You can reinforce wobbly joints with struts spanning to the parts on either side of the problem decoupler. I\'ve never seen them not break away when the decoupler was activated, and the resulting rocket is much less flaccid..
Thank you muchly for your fine assortment of parts. Many are unique, available nowhere else; and those that aren\'t are the best of their breed. This is definitely among the top 5 most useful parts packs and I recommend them to anyone. I stuck a signal flare on the capsule on the flying saucer, and the flare was enough to kick the disc off the ground. Was a bit bright though. (jk) I think engine flames can have different colors. Would you be able to set up some different colored flares?
I like the orange tanks, but I don\'t see why there can\'t be both. I\'d say the orange would indicate the tank is insulated (as it already says on the description of at least one orange tank) with a foam coating, and therefore has more thermal and impact resistance at the expense of slightly higher weight and less capacity than a comparably sized white tank.
Yup, make truss girders with a 3D block textured with triangular holes in the alpha channel. Easy, might not look perfect real close up, but a lot of these spaceship parts have way too big texture images anyway. OK, that was semi-coherent.
I\'ve been playing with KSP for a few weeks now and I\'m totally addicted. I\'ll probably drop in a comment from time to time, and I might even build a few mod parts once I figure out Blender. Cheers! 8)
It\'s probably not ideal, but CaptainSlug made a signal flare device. It lets you see objects they\'re attached to from a long way away. Not quite orbital tracking for every bit of junk, but it\'s something.