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Everything posted by Tosh

  1. AFAIK NASA allows using their 3D model without a notice even for commercial purposes (just don\'t pretend you are NASA -- and you\'re O.K.)). The models I seen there already went with UV maps and textures... but converting them to Collada could really be quite an issue \'cause their modellers assign a texture to a material -- and several materials to one mesh. If one come overcome this cutting & scaling & colliding would not be a problem.
  2. I\'ve heard that node_collider must be convex but I\'ve never tried a concave one. Might you test a simple model with concave node_collider and tell here what happens? UPDATE. It\'s strange but I made a part with concave collider -- and it worked just fine. It neither exploded nor fell through the ground nor even became unclickable in the VAB. Am I doing something wrong? :-X
  3. In my opinion it\'s all about greed rather than security. But either way liberty suffers badly. How did your medication go? No no no America cannot do that! America gonna burst!
  4. Space cadets may RTFM this: http://www.scribd.com/doc/42019333/Gemini-Press-Reference-Book Docking mechanism is described there in details. And what concerns that cables... uh, I\'m not sure.
  5. There\'s one problem: even a minor update to KSP .exe may make these addresses invalid And if you\'re ever going to write to these addresses to implement some kind of automatics the game may gladly crash. I\'d rather wait for an API.
  6. Tosh

    I apologize

    In Russian language word \'????\' [ zhopa ] means \'an ass\'. And each time I see this \'SOPA\' abbreviation I want to say something like \'c???, ??? ? ????!\' (\'SOPA, go get stuffed up an ...!\') 8) To a moderator: yeah, I know it\'s harsh... so is the SOPA itself. No need to warn me, just remove this post if you feel like doing so)
  7. Congratulations on first release)) Well, a fancy hat would be just fine To get that idea you may import a standard one (you\'ll need to \'fix\' it afterwards as described in this topic). Or use a canopy of Gemini chute, it\'s created with Blender and will need no fixing. Yes, you have an author\'s permission.
  8. Yeah, that\'s not a rocket science. That\'s a lot worse )))
  9. \'Tragedy of the commons\' is called the \'tragedy\' exactly because each single person clearly understands that he must dispose of available resources wisely while the common as a whole just senselessly wastes all that it have. \'Resources\' here being the consumers of content.
  10. Huh. Imagine they all do it... and then US govt says \'Problem. Fucking. Solved.\' :-\ P.S. Google, Facebook and YouTube want their money too. So they will rather bargain till they they\'re dead than go off-line on their will.
  11. I\'m observing similar measures not even capable to \'censure\' something (that Russian campaign against book piracy, etc.). Seems that people just want moar money... and don\'t care that they\'re destroying their audience. See \'Tragedy of the commons\' article when Wikipedia goes back on-line. So I doubt these laws are intended to censure. But if they pass they will be used to censure, to destroy competitors etc. By some other people.
  12. [list type=decimal][li]Consider turning SHOW_CONSOLE_ON_ERROR = True in game\'s settings.cfg, it helps a lot . When I loaded your model it said \'Hull has more than 255 polygons\' and then discarded your too-complex node_collider. You need to simplify it a lot.[/li] [li]Move both objects to -0.5m by Z to prevent a part from exploding.[/li] [li]Measure node_collider\'s bottom point: press <N> to open Transform panel, go to Edit mode, switch coordinates view to Global (a button right under coordinates fields in Transform panel) and click a lowest vertex. Set node_stack_bottom to be a couple of centimeters below that point.[/li] [li]Aw, note that as you have your model\'s scale equal to 1 (see Scene tab in Properties window) you have to set Scale=1 in your part.cfg.[/li] After I did it the model worked just fined.
  13. Let\'s hope. I\'m afraid these laws will pass. Sooner or later. They just have too much money to spend on this matter
  14. Wut? Unaffected by wut? By numerous pleas against them for providing \'pirated\' information or links to the sites providing an \'illegal\' content? A question: in what country are ICANN and IANA located and what are the functions of these authorities? Everyone\'s affected.
  15. I second this. A couple more thoughts about \'books piracy\' which is constantly discussed in Russia. First of all, these \'pirate fighters\' speak about \'protecting an author\' while an author currently gets less than 0.5% of book earnings. Guess whom are they really \'protecting\'? And the second note. A publisher uses to talk about pirated book as it were money stolen right from his pocket, eh? A stupid son of a... female canine. If someone could not pirate books he would not go buy them. He would read less instead. Just win the fight against those pirates... and you\'ll not be getting more money. You\'ll get less. \'Cause destroying that free advertising mechanism that pirates provide will make less people know an author whose books you\'re trying to publish. Both notes are quite obvious and were widely discussed for last several years (not only in Russia). And -- finally here\'s that SOPA. \'Cause nobody fuckin\' cares >
  16. Can\'t click: some mess with node_collider. Is it concave? Explodes on touch: ensure that point (0, 0, 0) is inside node_collider. It\'s that point that triggers an explosion.
