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Everything posted by MoridinUK

  1. Ok so things to learn, going too fast doesn't just mean exceeding atmo effic? Cos this thing never gets close to atmos effc! Yeah I am trying to just get to orbit and probably back, but I want to learn to do it efficently. When I start hauling sats and trying for mun I need to not be wasting stuff on the lift to LKO. I'm not trying to turn to 45 at 10km, I'm trying to turn a little at the time, but this rocket, if left alone with sas on pointing straight up, eventually starts to flip out. The only non symmetrical part is the comms at the back on top (and a Kerbal Engine computer). It kinda needs more attitude control... (and I need more flight practice!) I'll certainly be giving these ideas a try! and well all of the advice really!
  2. I try to do it slowly, but it needs a lot more than a tap every few seconds.. MECO is? Thanks for the advice, I think the thing is just too tall huh?
  3. SAS is enabled. I have some of the first fins they give you, near the bottom. I have tried starting very low, and at the usual 7500m, it still either flips out, or fails to get to orbit. Hence why i'm looking for a guide or vid that will tell me what I should be doing when. it's a basic rocket, one big booster, then a lt=30 wit 3x 200 tanks and then an lt-45 with 2 tanks. DV is about 3600 I know that doesn't leave a lot for error, but I can't get close to orbit. AP 90k PE, -470k is the best so far.
  4. Ok so the latest delta v maps for 1.04 and thus 1.05, suggest an efficent lift to 80km LKO is 3400dv. SO the problem is my flying. At the moment I can build a rocket with enough dv to get to orbit, but I can't get it anyway where near! I'm not pushing past at-mos efficiency but i'm not close to it either. I'm in my early career and this is my first time back since 0.9 so the atmosphere is er fun. I can't make good gravity turns, the rockets fly out of control and even Jeb can barely hold em. Does anyone know really good vid of a 3400 dv lift to orbit, using only the basic rocketry parts? (Actually I think I have it unlocked to the fl-200 tank and the lt-45 engine. I don't have the inline stabiliser unlocked yet. I know this is an easy question, but I've tried searching youtube and can only find vids of people doing it in more advanced rockets or in much earlier versions of ksp! help!
  5. Not sure this is a bug, but when my Alitomerty scanning sat ran out of electricity it carried on scanning! This was good cos I'd misjudged how much I'd need to complete my contract, but I didn't think the was how it 'should' work is it?
  6. Well I've jsut messed my game up completly. I built a ship to complete a scansat mission, ap and pe of 499km ish. I have only staypukic core so built this huge space ship (i've not unlocked any robocorp parts yet) that Jeb could fly up, and thus leave the probe in place and come back. I figured burn the ap up to the right height on ascent, then correct pe at ap with the core as I'd only have to burn forwards... Well it went fine, except my balanced probe spun for some reason... opps. and then I noticed that the orbit needed to be polar, but it never even crossed over the ksc... sigh... so I needed another 2000 dv or more to get it in place... I think I need to time my launch better! lol... wait till ksc is under the desired orbit... sigh... The reason this has totally messed me up is I spent out of money impriving the launch pad and the vab to handle more than 30 parts...
  7. Thanks for the advice, I found actually docking not too taxing, it was getting the Rendezvous that drove my head nuts. Back before I installed TAC LS I used to just leave em for weeks to meet! My attempts never seemed to hook up as neatly as Scott's or HMV's. Edit: Then there was that one time they got real close and as I tried to pull it off I realised they were orbiting in reverse directions... *facepalm*
  8. Thanks for that! I'm managing LKO now, but I'm in fear of what I'll have to design to get heavy loads into space, I guess I'll have to actually build my space stations in a modular form.. lol..
  9. I have to say that I don't think I have the time, I'm struggling to understand how to build my launch vehicles now, certainly with anything that looks like a payload. I fear I should have installed FAR yonks ago when I was learning the game full stop. Now I'm just so fed up with trying to get even to orbit. I mean I've done it, but I'm looking at the Mun contracts and pondering if I stand any hope of pulling it off. I guess I prefered needing 4500 delta V over building a aerodynamic rocket which doesn't try to flip over on re-entry... I've also found re-entry not a problem, the parts seem to survive as long as I'm able to keep the airflow relatively streamlined!
  10. Sorry I'm too dumb to understand this I fear... maxQ? and how big fins, and you mean the first stage (i.e lift off) not 1 stage, (the second from last?) as KSP numbers them in descending order?
  11. Ah some of this is seriously awesome! Makes Staging a great idea, pity asparagus staging is going to create way too much drag... (and I haven't unlocked fuel pipes yet either). I can put some of the first fins on (they are all I have unlocked) and I have managed to get it into orbit, but only just... Gravity turn.... hands off? Pilot SaS off then too?
