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  1. Are you using tweakscaled fins with FAR enabled. That may be the problem
  2. When you openly state that the Earth has two moons, the Moon and Minimus.
  3. I've been playing around trying to add in some more cloud types For example, high-altitude cirrus clouds I've also messed about with the volumetric cloud texture BONUS, in collaboration with Nutt007, Hazy Laythe with fog and soon to come, storms! I have a question though, is it possible to have multiple cloud "types" that use their own particle textures? I think it would be especially cool to have a cloud layer be the aurora and have a "plasma-y" particle, so you can actually fly through them. Btw, did I mention that this mod is great?
  4. After watching Gravity, I built a 800 part replica of the ISS. I then proceeded to blow it... countless times. Poor Bob.
  5. When I abandoned a defective station headed for Pol, I decided to evacuate the kerbals... But I forgot the lander was designed for Pol.
  6. Builds an awesome colony ship ... 0.22 comes out the next day. Why does this always happen to me?
  7. Yes... That might be the problem I think i got it working! Thanks!
  8. So I have been trying to run this server for a while but I get stuck with this error. I am running the server as an admin and have tried changing the Ports (http) to random 4 digit numbers. Am I doing something wrong?
  9. Very nice art! However, I think on the second picture, Laythe is a bit too shiny... Otherwise, it is amazing! Can't wait to see the other planets!
  10. Awesome! How did your computer not explode with that mothership egg? Also, YOU SENT A MOTHERSHIP FOR YOUR FIRST MUN LANDING! Wow, can't wait to see what's next!
  11. My first Jool mission was a station around Pol, equipped with an rcs lander back in 0.18 In orbit On Pol Sadly, it never came back home...
  12. Maybe for irradiated places like Laythe, Kerbals can wear, on a hot day (approximately 6 degrees celsius), a nice and cosy hazmat suit. These suits would be lighter, and more radiation resistant than normal EVA suits, but can't be worn in non-atmospheric environments, and have no RCS fuel... Also, would it be plausible for kerbals to survive in highly insulated hazmat suits on a cold Laythe day? (approximately -70 degrees celsius).
  13. Well personally, I don't like using stars when near a planet, because I want to emulate the exposure of the camera (like why there were no stars in the apollo landing pictures), but I'll try adding a space backdrop just to see what happens. Also... How did you make the lense flare on your pictures?
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