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Everything posted by Tosh

  1. Eh, what? First of all, there\'s Addon Requests section in the forum; you simply have more chances of getting a positive response when posting there. And the second, AFAIK C7\'s currently working on a new release containing the whole lot of plane stuff, including wing and hull pylons. I hope it\'s possible to attach any tank to them. See http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5884.0 And as for me -- I\'m currently busy with glider.
  2. Wow. I want that airplane (or is it a glider?). We have only these ones here:
  3. Didn\'t plan to participate in this challenge, was just preparing to land this thing: But... still 19 meters. No RCS, LFE only.
  4. Deployable wings ain\'t implemented in the game . So I\'ll be doing some other stuff))
  5. Let me know of results when you\'ll get some (even if negative ones ).
  6. Thanks everyone Such a stack containing just everything (RCS thrusters/tank, solid rockets or LFE, decouplers and stuff) wouldn\'t be easy to assemble. Imagine 6-7 thin disks in the VAB panel looking just the same, with no means to tell which is which without mousing over and reading description. So it\'s either RCS without retro-rockets, or LFT/LFE.
  7. I\'ve heard somewhere that these digits are rather vectors than angles. So no matter the value in dX field, it changes not direction but the vector length. Try also playin\' with dY and dZ. P.S. Lately I\'ve played with \'em a lot but still haven\'t figured it out :\'(
  8. Yes, RCS-only craft would be more close to an original. But I\'m just not familiar with RCS (and especially with RCS landers) so in the beginning I\'ve decided to use the LFE instead. Maybe someone can rewrite CFGs to turn LFE into multi-directional RCS thruster and tune it? I\'d remodel the parts and release RCS-enabled version with that CFG (of course with acknowledgement to CFG writer). Why not landed? The craft has enough fuel to return home on its own. As for top attachment, you may easily do it yourself. Go to /Parts/gemParachute folder, open part.cfg file with Notepad and change a couple of lines. Add node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.42, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 to node definitions section and change attachRules to attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 I\'ll include these lines into the next release.
  9. Well, Gemini\'s finished (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6024), and I\'m back to UAV project. Hope this time it will be released really shortly ;P
  10. Thanks Sorry, no others in the nearest future. I\'ve unmanned glider pending
  11. Thanks Eh, which ones do you mean? RCS nozzles just painted on the texture -- or a main engine in the bottom? : Seems like Agenda can be done of NovaPunch parts. It looks quite similar
  12. [table][tr][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] H&S Tinkering Workshop proudly presents 1.75m Gemini Spacecraft version 1.0 Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to tell you that development of HSTW Gemini spacecraft has finally completed. Our most skilled tinkers have thoroughly re-created 1960's USA Project Gemini spacecraft as close to original as they could. However, as the space technology has highly advanced during last half of the century, we've been able to pack quite a set of equipment into the hull making HSTW Gemini a fully operational spacecraft capable of most orbital maneuvers. It's even able to land on the Mun (no lander legs needed!) -- and to get back home safely! An add-on contains: A parachute slightly stronger than a standard one which ensures a safe landing even in the mountains area, Command pod itself, A special decoupler, An ASAS module, Small liquid fuel tank with enough fuel to land on the Mun, take-off and get back home, Small and sturdy liquid fuel engine (survives a Mun landing at 3-4 m/s vertical speed), And an optional compact 1.75m decoupler to attach NovaPunch or Saturn V 1.75-meter parts to a spacecraft. As the parts are intended to be used together with no mixing with other parts sets, they all (except the pod) are installed into 'Utility & Scientific' VAB section. Download 1.8 Mb (must be logged in!) Warning! As it's a high-definition pack it may take up to several minutes to load it for the first time. Next loads will go smoothly. Sometimes the game completely fails to load a pack. If KSP does not start after 10 minutes of waiting go to KSP/Parts directory, locate each folder prefixed with 'gem...' ('gemPod', 'gemParachute' etc..) and delete /mesh subfolders within them. Then launch the game again. The spacecraft itself is rather light (only 5 tonnes fully assembled), so it may appear quite tricky to steer. Make sure to switch to 'precision controls' mode (<Caps Lock> key) after detaching the lower stages. There's no toilet on-board! Make sure to take enough diapers when packing up for a long flight. And as always, any feedback will be highly appreciated [/td][/tr][/table]
  13. An easier way: in Edit mode select all the faces you want to make \'double-sided\', then Mesh->Faces->Solidify. You can even set walls thickness in the Tools panel.
  14. Game does not show \'inside\' faces. Try to rebuild normals.
  15. Ah, I see. That must be the difference between commander\'s and co-pilot\'s chairs)) Or probably the technician has mixed the hoses up and charged Jeb\'s breathing set with N2O instead of O2?
  16. I suppose it\'s worth lookig for \'em in some other place 8). I still haven\'t seen a one here. And I\'ve looked thoroughly ))
  17. Maybe a bit old, but this is still in the 4th position when googling for Chuck Norris 8)
  18. Tosh

    Whats the harm?

    Yes, you\'re absolutely right (as well as those ones sayin\' \'don\'t drink\', \'work hard\' and \'be a good boy\' ). But consider that a) GPS constantly distracts driver\'s attention with these \'turn left NOW!\', and it gives a driver some sense that he knows where he\'s going... a false sense in some cases. So the situations when a driver (even a smart and accurate one!) finds himself standin\' before \'road closed\' sign, or in a clear filed with no signs of a road (with GPS still saying \'follow this interstate for next 200 km!\') are quite common. Especially in Russia where the maps lie most of the time Wha.... ROFLLMAO
  19. Tosh

    Whats the harm?

    What\'s about an old pair drivin\' rainy November night a road they were unfamiliar with? They headed to a river crossing which (contrary to their GPS told them) appeared to be a ferry rather than a bridge. A ferry not workin\' at night. In those low visibility conditions results were quite predictable. Both were rescued, car was lost. And what\'s about my former boss testing a newly released GPS map for his city and found himself about to enter a one-way road... in the opposite direction? Cop didn\'t want to hear anything about \'Teleatlas\' and \'the bug in the map\'. Now the guy\'s pedestrian... and no longer a boss)) You don\'t need to be an idiot (at least, a bloody one) to get a bunch of problems with GPS))
  20. Lander 0.5 currently available has a texture glitch. Use some image editing program (I\'ve used XNView) to convert all four \'lander.png\' files (found in folders Parts\LanderFueltank\textures etc..) to 32-bit PNG. Correctly assembled lander should look as follows:
  21. Errr... I remember this project, but I\'m currently busy with some job I\'m paid for . Will return to this one ASAP.
  22. It\'s strange, but Hidra, Safer and Triple chute worked pretty well with original models. Their creators somehow managed to get rid of this problem...
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