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Everything posted by xXIndestructibleEVAXx

  1. yep. the user below me enjoyed the movie Gravity (I did)
  2. maybe in real life, but the game literally doesn't show an asteroids gravity because the asteroids are just big, ugly parts that aren't accessible in VAB or SPH that spawn randomly around Kerbin.
  3. Cool, can't wait. Does this mean that spacecraft will always have the same side pointing toward it's parent body, like in real life?
  4. Cool! Although, it looks like the description of the mod on kerbalstuff is outdated. It doesn't show the oval ovok nor urlum's moons. Also, that Slate looks REALLY good.
  5. ... I don't really think that this is the place for that. "2.2 Forbidden content Messages which contain, discuss or link to the following are explicitly forbidden: Copyright infringement or software theft; Discussions of a political, ideological or religious nature;" Then again, I'm not a mod. And now bold is stuck on.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_death_of_the_universe "The heat death of the Universe is a historically suggested ultimate fate of the universe in which the Universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain processes that consume energy (including computation and life). Heat death does not imply any particular absolute temperature; it only requires that temperature differences or other processes may no longer be exploited to performwork."
  7. It's alright, and you are right. Science is about making mistakes and learning form them.
  8. The Big Freeze (cold death) is what's most likely going to happen. The heat death (which is the official name for the Big Freeze, as you have the names wrong) isn't going to happen without ADDING more matter to the universe, which breaks the laws of thermodynamics, and the Big Rip is the second most plausible/likely one, but the Big Freeze will probably happen WAY before the universe can accelerate that fast.
  9. I think the universe is infinite in the sense that a circle is infinite. The universe is likely curved in 4d, so if you went forward far enough, you would eventually reach where you started. Also, LABHOUSE, I don't think that you can really reject the big bang on a scientific standpoint. It's difficult to think of any other way the universe could of began within the realms of science.
  10. OK. I was confused because (like you said) they only work with stock planets. But ok, good to here it's working, and I'm playing on the same OS as you, so hopefully we get the same results.
  11. Really? SO no way to fix it? That's a shame. I really don't want to abandon this mod. Do you have an idea which mod is causing it?
  12. Well, can you please try and fix this in the next update, Capt? Cause this kind of ruins the mod for me and a lot of people.
  13. WOW! you are on a roll with these! I think that you should go to Eeloo, but with less crew, to decrease the chance of contamination.
  14. Ok. I tried right clicking, didn't even think of left-clicking.
  15. While business men and naturalists might not like them because they're good business or not natural, I think they are good because they could solve hunger. Healthier, better, quicker-growing food.
  16. I have a problem where, with the launch clamp, I can't EVA or transfer kerbals from the launch clamp to anywhere. Is this a bug? What Am I supposed to do? Am I using them wrong? EDIT: Just removed the only mod I could think would cause something like this, connected living space. Did nothing. Tried Launching the crew in a seperate vehicle and driving them to the rocket to board the launch clamp, then the rocket. As soon as they entered the tower, they disappeared. Not in the capsule, and there was no indication of being in the clamp other than TAC showing their names. What did I do wrong?
  17. Incredible. You are the best person since ever.
  18. Suggestion: "What happens if you go into space without a spacesuit" A.) your head explodes B.) you freeze to death C.) you suffocate, that's all D.) your blood boils (answer is C)
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