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Everything posted by Mipe

  1. You sure about that? The Sports Market
  2. Whatever, as long as they stop shoving "perfect track record" into NASA's face.
  3. You are forgetting the most important thing: no more smug remarks from obnoxious SpaceX fans about failed launches.
  4. So, with the Asteroid Day out of the bag, I guess the new antenna warrants a looksie-at.
  5. SSD does make a difference when it comes to loading times.
  6. And when something goes wrong, prompting you to whine to the mod author, who then chews you out for not properly installing their mod... My original point stands: mods should not put files in other mods' folders. If the design doesn't allow that, then the design needs to be reviewed.
  7. I just came here to post about this, but it looks like the cat is out of the bag already. Well then, would it be possible to have an option to allow installing of outdated mods? You can slap a warning popup onto it or whatever.
  8. I am trying to use CKAN, honestly. But it won't let me install addons still stuck in the 1.0.2/1.0.3 limbo, so I have to do it manually. I would love to just install the Firespitter Core, but wouldn't that nuke the mod-specific files? It's a mess, really. In fact, I'm about to head to CKAN and request ability to install "incompatible" mods. Perhaps they'll be quicker about it than the dozens of mod authors scrambling to update all their mod to keep up with KSP version.
  9. Wouldn't reducing something by 100% make it zero?
  10. It is bad form, period. Updating the mods that have dirty files from other (dependent) mods is a pain - you can't have a clean update by deleting the folder first, because you'd lose the other mods' files that way (typically configs and whatsnot) and you'd have to reinstall those, but then they try to overwrite the updated mods' DLL with their own outdated DLL. Case in point: Karbonite trying to force its own Firespitter dll and dumping configs into dependencies' folders. As awesome RoverDude is, I wish he'd be a little neater about things like this! He's not the only culprit; in the course of several days, I've found several. Those are typically mods that provide more than one folder in their package, containing other authors' dependencies. It's nice of you to want to provide an out-of-the-box install solution, but this makes things complicated (installing and maintaining dependencies separately). And whenever I decide to uninstall the mod, I am left baffled as to what to do with those "dirty" files. Which ones are from that mod and which ones are from others? I end leaving those files alone, knowing fully well they may cause issues in the future. Is there really no way to keep your configs (EVE, etc.) in your own folder? Do you really have to bundle individual DLLs (firespitter, module manager etc.)? You can just instruct the user to install the dependency as well and maintain it. Clean it up and we'll all hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
  11. It would still have the Sun's velocity relative to the galaxy.
  12. Doesn't matter. 1.0.4 won't break 1.0.2 part mods.
  13. I am reminded of these two:
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deorbit_of_Mir
  15. Lovely, another mod whose name starts with K to add to the sorting nightmare! On a more serious note, EVA stands for "Extra Vehicular Activity" and covers all activities performed by astronauts outside the vehicle. EVA without kerbals kind of defeats the point, doesn't it? A good idea, though, we need more deployable and disposable science experiments like this.
  16. Thanks for adding to the cacophony of collective moans. (The point for those that missed it: moaning about moaning is still moaning and adds to the moaning total, which will trigger another to moan about the moaning, such as this humble moaner moaning about moaning about all the moaning.)
  17. I gave the MRS pack a try today. First thing I noticed was that MRS Guidance Nose Cone doesn't actually have a functional antenna, even though it's supposed to have an always-on omni (it's not connected). Did I miss something?
  18. En route to save stranded Jeb on Mun: "Bill? What are you doing here?!"
  19. I can't imagine playing this game without at least some challenge to motivate me. So it is career for me - and I tend to play on moderate or higher difficulty.
  20. Unfortunately, taking credit for others' work is kinda frowned upon around here, so I'll have to pass on that. I get the hint, though, but I don't believe in programming as a hobby. It is stressful enough already as a job and I prefer less stressful activities take up my hobby time.
  21. How does this handle boundary transitions from very high on-rails warp in low space to atmosphere? Imagine you are returning from Minmus with periapsis set for lithobraking and use max warp all the way. Does it terminate at the boundary or does it "skip" through to the next update, essentially embedding the craft deep within Kerbin?
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