  12. I have a rocket, with a 4100 atmos dv (KER). It is a tall thing, nothing out the sides at all, just two stages, the 45 gimboled engines on both stages. I can not get to orbit... Obviously I'm keeping atmos eff below or at 100% and I'm trying to use a gravity turn, but I find i'm having to be way to careful in turning slowly and letting the prograde marker on the nav ball stay near where I'm pointing or we go flipping out. My next try I think I'm going to go straight up and turn right once at 25km and out of the thickest bit of atmosphere. Any advice at all? When should I start to turn? I saw HMV (5th Horseman) started a turn almost off the pad but I couldn't keep the rocket straight! I tried reconfiguring with an extra two engines on the side and some extra fuel, but that was way harder to keep on target...
  13. I'm having 'FUN' with this, it is trying to run the update, but it does nothing, says depot config is wrong. I did play x64 for a shortwhile then went back to x32. Could this be confusing it?
  14. Just a quick question.. My steam is telling me that I need to update KSP to play, but it wont install any update. Before I do a full reinstall (grrr) is anyone else having a similar issue?
  15. So there is something wrong? Cos I didn't want to bother with uploading everything if it was WAD and I simply misunderstood how it was to work? - - - Updated - - - Ah I had posted in the old activestruts thread and got redirected here. This rather ruins my craft but I can live with that and use KAS instead. cheers
  16. Thanks for all the advice! This is an awesome community!
  17. Hi there, I'e been told this is the place to ask for help with the old activestruts mod? If so can anyone point out my errors with this below: When I place the autostrut parts on the ship in the VAB I get no options for grouping them. I hover over them and get nothing, left click removes them, right and middle click bring up nothing... What am I missing. I also wanted some of these to hold my payload on to my lifter but I guess I can't do that? They certainly did not link in the VAB or the launch pad either... That would be awesome thanks!
  18. Ah yes, what do people mean by part-clipping? I noticed that crossing SOI can be a bit odd and take a while for map mode to sort itself out...
  19. I had been looking at that, but the page is a little out of date in that it is still awaiting confirmation that many of the various Krakens described were still in 0.24 and 0.25. So I was confused (as I'm the hopeful type) If any of these seemingly random game wreckers are still in, then squad seriously has a lot of work to do before release... Edit: I was mostly wondering if there were any things to specifically avoid was all..
  20. So what is it and how do I avoid it and are they fixing it for v1.0! I did a quick search but I can't find anything...
  21. When I place the autostrut parts on the ship in the VAB I get no options for grouping them. I hover over them and get nothing, left click removes them, right and middle click bring up nothing... What am I missing. I also wanted some of these to hold my payload on to my lifter but I guess I can't do that? They certainly did not link in the VAB or the launch pad either...
  22. This has been awesome. I prefer the pics in the thread but you need your own thread to be readable for your self too! Excellent story writing...
  23. The Space Program was stuck waiting for the current missions to complete before beginning any new Kerballed missions. However, the unkerballed parts of future plans could be built and sent into space. The first such launch is Mule V1.0. This is a redesign on Tug. Firstly it has it's own Flight Computer, it also has a second LV-N to speed up those burns. The Nose cone was dropped and some auto struts added to the front. The idea is that payloads can dock on the front and the auto struts connect up to use the ultra efficient LV-Ns to shut them about the system. And at launch: And here it is in orbit, with a bit too much fuel left over lol: The next launch was rather mundane, just a refuel pod for tug: It was launched to rendezvous with Tug as she passed overhead: After transferring fuel the refuel pod detaches and burns for the KSC! Recovered for some cash 'Every little helps..' Tug was left mostly refueled and upgraded with a flight computer! Mule then sets up to meet Tug and top her off before she tries to burn for Minmus: But nope! The DV for the node wasn't dropping and it took me a long while to figure it out! When I attached the flight computer, it set the 'control from here' to that docking port! One I had set the docking port on the front as 'control from here' we could burn in the right direction... That is it as far as missions go but I have also been designing this: It is part one of a mission to establish a training base on Minmus. It has enough food for 1000 days with 6 kerbals working in there. It also have an O2 recycler and H2O recycler. It has two ore drills. The idea is that it should be able to build it's own base extensions, hence it can be used to build to grow the food required for a permanent base! It has been designed to attach to Mule and for Mule to shunt it to Minmus, where the bases own DV, 830ish, will land it somewhere near Ore, Water, Substrate and maybe Karbonite too. Once a training bases is set up, Kerbals can be trained easily to level 3. Hurrah.. Although I could just keep throwing them in and out of the Kerbal system, but I'm unhappy with how easily I lost Space Station one out of Kerbals SOI.... and how easily I messed up Training flight 201.... Mundane Missions like refuel pods will no longer be described in such detail. To cut down on boring pics! What do you guys think of the base?
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