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Everything posted by ultrasquid

  1. No, that\'s the planet with duck people on it.
  2. Yes, but it\'s awesome devastation. Gods are jerks anyway. The Kerbals should kill theirs like the Klingons did.
  3. At last, an actual sensory instrument of some kind! Thank you for pushing the limits of the existing parachute technology. If you drop them on probes separate from the main rocket will they still sound when they arrive at the target altitude?
  4. Just want to share something I put together with your kit and some C7 parts, plus Hellcat parachutes:
  5. It\'s just how obsessive some people are in superdetailing their model rockets. At some point, they\'ll have to learn to make the parts they want themselves.
  6. I don\'t think the stabilizers CAN open, unless another bit of parachute fakery is applied.
  7. 1. Satellites are not manned, but the rockets that launch or maintain them sometimes are B. A satellite core that is not a command module can be inserted into orbit and sent on its way, while still having a controllable command pod. III. The request is more about role-playing than functional necessity
  8. I wonder what a planet with oceans full of this stuff would look like…
  9. Could Egar maybe have a temperate narrow equatorial zone, just so the whole thing doesn\'t have to be icy?
  10. That shape reminds me of the Super Guppy or Airbus Beluga. I wonder how it would fly if you put wings on it.
  11. There is a Sputnik shaped command module deep in the Addon Develpoment and Editing forum. It\'s huge, though, since the body is a 1m sphere and whiskers at least 3m long each.
  12. This is a beautiful and unique engine. It\'s a shame it hasn\'t got more recognition. The common bell-shaped rocket motor is realistic, but boring. See two, you\'ve seen them both. This one is really set apart!
  13. Do you think it might be appropriate to include yellow123\'s Large Solid Booster in this revival/archival/maintenance pack? As an authorized derivative of Sunday Punch\'s 3m fuel tank, it seems it would fit in nicely.
  14. That rocket also looks nearly like the Roton C-9, though that used very different technology.
  15. Is it possible to make them a little less… explosive? Out of my 16 kerbanaut skydivers, all with successful chute openings, only 2 survived landing. and the resulting explosion killed the command crew on the jump rocket.
  16. I think the brown color is a nice look, like a polyurethane resin, and the web texture reminds me of some fiberglass water filter tanks I\'ve seen. Heck, I half expect the kerbals to build rockets out of toilet paper tubes, so edging the tone toward a kraft paper color is perfect for them.
  17. KSP will have to enable functional rolling wheels for that, rather than the goofy skid-nubs that we have now.
  18. .DAE format uses the Collada import/export filter. I\'ve heard there\'d been problems with it in Blender but it has been improved in the latest version. There are scads of tutorials online about modeling and texturing, but it is still a challenging program.
  19. The link seems to be bad. I get a file not found error. Could it be because the 'p' was left off the end of the filename?
  20. You realize this is a breakthrough in KSP mod development, don\'t you?
  21. A well known bug in the game engine. It expects texture maps to be 32 bit PNGs (RGB+Alpha). The red tint is the effect of a 24 bit PNG without an Alpha channel. You have to open the texture file in your favorite image editor and save it with an empty Alpha channel.
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