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Everything posted by ultrasquid

  1. I thought that was just some ambient mechanical near-white noise for distinguishing interior from exterior locations, but I could be wrong.
  2. The jet intakes are intended to be used with air-breathing engines. The functionality is not yet fully implemented, so for now, they are just cosmetic and you can use jet engines without them.
  3. Looking through the Jeb Kerman memes, I see an awful lot of inside KSP jokes. This is all well and good, but lacks broad, universal appeal. THe general population will only recognize him as the smiling green spaceman. Raw enthusiasm combined with general space travel related puns seem well suited. But that\'s just my opinion. Do what ever you like.
  4. Gee, you\'d think you\'d be able to track the distortions in a zero-strength strut spanning two parts, but then I wouldn\'t know, not being a programmer and all.
  5. I added one: http://qkme.me/3pq038 and another: http://qkme.me/3pq07i
  6. Many historic cruise missiles have used hybrid jet and rocket propulsion systems. While you might have to have separate fuel stages for the different engine types in the future, I see no reason why such configurations wouldn\'t work. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SM-64_Navajo
  7. This is what I think was intended. But with the parts catalog overhaul pending in v 0.16, I could see this and all current categories being deprecated. That said, it would be awesome to be able to drag and drop your own PNG or SVG images onto the surface of your rockets, and save a library of those decals in their own section of the parts catalog, along with a small selection of pre-made examples.
  8. I\'d hate to see vehicle recovery left out completely, but it could be implemented with a 10 second animation cutscene. Enough to acknowledge the event happened without interfering with much gameplay.
  9. Most available parts are buoyant, so if you can roll a properly configured plane to the end of the runway then, SPLASH, you have a boat. As for it then being able to get to space, I see that as a mission challenge. When the ability arrives to open new launch sites of the player\'s choice, I hope a floating platform in the sea will be among the available options.
  10. Do we have parts that can imitate the physics of a tether? Some of the extendable solar panels certainly can throw off the center of gravity in their deployed state, so you might try attaching one of those for these experiments.
  11. Their sun is named Kerbol, so I interpret kerbonaut as 'voyager around our sun'. Seems as good as anything.
  12. For extra fun you\'ll probably want DYJ\'s Damned Aerospace and Damned Robotics mod packs, in addition to those listed above. You can\'t go wrong with the BigTrak/Cuttlefish lander-fairing set as well. And for some old-school-yet-new thrills, there\'s that bunch that\'s hidden away on SomethingAwful forums. I linked it in some other threads but I\'ll try to track it down and post that link here too.
  13. Pretty much what I was thinking.For English speakers: Say 'murn', then say it again, leaving out the 'r'. You\'ll have it pretty close.
  14. That\'s not going to forestall Rule 34. But anyway, while on the surface the Kerbal species appears much like ourselves, they are aliens that evolved independently. Apart from similar adaptations for locomotion and tool manipulation, there is nothing to suggest kerbals have a biology that compares in any way to anything on Earth.
  15. There should always be some way of acquiring enough funding for the next mission, though that mission might not be what the player immediately intends. Commercial and government agencies wil want to employ the KSC\'s services from time to time to launch satellites and their own research missions. The player should be at liberty to decline some of these missions, but it would serve as a source of income, the profits of which can be channeled into supplementary funding for research and development and those fun exploratory missions.
  16. Well, what do you know? I started KSP and the version number said 0.15.2. The Patcher must be generating erroneous errors.
  17. Is the full (already patched) KSP 0.15.2 package available for download from the Store? My attempts at running the Patcher have repeatedly failed.
  18. SQUAD should attempt to replicate some of these scenes with Kerbals. It would make for great advertising and cutscenes. Having actual test facilities like these in the game would be great too, both for kerbonaut training and engine tests.
  19. But the center of gravity moves depending on fuel consumption and staging. It can be predicted, but I\'m not sure how to depict that.
  20. There might be one of those on the NovaPunch pack, or a combination of 2 parts that would smooth that transition. …
  21. I experienced such a moment in real life, and it was perhaps the most frightning thing I ever saw. Fortunately it wasn\'t from my own car, but the wheel of a boat trailer blew out in front of me and seconds later broke off entirely. As in that Herbie scene, with the weight of the trailer now detached, the wheel actually accellerated while bouncing across four lanes of a busy freeway. It then deflected off the center barrier and bounced back across the freeway, including once mere feet in front of my car, before it rolled out of sight behind a gap in the sound wall. It was near miraculous that it didfn\'t hit any cars in all that distance. Anyway, that\'s my story.
  22. It might be possible (I couldn\'t say for sure) but the orbital path will not fully render in the current version. It\'s been said that more complex orbits can be displayed in the upcoming .15 version, so let\'s wait and see what it can do.
  23. Just curious: Has anyone had success with/even tried TileMill for rendering your csv data? It sounds like something that can be used, but I haven\'t tried it and it might be totally unsuited to the purpose, but there it is if you want to give it a go, and it has a Mac version.
  24. Sounds like an excuse to send up a rocket with lasers mounted for a debris clearing mission.
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