  17. ...or <Shift + Z, X, Y> to move/resize along all the axes except for Z or X or Y Moreover it also concerns UV editing. Another useful UV shortcut is <W> for \'Weld\' (stick all selected vertices together).
  18. I just tried to download and open, file was O.K. : Maybe some download issues? Check http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5521.0
  19. renamed) Though some problems mentioned here concern not only Blender, it\'s me not knowing solutions for other programs. Updates please?
  20. Recently I've stumbled upon a bunch of problems when learning to model for KSP. I think it's the time to collect all the solutions in one place. Feel free to correct and update! 0. I strongly recommend opening game's settings.cfg file and setting SHOW_CONSOLE_ON_ERROR = True. If something goes wrong with the part you're working on then at least you'll be aware of it. 1. Blender fails to import DAE. Open .DAE with Notepad and remove everything from <diffuse> to </diffuse>. (Thanks Epsilon). 1.1. Imported O.K., but I still cannot see some parts. Blender just hates whitespaces in object IDs. Open .DAE with Notepad and check all the 'id=...' fields. If some of IDs contain whitespaces then replace them with '-' symbols. 2. Face is shown in Blender but is invisible in the game. That's because game does not show 'inside' faces. Go to Edit mode and turn on Normals->Faces in the Mesh display section of Transform panel (<N> key if you don't see that panel), select a face under question and make sure the normal's pointing outside. Use Mesh->Normals->Flip if it is not. BTW ticking Display->Textured Solid switch in Transform panel helps to catch glitches like this. 2.1. Normals are O.K. but some parts are still invisible or not textured. Assign the same material to all the faces in your model (yes, material can be assigned to a face!). The fastest way to ensure that is to switch Properties window to Materials tab, then to select each object (not mesh!) and to remove all the lines that appear in Materials list. Then save the file and reopen it (Blender will remove unused materials), create a new material and assign it to each object (not mesh again!) 2.2. Btw how to make those 'inside' faces visible? For example, engine nozzle walls, or a parachute's canopy? Make a double-sided model. If you need a part with the walls (engine nozzle) then in Edit mode select all the faces forming a nozzle, then Mesh->Faces->Solidify, and set walls thickness in the Tool Shelf panel (<T> key). For the zero-thickness part (like 'chute canopy) I'd prefer just Mesh->Add Duplicate and Mesh->Normals->Flip. 2.3. And how to make parts of that wall transparent? Just draw a transparent texture for them! Note that the game supports only full transparency; i.e. parts with alpha value = 0 are fully transparent, others are fully opaque (yeah, I know that it's already described in the Wiki, but these questions use to go together). By the way, ensure that alphaCutoff value in part.cfg file is greater than zero. 3. Parachute's opening sideways. Blender solution: align parachute's canopy along an Y axis (as the game uses Y-up conversion), then in Object mode use Object->Apply->Rotation so that all three angles in Transform panel are zeros. After that you may rotate canopy back to where it was before to align it with the rest of parachute parts... just don't 'apply rotation' again. Technical Ben had a more detailed description; try searching for it. 4. Parachute's too thin when semi-deployed. In Blender scale canopy 10 times up, Object->Apply->Scale, then scale 10 times down (all three scales in Transform panel are 0.1), and don't apply. 3DMax users thank Deusoverkill for his solution: scale the canopy down to 10%, go to tools->reset xform->reset xform, then scale the model back up to 1000% and export. Also note that canopy oscillates around (0, 0, 0) point when deployed; it's a good idea to place parachute's base part around that point. 5. What means 'part gone on-rails'? In demo version, it means that the game stops calculating physics (including rotation, wobbling, engine thrust, atmospheric drag and so on) for that part. It happens with either x5 or higher time warp or when the jettisoned part moves at more than 5 000 meters from the command pod. Part goes 'off-rails' (i.e. game resumes physics calculations) with x1 wrap and a distance to the pod less than 5 000 m. Note that if 'going on-rails' happens in atmosphere then jettisoned part is deleted immediately (that's why you never get a 'splashdown' report from a booster you've dropped while being in stratosphere). Deployed parachutes also disappear when going on-rails (while FXes like engine exhaust or smoke trail remain). And as for v0.16, part gets removed at 2 500 meters (only vessel's label remains), and calculations for part-to-part interaction stop at just 200 meters away from the focused craft. The latter sometimes yields in ridiculous effects: when vessel's middle part goes destroyed by, say, a laser beam -- then all the remaining parts just hang in the air, and don't fall down until you approach that mess with a focused vessel 6. What's the maximum size for the part? 2x2x2 Km. If the part is bigger then the game scales it down. Thanks JellyCubes for determining that. 7. And how many polygons? 