpful-1-0-observations
  13. Hm, CKAN seems to insist on installing astronomers pack with DOE. Perhaps I need to also install the default config? EDIT: Yep, had to select the default config. Not before it finished downloading the 375 mb Astronomer package, though...
  14. I didn't find achieving LKO all that difficult, actually - I managed it with boosters (strap 'em to the rocket, adjust their thrust to around 1.5-2.0 to minimize drag loss inefficiency and launch away). As for tourists, stacking the command pods seems silly but is the only reasonable solution. At some point I had 5 command pods stacked up so i could take 4 tourists to LKO and back. First thing I upgraded was the launchpad so I could launch these silly tall rockets. As soon as possible, as wobbly things worry me greatly (it seems the tier 1 launchpad has some ground clipping, one of landing legs went right through ground). As for science, I only have one word: experiments. Do them. A lot. I made a low tech biome hopper for this purpose alone (after exhausting the LKO and HKO science). This let me unlock several 45 nodes. Perhaps this needs to be emphasized in the game, as an inexperienced player may not be aware about this. Perhaps contracts instructing the player to visit certain biomes?
  15. You've been warned. (Keeping that pod retrograde so it doesn't burn up on reentry is a challenge)
  16. As soon as I hit spacebar on the launchpad, I was shocked at first, then I started laughing uncontrollably. The 'Flea' is terrific!
  17. To me it looks like Squad is trying to put a lid on the 1.0 so that they can start a new project without all the baggage. I could be wrong, though.
  18. You didn't have to post the entire thing. Everything is said in this line: The server refused the connection.
  19. Just play the game. You guys are thinking too hard.
  20. Does anyone have a greasemonkey config to filter out all the hype? It's popping up everywhere now.
  21. If they want to remain competitive, they will upgrade. Nobody wants a game that can't run all its mods due to memory constraints.
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