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Everything posted by TronX33

  1. Well, that's the design for the missiles for the F-22, so it's a pretty good idea, especially if you want to build something sleek and stealthy
  2. Never mind, I got TAC, and it definitely adds a sense of realism. Maybe this could be implemented into the stock game as a hard mode? I'm probably being a blind idiot, but what module makes patchkits and repairkits? I think I looked through all of the modules, but none say that the output is that, and nearly all need those to function. Any help?
  3. Can i just use this for the cool looking modules? I dont like TAC but I do have Kethane
  4. Well here's one, not sure if you already decided that was bad. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69212
  5. Finally... 64-bit... no more RAM crashes.... WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!1
  6. Just a random question? will this mod work if the capsules are all full? Would it work then by switching 2 kerbals? If it doesnt work this way, I'll probably still download it, but if this works like the way I just said, then I'm Definitely downloading.
  7. How do you install the dome thingamajiggy? it is a .7zip (well actually says .7z) Do get a file opener and open it? or do I do something else? Please help.
  8. So, I'm going to start a thread where people tell about the most glorious moment they've had in KSP. I'm going to start it off by saying that for me, it was when I first docked. I was so happy! Proving to myself that I can dock, I going to launch a a manned mission to the moon. Hope it goes well. *laughs nervously*
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