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Everything posted by TronX33

  1. Woops. Sorry, never knew there was another guys with the "Engineer" part in their name.
  2. Thanks for the info! It's really not as good as say, marex33's crafts, but I wanted it to be low part count, and I'm glad it still looks good to you! - - - Updated - - - - - Updated - - - I'm glad it looks good, I tried to make it look cool, and like the real one. Not as smooth as other builds I've found, but I believe this is one of the few built for 1.04.
  3. It's not the prettiest craft out there, but it still looks cool! Made it completely by myself, (but might have borrowed some ideas from the Soundwave, full credit for hidden intake idea goes to him). only 91 (90 plus one extra useless strut I can't find) parts, and it still looks good, and performs good. DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9jdk4b4l8djue8/F22.craft?dl=0 Edit: Inserted album properly
  4. Build the Hetzer, maybe? Or do you only do Soviet tanks?
  5. The problem with Ramjets and Scramjets is: the new default re entry heat. Sure you can use some cheats, but At high speeds in the atmosphere, parts start overheating and die. Basically the only way to get into space is pack on really powerful engines on light craft, go at a 45 degree angle, then use rockets to circularize, to avoid heating problems. Squad they give us a variant that is heat resistant with either ablative shielding ( like Space Shuttle), or really high heat tolerance (like the materials used on the SR-72 Drone thats in development. It goes at mach 6 at i think 4000 degrees either Celsius or Fahrenheit.)
  6. I looked through the thread, but did not find this for KSP Version 1.02. When using the decouplers, My Destruction FX starts, and the camera acts as if the decoupled part is still attached. I remember getting this glitch back in .24, but that was only with a ship with the petal fairing. Anyone know of a fix, or am I forced to use the stock decouplers? I was using the 2.5 m decouplers, haven't tested the others.
  7. I'm using two Screamjet engines from OPT, but I checked, they have symmetrical thrust
  8. Yeah, the plane in questio did have angled control surfaces and heavy ings, bu I strutted them together. I also made a version with straight wings, tails, and control surfaces. The effect still happens. I use TAC fuel balancer BTW, so I don't think it's the CoM moving to a unstable position. I appreciate all the replies though.
  9. It's similar, with yawing making it worse, but without any yaw, at that altitude, it just starts rolling. Its slightly like the diagram in the article, but the central body of the plane still roughly remains in that red circle, until I try and counter the problem, then it goes out of control. Doing nothing still eventually leads to spinout though. It just takes longer that way.
  10. So, using the OPT spaceplane parts mod, I attempted to build a not-yet-confirmed SSTO (by that I mean I don't know if it'll make it to orbit. Anyway, at around 12km to 17 km, it starts to wiggle, not side to side, but like small minute roll commands, but this happens ith SAS and without it. I'm playing with (don't kill me) stock areodynamics. This eventually gets so bad that I lose control, and spin out. I checked my thrust on my engines, and they are the same. I would appreciate any help. I ill provide .craft file if needed.
  11. Why isnt the engine FX appearing for me? Not in the stock version of this mod, or with HotRockets
  12. So, I've played since KSP 0.22, but I havent been playing lately. So, I just saw that one of my favorite youtubers (Jacksepticeye) make another KSP video. However, he said it is now a full release. He made a plane using SRBs, but a few seconds after the reentry effects appeared, stuff started exploding. Is there reentry damage now?
  13. Thanks for the help, I just decided to add an extra MK3 Monoprop tank (My ms is two cluster of 4 monoprop engines), and changed the wings from there, and it works very well. Changing to solved.
  14. Well, I can maybe replace my quad cluster of 1.25 m engines with 2.5 m engines that are heavier. I will change the thing to solved if it works. I have already relocated all my tanks to the rear, and the empty cargo bay is in front.
  15. I am trying to create a space shuttle, however, when I attempt to make that iconic wing, the CoL is way behind the CoM. If it will make it better, I will install NEAR, but not FAR. I am attempting to make a STOCK Space Shuttle, and am fully aware of KSO, so please don't suggest getting the KSO mod pack.
  16. OK, so if i clip anything, even without using the hackbar to allow clipping in editor, on vessel load, physics don't load. This is on both stock and modded crafts. I have one physics alteringmod, and that is Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. It says stabilizing physics load, but no physics is loaded. I will provide log if needed.(Include instruction, as I can only find it if the game crashes, which it doesn't. On KSP 32-bit.
  17. OOh... looks really good. Sadly, I can't make a SSTO for the life of e (tiny, witha single stock turbojet( however, iave b9 installed, therefore there is the "rebalancing". maybe too heavy. Is there a ratio of Kn of thrust to ton that I should be following?)
  18. I am experiencing troubles with the three bombs, the one with the airbrake, the 500lb one, and the cluster bomb. The first time I lunched KSP, they were there. I then proceeded to make a craft with them. Later, I booted up KSP again, and they were gone, and my craft was corrupted. I have for than enough RAM, with a 3rd gen i5, on x86 (32 bit). I would appreciate any help. P.S. to get the bombs back I have to completely re install BDArmory, however, the issue occurs again.
  19. I have a question, I haven't used active texture management since after i downloaded a 64 bit 0.24 ksp, but when I was using 0.24 32 bit ksp, with aggressive, The textures did not have a noticeable blurriness. Now, with 32 bit 0.25, using the download (not basic) The decouplers from vanilla ksp and some tanks and engines from KW rocketry that I have unlocked so far have really blurry textures. For example, the medium sized KW tank has a red splotch on the side that used to be less blurry something else. Wold basic do this too, or should I download Basic?
  20. Why is I seeing Module Manager 2.1.5? This was in the Navyfish docking alignment indicator on Curse.
  21. I have my station at 125k, my older one couldnt be completed as the 75k orbit for it caused me to accidentally de-orbit a module that I was going to add.
  22. Hey, I followed your launch instructions, but after about 15 degrees, the whole rocket flips over uncontrollably. Really nice craft, thoough I may have to use my own KW launcher.
  23. Hey, I followed your launch instructions, but after about 15 degrees, the whole rocket flips over uncontrollably. Really nice craft, thoough I may have to use my own KW launcher.
  24. Thanks, The 3 kerbal one looks really cool. Dreamchaser; Check CST-100 (my own, made with mod parts): Check SDHI Orion SLS: Check Now to decide if I want to get a SpaceX Dragon V2
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