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Master Tao

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Everything posted by Master Tao

  1. Do you still have the quicksave? It would help to let others reproduce it, too.
  2. Moved to General Add-on Affairs, where requests for help finding mods are made.
  3. KerbPaint, which reportedly works to some extent with KSP 0.90, though not all stock parts are currently supported.
  4. Moved to General Add-on Affairs, where add-ons are requested. I'm not aware of a mod for Oculus Rift compatibility, though there was some success making it work through external programs in this thread from more than a year ago.
  5. This thread has run it's course. The more recent posts have been too off-topic or rehashing the same arguments to allow useful discussion. Feel free to consider on your own the current word choices in the game as well as their current and historical connotations, but this discussion has ended.
  6. Some more information would help. Start by reading the Stock Support & Bug Reporting Guide. The most important pieces: A copy of the Player.log after causing the issue Screenshots or video of the glitches Your computer's specs KSP's graphics settings Also, threads merged.
  7. Let's bring this discussion back to the topic at hand: suggested word changes in KSP.
  8. Moved to Support (modded installs), where help with mods is given. Also, provisionally tagged [support - Windows], but you can change that with Edit Post > Go Advanced > Prefix. The first place to check is the [thread=92229]How to Get Support[/thread] sticky, which provides solutions to common problems and will also tell you what information to provide to get help.
  9. Moved, or copied and pasted? Moving it keeps the same broken permissions. Otherwise, you'll have to narrow it down a bit. Can you reproduce the issue with just one or two mods installed?
  10. Yes, inquiring about the release date goes against [thread=30064]Rule 2.3e[/thread]. Sure, we all want to know, but it will be released when it's ready. Release dates are for games that have physical releases – SQUAD has the advantage of being able to distribute as soon as the update is ready. You can always run two versions, one with your mods and another that's 0.90. (Thread closed.)
  11. There are quite a few exceptions. The most likely reason is that KSP is installed on the Desktop, leading to permissions issues. Try copying and pasting (not moving) your KSP_win folder to someplace with normal permissions like C:\Games\.
  12. ... How many mods is that? I see well over 100 plugins alone. I have one suggestion: try copying and pasting (not moving) the entire KSP folder to a new location like C:\Games\ that has normal permissions. If that works, you can try to fix the permissions in the current location. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have to narrow it down by removing mods until you can reproduce the problem with just one or two. There are simply too many exceptions to get a clear picture of what's going wrong.
  13. There are a few possibilities. More information, particularly your output log, would help narrow down the problem. If you're not sure where that is, read the [thread=92229]How to Get Support[/thread] sticky.
  14. It sounds like you're running 32-bit KSP, so you want an x86 version, probably aggressive.
  15. Try reading the link Akira_R gave you: [thread=92229]How to Get Support[/thread]. Among other things, it will tell you where your logs are located.
  16. @Angel-125: You can cheat by using two parts, like the IR Station Hub. @p331083, ctbram: No, no fix for the creep issue. sirkut was looking into it, but is currently busy. And p331083, thanks for going above and beyond in reading back to see if the bug had already been brought up.
  17. That's different... Could you post a copy of your output_log.txt after causing the problem? If you're not sure where to find it, see the [thread=92229]How to Get Support[/thread] sticky. The other information requested there may help, too.
  18. Moved to The Kerbal Network. Any luck connecting since? Have you tried another browser?
  19. Duplicate threads merged. Also, it looks like the developers read the discussion of last week's DevNotes: There's a difference between ignoring and not actively responding.
  20. Check whether your navball is in orbital or surface mode. You can click on the velocity indicator to switch between Surface, Orbital, and Target relative velocity modes.
  21. Facile ungulates moaned jarringly. gigctenw Also: http://dave-reed.com/Nifty/randSeq.html
  22. That came up a couple of times last year. KasperVld's response is here, but as he said you can use codecogs to generate images of the equations to post. (Thread closed to avoid duplicates).
  23. @TimeWing: Could you post your log file please? It includes a lot of information about what's happening while KSP is running. The location depends on your platform:
  24. I believe Mac OS X chooses the neutral point for axes when you plug the joystick in. Have you tried unplugging, centering, and replugging the joystick? How does it work in other games? What other information can you provide about your laptop? Does the joystick work correctly in a fresh, stock install of KSP? Please also provide a copy of your Player.log. Read the [thread=92229]How to Get Support[/thread] sticky to find it.
  25. Indeed, clear reproduction steps will be needed to provide much help here. Start with this: does this happen with every craft, or only with certain crafts? If only certain crafts, what parts or features do they share? Can you reproduce it with a minimal set of mods? The exceptions seem to start in the pre-flight checks for part count, mass, and size, but there's not enough information here to explain why. NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject () at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AnchoredDialog.Terminate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSCVesselMarkers.ClearVesselMarkers () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSCVesselMarkers.onSceneLoadRequested (GameScenes scn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at HighLogic.LoadScene (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FlightDriver.StartWithNewLaunch (System.String fullFilePath, System.String missionFlagURL, System.String launchSiteName, .VesselCrewManifest manifest) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EditorLogic.goForLaunch () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EditorLogic.proceedWithVesselLaunch () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.Complete () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.runNextTest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PreFlightCheck.RunTests () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EditorLogic.launchVessel () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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