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Everything posted by TronX33

  1. No pics, no clicks, is the motto for most forumgoers, supergameplayer. I recommend taking screenshots of your plane in the SPH, in the SPH with a payload, on the runway, in flight, dropping the payload, and the payload on the ground. Then upload them to imgur (as this forum supports embedding imgur albums) by going into your KSP folder, go to screenshots, and find your screenshots, or, if you purchased KSP through steam, use the screenshot tools there. After uploading to imgur, create an album, and embed it into your post by typing [imgur ]album code[/imgur ] without the spaces. The album code is anything in between the imgur.com/a/ and any #0 or anyhting like that. So for an album with an url of imgur. com/a /qwerty#0 (without the spaces) you would type [imgur ]qwerty[/imgur ] without the spaces.
  2. Hey, thinking about getting this, but is it compatible with HotRockets? Meaning modifies the HotRockets effects to have a realistic plume?
  3. Welp, I forgot a pretty important step. When re-entering the atmosphere, press 1 to better move your nose up. The action group s already there, but it was never listed in the instructions. Will update OP
  4. My stock low part count X-37 Forum Thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/135094-Low-Part-Count-X-37B
  5. Hey guys! I had a little X-37. After seeing Majorjim's X-37 (which, by the way, is awesome, but a bit part heavy), I decided to fix mine up, and release it. Orbiter is only 89 parts, with launcher, about 180. Disclaimer: Tested on stock aero, not FAR. Re-attachable cargo bay inspired by Majorjim. Note: X-37 comes with half empty fuel tank. Works with a full tank too. Launcher has severely drained fuel tanks, this is by design. Instructions: 1. Liftoff 2. Start gravity turn at 250 m/s, turn 5 degrees away from prograde, let it catch up, then continue 3. Stop at around 50 degrees. Once you get your current Ap close to your desired Ap, turn lateral, and burn until your Ap reaches your desired Apoapsis. 4. Separate, use Centaur second stage to circularize. It is capable of getting into a 150 x 150 km orbit, but is probably capable of more. 5. Decouple cargo bay door, then re-attach with included probe (fine controls suggested) 6. Do secret stuff with the probe. 7.??? 8. Re-enter, with a trajectory slightly past the Island runway. If you overshoot KSC, roll over, and pitch down so the belly is still the part mainly exposed to the flames. Press 1 to make it eaiser for your nose to go up. Re-enter at about 30 degrees off prograde. 9. Land 10.??? 11. Recover DL:https://www.dropbox.com/s/u60horh6uumqz2m/Boeing%20X-37.craft?dl=0
  6. After making my own X-37B, 3.75m is the only way to go. To fit the damn thing in the fairing and not look out of proportions is impossible without using a 3.75m first stage.
  7. MJ, is the X-37 working in 1.04? EDIT:Whoops, never mind, my laptop cannot handle 800 parts, i'll be sticking with my horrible square-ish X37.
  8. sigh* This was looking promising.
  9. Ahh, ok, I did not know that. - - - Updated - - - Yeah, I did not know this, thank you
  10. As the question states, Why does this happen? I will put them in action groups in later revisions, but is there a fix for this? It also happnes when going to a ship from the tracking center.
  11. So, after watching Star Trek, reading science fiction, etc, I have a interesting question. I will use Star Trek as an example. Their premise fr teleportation is that the entity is deconstructed and analyzed, then is created from materials to match exactly the original entity at the destination, complete with memories. This should also apply to moving around consciousnesses, except that it is only the mind and memories that are deconstructed and re-assembled. My question is this: If yo were teleported/have your consciousness transported, even if the destination has a copy of you with the exact same everything, even memories, is it really you? Are you, yourself dead, and your personality is assumed by a perfect copy? Share your thought please, I would like to hear what you guys think.
  12. Like parameciumkid, I play on Intel HD Graphics, specifically, the 4000 version, on a i5 3230M. God bless my poor, poor CPU. - - - Updated - - - Really? For me, it's Go laptop Go! *25 FPS* That being said, I do have a dual core i5 that boost up to 2.6 Ghz
  13. I have never made it past Duna in a manned craft.
  14. So, yeah. I held off upgrading, but now I'm contemplating upgrading to Windows 10. However, if it breaks compatibility wit KSP, I won't do it. Is anyone running KSP with Win 10? Even f it is in compatibility mode, I'm fine, as long as KSP works.
  15. http://www.wildheretic.com/there-is-glass-in-the-sky/ This guy's blog. I found this one day when searching for images of atmoshpheric re-entry. It's too ridiculous for me to do anything byt laugh at t. Other theories? The Sun is a lightbulb. Hubble and the ISS are a hoax. NASA fakes stars. The moon and planets are fakes. This guy, is the epitome of Fractal Wrongness http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Fractal_wrongness
  16. Yes. Yes. So many times I have suffered from LNS (Limp Noodle Sydrome) yet, the structural weakness is near the fairing, where I can not strut things. I would rep you, but I need to "spread some rep around"
  17. Very nice, but personally, I think it needs to be slightly taller and shorter.
  18. How does the radar receiver work? I have it on one ship, and I have another ship with radar and locking capabilities, yet the receiver says no data.
  19. MJ, i'm sorry to report, this has been broken by the latest KSP update. It can't get off the ground. It's a shame, both this, and your Eagle 1 SSTO looked amazing.
  20. I on;t know, maybe more wings? that seems like a lot of weight for just 2 Big-S delta Wings
  21. Well that's a shame. It was pretty good.
  22. "Umm, guys? I think the kerbals have gained self-awareness, and think that we exist in a game." "Ok, just remove it in the next update" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day, when Wernher von Kerman was playing HSP, his PC suddenly disappeared. "what the-" Then, Wernher and his fellow Kerbals instantly lost all memories of HSP, and went back to being subconsciously controlled by 'humans"
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