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Everything posted by xXIndestructibleEVAXx

  1. rain and crafting, combined?!? CHEATERCHEATERCHEATER
  2. Quite a few, actually. They were mostly smaller ones, but with these mods now than get a new version and wait. Also, I did find another version in my computers trash bin, which was unused IIRC.
  3. Hmmm... I'm pretty sure I had a seperate install, but deleted it. I'm gonna go look in bin for it.
  4. Hey, I need a new, fresh install of 1.0.2, since I messed up my old install and most of the mods I use aren't updated to 1.0.4, and they've taken 1.0.2 off of the site. Thanks in advance.
  5. It has a periodic atmosphere of methane and nitrogen IIRC, that freezes and falls at periapsis and evaporates at apoapsis.
  6. The creator of Kerbol. Where is the north pole on Venus?
  7. Get Procedural Fairings. Not only are there inline fairings, but they separate in however many segments you want and they are persistent debris. If you don't want mods, then I don't think you can. Procedural Fairings:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512-1-0-2-Procedural-Fairings-3-13-bug-fixes-and-new-payload-struts-%28May-3%29
  8. Stock engineers can, they just need a certain skill level.
  9. Okay, I just did another test (before I saw your response) with an orbit of 145x125, then I burned down to 141x20, and came in with only a mk 1-2 pod and a chute. The highest skin temp got was 480, and the gees peaked at just over 3. Still no exploding. I'll download fresh KSP and try it out, like you said, and slowly reinstall my mods until I find the one that is causing it to not work.
  10. arkie87, I am serious. I posted 2 pages ago, he asked me a question, I answered, then he never replied back.
  11. lol yeah, but I've never seen myself. TUBM lives in a country other than the USA
  12. no. TUBM watches Mythbusters regularly.
  13. granted, I'll give you this one. TUBM has an allergy.
  14. nope. TUBM likes wears glasses (also, search HDEV on google. It's incredible!)
  15. nope. TUBM doesn't know about HDEV.
  16. no. TUBM has played Cities:Skylines
  17. the only settings I changed was when I made the save, and then I slid it UP to 120%
  18. Hey, I have a suggestion. When you take a crew report from a capsule, how about it plays a special chatter, like they're recording what they see? It would be small, but cool.
  19. oh yeah, forgot about skin heating. Still, Starwaster said that from a similar orbit the same ship was destroyed, so I don't know what's going on. And worse, this is the last mod that isn't working, so I'm so close, yet so far.
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