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Master Tao

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Everything posted by Master Tao

  1. Given the mods you have installed, it's likely you're running out of memory. The supported version of KSP on Windows is a 32-bit process, so it's limited to less than 4 GB of RAM. We can verify that if you provide a log as requested in the How to Get Support (READ FIRST) sticky at the top of this forum. That thread also has advice on how to handle the issue.
  2. @inigma: That would be a good question to ask in the Infernal Robotics thread, though I'd also suggest reading the last couple of pages: Looks like sirkut is thinking about integrating parts of TweakScale into IR.
  3. x86 and x86-64 (sometimes referred to as x64) are the names of the processor architectures. The name x86 dates back to the Intel 8086, a 16-bit processor and later the 80386, a 32-bit processor. AMD developed 64-bit extensions and called the expanded architecture x86-64. The top-level instructions for Intel and AMD processors are much the same now as then, even though the processors themselves have fundamentally changed. It's confusing because almost everyone playing games these days has an x86-64 processor running an OS compiled for x86-64, but what matters is the architecture KSP was built for. 64-bit KSP is built for x86-64, whereas 32-bit KSP is built for x86. Unless the fixes rbray89 made for the x86-64 version of ATM actually break something for 32-bit KSP, you may be able to use that version for both versions of KSP. Now, does anyone else have advice to help SWAGATRON stabilize her/his install? I think we've covered most of the good options: Try OpenGL to see if it breaks more than it fixes Install ATM aggressive, or change the scale setting Remove mods, or parts of mods
  4. @AcidEric: The Rework parts (link in the OP) include a free-moving hinge. Try it with a smaller rover first. I don't think it will serve your purpose because it pivots completely freely without stop points. I believe it's not possible due to Unity physics limitations – you can't have a part be both free moving and have stop points. @Leon26: When installed correctly, you will have a MagicSmokeIndustries folder in your GameData folder. If that's what you have, check with a new sandbox game since the parts are available fairly late in Career mode.
  5. <moderation>This game development suggestion has been moved to Suggestions and Development Discussion.</moderation> Stock water physics could use a quick pass even to make it easier to splash down or ditch. If you're open to mods, you might try [thread=105094]Better Buoyancy[/thread].
  6. The forums don't allow attachments, so you'll need to upload it to a website like Dropbox or Google Drive and then post the public link here.
  7. Odds are you're running out of memory, but we'll need your output_log.txt to be sure. Please read the How to Get Support sticky at the top of this forum.
  8. There's a link in the thread now.
  9. Yeesh. This was never meant to go on so long. As you may have noticed, jfjohnny5 hasn't been on the forums since those links were removed. Fortunately, the licensing and particular Add-on Posting Rule issue mean that I can reupload a fixed version: Here you go. The add-on content is unchanged from jfjohnny5's version 1.1. Author: jfjohnny5 Repackaging: Master Tao License: MIT (text included in download)
  10. This request for a light Add-on has been lightly pushed into General Add-on Affairs. You might try this WIP [thread=98250]2-Kerbal Command Pod[/thread].
  11. There's no need for starman001 to describe the problem differently because so many posters have understood it. Based on her/his last post, it looks like the problem has been solved and several other questions were answered in the process.
  12. No, other way around. You want the version that matches your KSP, not your OS: 32-bit KSP – ATM x86 64-bit KSP – ATM x64
  13. Glad you were able to figure out that OpenGL caused the new issue – as I said, it's unstable and not supported, though you could try reporting specific issues on the Unity forums. For ATM, you want the version that matches your KSP, not your OS: x86 is 32-bit and x86-64 is 64-bit. In other words, the x86 version of ATM was the right choice all along.
  14. I'm moving this thread discussing KSP's development over to Suggestions and Development Discussion. Unfortunately, I can't leave a redirect as they break polls. Edit: more technical difficulties. Edit2: working for the moment. Thanks to all of you for keeping this thread on mostly topic and civil.
  15. Since the OP for this challenge hasn't been online since August 2014, I'll shut this one down. Feel free to start your own thread based on this challenge. I'd also like to bring everyone's attention to Rule 2.5: Necroposting is not forbidden here, but complaining about it is. If you think someone has needlessly bumped a thread, just hit the report button.
  16. FAR, NEAR, and Firespitter all add flaps.
  17. Shh! Don't tell anyone. It's already in the game. In ModuleEngines in the part config, you'd want to edit the minThrust parameter. For the LV-T30, you could change the minimum thrust to 100 kN: MODULE{ name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 100 maxThrust = 215 ... I'd recommend using a Module Manager config to avoid making changes to the existing files, like this: @PART[liquidEngine] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @minThrust = 100 } }
  18. That's right, though you can also try deleting all the default configs in KSP/GameData/TweakScale, leaving DefaultScales.cfg and ScaleExponents.cfg in case other mods use them (IR does not).
  19. Indeed. It's Community Rule 4.3. That's definitely a rule we enforce. Sorry to hear you need a break, lo-fi. For the release thread, you might want to choose someone to maintain KerbalFoundries and have them post the release thread. Switching thread ownership is a hack at best and may not even be reversible.
  20. Fair warning: OpenGL doesn't work well for everyone, and it's not supported since it's a Unity feature. You'll need to run KSP using two command line flags: -force-opengl and -nopopup. The second prevents KSP from using true fullscreen, preventing an OpenGL-specific related to the current version of Unity.
  21. I don't know of one that specifically replicates the stock skybox, but it might be listed in the OP for Texture Replacer.
  22. Moved to Support (modded installs), where support requests are made for modded KSP. By OpenGL, Tidus Klein probably means to ask if you've forced KSP to use OpenGL, which can save substantial amounts of RAM, but is unstable and not supported. If you do try it, you'll almost certainly need both of these command line switches: -force-opengl and -nopopup. I second the recommendation to use ATM-aggressive. If those don't work, try removing various mods to see which you can live without, or post your output_log.txt in case it's a different issue. If you're not sure where to find that, please read the How to Get Support sticky in this forum.
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