256 for node_collider, and no limits at all for a visible mesh. Though you should make a mesh as simple as possible 'cause complex meshes take really long to be loaded for the first time (when the game builds a binary mesh from the text file and calculates tangents). E.g. a mesh of 7 000 polygons takes several minutes to load -- and the game sometimes even fails to build the tangents file! In the latter case you'll need to manually delete part's /mesh folder and restart the game. And avoid complex meshes in future . 8. What to do with rocket wobbling? Just get used to it . No messing with gaps between adjacent parts, node_colliders or breakingForce/breakingTorque CFG parameters can stop a heavy rocket from wobbling. It seems that the game engine treats a lightweight part as 'soft' and a heavy one as 'hard'; so when a light engine (or decoupler) is placed between two heavy fuel tanks a rocket goes crazy. 9. Part explodes when it touches the ground. Make sure point (0, 0, 0) is well inside node_collider mesh. HarvesteR explained it in detail. Moreover make sure your collider mesh is convex, and it contains less than 256 polygons; otherwise the game will fail to handle this part properly! Thanks C7Studios for an explanation. 10. How to make a part undestroyable? First, set crashTolerance CFG parameter to the max (1e37). Then, do you remember that crazy point (0, 0, 0) from the previous question? If that part's origin ever hits something then the part explodes. And here's the catch: if the part's moving too fast then its origin may collide with something before part's node_collider is even taken into account! So node_collider must be really large for the part to survive an impact. Say, 1 meter in diameter for a 150 m free fall at Kerbin... And finally a bonus not directly concerning with KSP but somehow related to modelling. Should be useful 'cause Blender has an outdated user's manual which describes this matter quite poorly. Bonus. How to make a fancy render of the part I've just made with a texture applied? You've installed the lamp and the camera, loaded a texture into an Image editor and even see it on your model in the 3D view when Viewport Shading is set to Textured, eh? And when you press Render the model is all white? Well, you need to assign that texture to part's material. In Object mode choose Material tab in Properties window and ensure your part's material is selected. Go to Textures tab and make sure it displays textures for that material (there are already several ones in the list not having even a name; just don't think about them). Press New, select Type = Image or Movie, scroll down and in Image section Open your texture file. In Mapping section set Coordinates to UV, and Layer to UVTex (or whatever is in that list). Press Render again!
  21. You\'re welcome) I think these parachute problems need to be sticked somewhere. You\'re not the first to walk into it and probably not the last. Gonna do this after havin\' some meal... Oh BTW if you need an example of correctly working \'chute created with Blender you may refer to my Gemini pack. See signature.
  22. Forum search totally works. When I\'ve been having similar parachute direction problems I\'ve easily found this post: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4538.msg52205#msg52205 Probably you\'ll also need also the one concerning semi-deployed parachute size: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5465.msg68671#msg68671
  23. I know. But most of \'surface attachable\' parts just fail to attach to that conical parts, so I\'ll need to offset thruster\'s attachment point further from its collider. And then to adjust its visible model so that it won\'t hang in the air. And still to maintain some resemblance with Gemini while doing that stuff
  24. Let\'s say I don\'t want to do that. LFE or RCS versions are flexible and allow for many different usage scenarios, while solid retro is a single-task device: burn to reenter. Moreover, SRB cannot be neither switched off nor decoupled (it will just go on pushing the capsule), so to choose engine\'s parameters I\'ll need to know from what orbit are you reentering and where do you want to land (as did the real Gemini engineers). And woe to those who\'ll ignite that retro on some other orbit! 8)
  25. To be exact it was I who have said that *Sigh* attaching a box to a cone will require quite a mess with node_colliders. And attachable RCS modules I\'ll have to create will not be compatible with anything else. Ah, damn it, these parts are already not compatible with anything but 1.75m tank 8) Well, O.K., I\'ll do it, after finishing with glider. It has waited for toooo long)) Let\'s say, I\'ll begin working on RCS version... in two weeks. The version will contain: [li]chute,[/li][li]pod,[/li][li]decoupler without any boxes on its sides (different from the one in LFE version),[/li][li]ASAS,[/li][li]big RCS fuel tank with enough fuel to land on the Mun and get back,[/li][li]surface-mounted RCS thruster to be placed on decoupler with x4 symmetry. Roll control thrusters on equipment module will remain just a paintings,[/li][li]and a compact 1.75m decoupler to attach to NovaPunch tanks.[/li] There will be no LFE in this version.
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